Journal Economic Education, Business and Accounting <p>Fokus dari jurnal ini adalah pada bidang pendidikan ekonomi dan bisnis. Terbit dua kali setahun, yang dikelola oleh Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomin dan Bisnis, FKIP, Universitas Nusa Cendana.</p> Universitas Nusa Cendana en-US Journal Economic Education, Business and Accounting 2829-5641 ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI DIGITAL PADA MATA PELAJARAN EKONOMI <p>This research tries to focus on aspects of the effectiveness of using digital technology media in economics learning for high school students. Apart from that, teachers are required to be creative in making optimal use of technology in the learning process. It is hoped that this research can provide recommendations to economics teachers to assist decision making in choosing digital technology media that is most appropriate to the economic material to be taught. This research uses a qualitative research design with the type of library research sourced from national journals that are accessed in full open access which are relevant to the topic of this study. Library sources used for the last 5 years (2019-2024). There were 10 journal articles used as main data in this research which were selected and analyzed according to the aims and objectives of the research. These studies show that digital-based learning media, including Android applications, Cobasa Applications, CBI, e-books and digital comics, are generally effective and interesting for teaching economics. Although their effectiveness in improving overall performance may vary and their use needs to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each medium, adjusted to the conditions of the school environment and student character. Apart from that, it is hoped that teachers will be able to develop other economic materials into digital technology-based learning media so that economic learning can be more effective and maximally absorbed by students.</p> Alfridus Mau Manek Agustina Butarbutar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 3 1 201 209 10.35508/jeeba.v3i1.15702 PENGARUH FINANCIAL LITERACY DAN FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR TERHADAP PERILAKU KONSUMTIF (MAHASISWA ANGKATAN 2019 PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN EKONOMI FKIP UNDANA) <p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of financial literacy, the influence of financial behavior and the joint influence of financial literacy and financial behavior on the consumer behavior of students class of 2019, Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Nusa Cendana University. This research method is quantitative. The total population is 125 students with a sample of 95 samples calculated using the Slovin formula. In this research, the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 27. The research results show that there is a negative and significant partial influence on the financial literacy variable and there is a negative and significant partial influence on the financial behavior variable and there is a simultaneous simultaneous influence. positive and significant financial literacy and financial behavior variables on student consumptive behavior.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, Consumptive&nbsp; Behavior</em></strong></p> <p><br><br></p> Riky Ridkar Taneo Ari Data Erika Feronika br. Simanungkalit ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 3 1 210 220 10.35508/jeeba.v3i1.15238 ANALISIS MARGIN PEMASARAN CENGKEH DI KECAMATAN ALOR BARAT LAUT KABUPATEN ALOR <p><em>The aim of this res</em><em>s</em><em>earch is to determine</em><em>tion</em><em> the size of marketing margin for cloves from farmers to users in Alor Regency, especially in North West Alor. This research aims to identify the most effective routes and determine optimal marketing margins in the region. The main focus of this research is to ensure large marketing margins for clove products in North West Alor Regency, with the aim of providing clove farmers with access to effective and profitable marketing routes.</em><em> &nbsp;This ressearch use a qualitative method with a case study approacth. Data collection techniques involve observation and in-depth interview. Result of the research conducted show that there are many marketing channels in the region, causing the price difference from farmers to final consumers to remain very high.&nbsp; </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: marketing margin, revenue</em></strong></p> Moh. Junus Bengkari Rolens E.H. Riwu Manu Yeheskiel Nggandung ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 3 1 221 232 10.35508/jeeba.v3i1.14607 PENGARUH MEDIA SOSIAL DAN SELF EFFICACY TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR EKONOMI SISWA KELAS XI IPS SMA NEGERI 1 KOTA KUPANG <p><em>This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Kupang City, Kupang, with the title The Influence of Social Media and Self-Efficacy on Economic Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students. The type of study used is quantitative with a causal associative approach. The sample in this research was 108 students taken using probability sampling techniques. Observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation are data collection methods. In this research, classical instrument and assumption tests were carried out and it was declared feasible so it was continued in multiple linear regression. The calculation results were proven to be valid and reliable for each questionnaire statement item. The statistical requirements test shows that the data is normal, linear and there is no heteroscedacity.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>The results of this test show that a significant positive influence was found between X1 and X2 includes social media (X1) with a calculated f value of 14.861 exceeding the f table of 4.81 with a significant level of 0.000, The influence of social media and self-efficacy (X2) are both positive, with a calculated t value of 2.063 exceeding the t table of 1.659 and a significance level below 0.05.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : Social Media, Self Efficacy, Learning Result.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nofi Rostanti Jacob Abolladaka Erika Feronika br. Simanungkalit ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 3 1 233 241 10.35508/jeeba.v3i1.15594 PENGARUH KREATIVITAS GURU DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DI SMA NEGERI 1 AMANUBAN TENGAH <p><em>The low learning outcomes of SMA Negeri 1 Amanuban Tengah students in economics subjects was the impetus for conducting this research. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of teacher creativity on student learning outcomes, the influence of learning motivation on student learning outcomes, and the influence of teacher creativity and learning motivation simultaneously on student learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 Amanuban Tengah. This research uses quantitative methodology. The research sample consisted of 98 social studies students from class X IPS. Applying multiple linear regression analysis methods. SPSS 25 was used for research testing. Results from research: (1) teacher creativity has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes, indicated by a significance value of 0.000 &lt; probability (0.05) and t<sub>value</sub> (182.273) &gt; t<sub>table</sub> (1.661). (2) The results of t<sub>value</sub> (4.029) &gt; t<sub>table</sub> (1.661) and significance value (0.000) &lt; probability (0.05) indicate that learning motivation has a good and significant effect on learning outcomes. (3) Learning motivation and teacher creativity together have a positive and significant effect on student learning outcomes, as evidenced by the significance value (0.000) &lt; probability (0.05) and the F<sub>value</sub> (40.097) &gt; F<sub>table </sub>(3.092).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Teacher Creativity, Learning Motivation, Learning Results</em></strong></p> Semuel Kristofel Abor Markus U.K Yewang Andri Paulus Loe ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 3 1 242 250 10.35508/jeeba.v3i1.14332