The public service provided by the SPKT of the RI-RDTL border police has not met the expectations of the community. The problems are 1. What is the model of police service in the RI-RDTL border area? 2. What are the factors that hinder improving service efficiency? Research methods (mix methods) by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The research shows that there are 2 (two) service models: 1) The community goes directly to the police station and 2) Bhabinkamtibmas accommodates the interests of police services in the village/kelurahan. Base do the assessment of the public perception index (IPM) on the quality of police services, there are 4 (four) factors that affect the inefficiency of services; 1. Organizational structure; 2. quality and quantity of personnel; 3. service system; 4. infrastructure. The results of the hypothesist statistically show that all factors have a positive and very strong correlation, but the most dominant is the infrastructure factor (94.67%), to improve the dominant factors and in order to increase service efficiency, a website-based service model was developed. In line with the police policy to equip Bhabinkamtibmas with mobile phones (android) to support the implementation of their duties. The effectiveness and efficiency of the border police SPKT services have increased by 30.18% from the old model, where people have to come to the Polsek, from 53.5% to 85.6% when using the new service model (online) based on the website. This means that innovation using website-based applications is quite effective by contributing to an increase in service by 30.18% for 6 (six) months. The recommendation is to improve the system by reducing internal inhibiting factors, name lyre structuring the police service organization (SPKT), rationalizing the number of personnel, improving the quality of personnel, optimizing the service system by increasing the capacity, role, and function of Bhabinkamtibmas.
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