<p>ISSN: 2356-4113</p> <p>e-ISSN: 2528-6021</p> <p>DOI : https://doi.org/10.35508/jkv</p> <p>Jurnal Kajian Veteriner is a scientific journals was published since May, 2012. This journal used to be sharing information and communication about the result of research at Veterinary scope. Jurnal Kajian Veteriner publish twice a year at June and December. Based on decree of the Minister of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency number 177/E/KPT/2024 dated October 15th 2024, Jurnal Kajian Veteriner (ISSN: 2356-4113; E-ISSN: 2528-6021) has been accredited SINTA 2 since Volume 11 No 1 2023.</p>FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN HEWAN UNIVERSITAS NUSA CENDANAen-USJURNAL KAJIAN VETERINER2356-4113Molecular Identification of Babesia bigemina from Cattle and Buffaloes in Bogor District
<p><span lang="EN-MY">Peternakan merupakan industri penting yang memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap sektor pertanian di Indonesia. Babesiosis adalah penyakit yang ditularkan melalui vektor caplak dan disebabkan oleh parasit darah genus Babesia. Penyakit ini telah menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang sangat signifikan. Deteksi molekular babesiosis memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang tinggi. Namun, saat ini, deteksi babesiosis menggunakan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) di Indonesia belum banyak digunaknan, khususnya di Kabupaten Bogor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi Babesia bigemina pada sapi dan kerbau di Kabupaten Bogor dengan teknik molekular. Sebanyak 27 sampel darah dikoleksi yang terdiri atas 22 sampel sapi dan 5 sampel darah kerbau. Sampel diwarnai dengan Giemsa 10%, selain itu sampel darah diekstraksi dan dilanjutkan dengan nested PCR. Hasil dari pemeriksaan apusan darah menunjukkan 81,48% positif terhadap Babesia spp, sedangkan hasil nested PCR 11,11% menunjukkan positif terhadap B. bigemina. Berdasarkan jenis hewan sapi dan kerbau positif terhadap B. bigemina, masing-masing sebesar 9,09% dan 20%. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi dasar mengenai tingkat infeksi Babesia bigemina di kabupaten Bogor berdasarkan metode molekuler. Oleh karena itu, program pencegahan dan pengendalian terhadap infeksi parasit darah pada peternakan sapi dan kerbau sangat perlu dilakukan</span>.</p>Jyn Soong Qing WenArifin Budiman NugrahaHadri LatifUmi Cahyaningsih
2024-12-172024-12-1712216116910.35508/jkv.v12i2.17799Identifikasi Mikroplastik pada Ikan Lajang (Decapterus russelli) dan Ikan Tembang (Sardinella fimbriata) di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Oeba Kota Kupang
<p><em>Plastic waste in the ocean shows varying abundance at the surface, midwater, and sea floor. As plastic waste remains in the water for longer periods, it breaks down into smaller particels known as microplastic. <span lang="EN">This research aims to</span> determine the presence, characteristic (shape and color), and abudance of microplastic in the gill and digestive tract organs of Indian scad (Decapterus russelli) and fringescale sardinella (Sardinella fimbriata) obtained from Oeba Fish Landing Base, Kupang City. The organs used were isolated with 10% KOH for 48-72 hours, and after disintegration, observations were made under a microscope. The results showed the presence of microplastics in both the Indian scad and fringescale sardinella. The microplastics found in the gills of the Indian scad included fibers and fragments in black, purple, and transparent colors, while in the digestive tract, fibers and fragments in black and transparent colors were found. The microplastics found in the gills of the fringescale sardinella included fibers and fragments in black, transparent, and green colors, while in the digestive tract, fibers, films, and fragments in black, transparent, and blue colors were found. The abundance of microplastics in the Indian scad was 0.9 particles/ind, consisting of 0.5 particles/ind in the gills and 0.4 particles/ind in the digestive tract. The abundance of microplastics in the fringescale sardinella was 1.4 particles/ind, consisting of 0.9 particles/ind in the gills and 0.5 particles/ind in the digestive tract</em></p>Renata PriscaliaDiana Agustiani WuriLarry Richard Wellem Toha
2024-12-172024-12-1712217018110.35508/jkv.v12i2.17212Risk Factors Associated with Feline Scabies at a Veterinary Clinic in Municipal Pekanbaru
<p>Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang untuk mengevaluasi faktor-faktor risiko yang terkait dengan skabies kucing di sebuah klinik hewan di Pekanbaru. Sebanyak 1.168 kucing diikutsertakan, dan faktor risiko yang diteliti meliputi jenis bulu, tempat tinggal, populasi, status pemberian obat cacing, dan status vaksinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis bulu (bulu panjang vs. bulu pendek) bukan merupakan faktor risiko yang signifikan secara statistik untuk skabies kucing. Namun, kucing berbulu panjang memiliki peluang 1,08 kali lebih besar untuk terkena skabies dibandingkan dengan kucing berbulu pendek (OR: 1,08, 95% CI: 0,68-1,69). Kucing yang tinggal di luar rumah secara signifikan lebih mungkin menderita skabies dibandingkan dengan kucing yang tinggal di dalam rumah, dengan rasio odds (OR) 5,24 (95% CI: 2,74-10). Selain itu, kepadatan populasi yang tinggi merupakan faktor risiko yang signifikan, di mana kucing yang hidup berkelompok memiliki peluang 16,93 kali lebih besar untuk terkena skabies dibandingkan kucing yang hidup sendirian (OR: 16,93 95% CI: 6,81-42,21). Status pemberian obat cacing tidak terbukti sebagai faktor risiko yang signifikan. Namun, status vaksinasi menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat dengan kejadian skabies, di mana kucing yang tidak divaksinasi memiliki peluang 1,73 kali lebih besar untuk terkena penyakit tersebut dibandingkan kucing yang divaksinasi (OR: 1,73, 95% CI: 1,08-2,75). Studi ini menyoroti tempat tinggal di luar rumah, populasi yang tinggi, dan kurangnya vaksinasi sebagai faktor risiko utama skabies kucing di populasi ini.</p>Jully HandokoI Gusti Agung Eri Agusthusana
2024-12-202024-12-2012218218910.35508/jkv.v12i2.18872Kualitas Extender Komersial yang dikombinasikan Filtrat Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyhizus) terhadap Semen Babi Landrace di Daerah Semiringkai
<p><em>Artificial insemination with liquid semen in East Nusa Tenggara is still very rare, the Artificial insemination program is carried out using fresh semen. Liquid semen is generally stored at a temperature of 16-18 °C and lasts only a few days depending on the diluent used, for longer storage it requires the addition of antioxidants that can suppress the dangers of ROS. Therefore, this study was conducted to test the filtrate of red dragon (Hylocereus polyrhizus) in life semen diluent, which is expected to maintain the quality of spermatozoa in fresh semen. Semen was collected from 5 <span lang="IN">boars</span> using the Glove Hand Method with Dummy Sow. Fresh semen that meets the SNI is diluted with the conditions of spermatozoa motility >70%, spermatozoa concentration >200,106 cells/ml and < abnormalities of 20%. The research was carried out in several stages: 1) examination of fresh semen 2) preparation of diluent 3) preparation of red dragon filtrate (Hylocereus polyrhizus) 4) manufacture of liquid semen. The data were analyzed descriptively and in a Complete Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates. If there is a real difference, it can be continued with the Duncan test. Consecutive treatments: KO (fresh semen control); K1( Fresh semen control + semen life<sup>®</sup> ); P1 (fresh semen + semen life<sup>®</sup> + red dragon filtrate (Hylocereus polyhizu) 100μL); P2 (fresh semen + semen life<sup>®</sup> + red dragon filtrate (Hylocereus polyhizu) 200μL); P3 (fresh semen + semen life<sup>®</sup> + red dragon filtrate (Hylocereus polyhizu) 300μL); P4 (fresh semen + semen life<sup>®</sup> + red dragon filtrate (Hylocereus polyhizu) 400μL); P5 (fresh semen + semen life<sup>®</sup> + red dragon filtrate (Hylocereus polyhizu) 500μL). The results of the study can be concluded that the addition of red dragon phytrate (Hylocereus polyrhizus) 300μL in semen life<sup>®</sup> diluent has good effectiveness in maintaining the quality of liquid semen in storage at a temperature of 18-20 °C.</em></p>Nancy D. F. K. FoehCynthia GainaPutri PandaranggaFrans Umbu DattaTarsisius C. TohpianongHerlina Umbu Deta
2024-12-242024-12-2412219019810.35508/jkv.v12i2.19509Studi Literatur: Faktor Risiko dan Strategi Pengendalian Fasciolosis di Indonesia
<p><em><span lang="EN">Fasciola hepatica is the main species found infecting livestock. Fasciolosis is a significant animal health and public health problem, causing major economic losses. Epidemiological studies of fasciolosis in dairy cattle in Indonesia are still few and existing reports only focus on prevalence. Fasciolosis is an endemic parasitic disease in Indonesia and causes considerable economic losses. Efforts that can be made to prevent disease are vector eradication, namely eradicating snails through biological means, for example by raising ducks. Raising ducks biologically can reduce the worm population. Several simple techniques for controlling worm infections in cattle can be done by regulating feeding, timing grass cutting and making compost to break the life cycle of Fasciola sp. In general, dairy cattle in Indonesia are raised more intensively compared to beef cattle farms, which explains the difference in prevalence rates. In intensive farming systems, animals are housed permanently, limiting their exposure to parasite-contaminated grass compared to pastured animals</span>.</em></p>Acivrida Mega CharismaFitrine EkawastiArina WahyuningrumWalburga F. F. NaisaliMoch. Fardha SyawaludinTheresia Feby AuralyaSaski Dwi VebiayantiMaisaroh MaisarohDinda Herdiana RukmanaMoh. AlfaniZida Kamalia Afkarina
2024-12-272024-12-2712219920610.35508/jkv.v12i2.19337Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Rumput Paitan (Paspalum conjugatum) terhadap Kesembuhan Luka Insisi pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)
<p><em>Indonesia has the largest biodiversity in the world (Megabiodiversity), including Paitan Grass (Paspalum conjugatum) or what will hereinafter be called P. conjugatum, which is a forage plant for livestock (HPT). In several regions such as the Philippines, Kalimantan, Papua New Guinea and Manggarai, this grass is commonly used as a wound medicine. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Paitan Grass leaf extract on incisional wounds in white rats. The method used was laboratory experimental, using Paitan Grass (P. conjugatum) which was extracted using a maceration technique with 70% ethanol solvent for 3 days, and applied to white rats (Rattus norvegicus) which had been incised in vivo. This study had 3 groups, namely positive control (povidone iodine 10%), negative control (NaCl 0.9%), and Paitan Grass extract. The parameters for observing incisional wound healing in this research were the length of time, speed of hemostasis, wound color, exudate and crusting, and the length of time for wound healing which was measured for 14 days. Measured using a caliper. The results obtained were analyzed using One Way ANNOVA Tukey HSD advanced test. The results showed that Paitan Grass (P. conjugatum) extract was effective in speed of hemostasis (P>0.05) with positive control, color change in 48 hours, exudate visible in 24 hours, crusting and speed of wound healing (P<0.05 ) with both control groups, but there was no significance (P>0.05) between the positive control and negative control.</em></p>Andreas E. PoratMeity M. LautNemay A. Ndaong
2024-12-292024-12-2912220722010.35508/jkv.v12i2.17032Pemanfaatan Kapur dari Siput Hisap Terebralia palustris sebagai Zat Antibakteri, Pereduksi Amonia dan Kadar Air dalam Feses Ayam Broiler
<p><a name="_Toc169696436"></a><a name="_Toc169697749"></a><em>This research was conducted to observe the effects of chalk derived from the combustion of Terebralia palustris snail shells on the inhibition of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, its ability to reduce ammonia levels and to decrease moisture content in broiler chicken faeces and litter. The experimental design used in this study was group randomized design (GRD), with a total sample of 100 broiler chickens. The treatment groups were divided into 5 groups with different chalk concentrations: P0 (0%), P1 (2.5%), P2 (5%), P3 (7.5%), and P4 (10%). The results indicated that the different chalk concentrations significantly reduced ammonia levels in the coop (P<0.05), significantly decreased litter and faeces moisture content (P<0.05), and significantly increased litter and faeces pH (P<0.05), however, the chalk did not have antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus with an average inhibition zone of <10 mm except for Staphylococcus aureus at 10% chalk concentration (P4), which showed weak antibacterial activity with an average inhibition zone of 10.66 mm. The study concluded that the use of chalk derived from Terebralia palustris snails in broiler chicken maintenance positively impacts the reduction of ammonia levels, the decrease in litter and faeces moisture content, and the increase in litter and faeces pH, but does not demonstrate significant antibacterial activity.</em></p>Handrianus K. NahakMaxs U. E. SanamFranky M. S. Telupere
2024-12-292024-12-2912222123110.35508/jkv.v12i2.17896Korelasi Diameter Testis dan Berat Testis Terhadap Berat Badan Kucing Domestik (Felis catus)
<p><em>This research aimed to identify if there is a relationship between testicular diameter and testicular weight on the body weight of domestic cats (Felis catus). The samples used were 30 pairs of local/domestic cat testicles. Cats are fasted for 6-12 hours. Then the anaesthetic injection of Atropine was given at a dose of 0.02 mg/kgBW, Acepromazine at a dose of 0.2 mg/kgBW, Ketamine at a dose of 15 mg/kgBW. The testicles obtained from the castration process are weighed with a digital scale. Then measure the diameter using a digital calliper at the largest diameter horizontally. The parameters identified in this study were cat body weight, testicular weight and testicular diameter. The data obtained indicates a weak correlation between body weight and both testicular weight and testicular diameter.</em></p>Dian Ayu Kartika SariDesty AprityaMohammad Noor Rahman
2025-01-022025-01-0212223223910.35508/jkv.v12i2.17842Gambaran Hematologi 3 Bulan Pasca Vaksinisasi Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) pada Ternak Babi di Kabupaten Kupang
<p><em>Pigs are the most commonly raised livestock in Kupang Regency, offering various advantages over other animals. However, the growing pig population poses a higher risk of diseases such PRRS, which affects both respiratory and reproductive health. Vaccination remains a crucial method for preventing PRRS. Post-vaccination haematological examinations are essential for assessing immune responses, utilizing parameters like leukocyte and lymphocyte counts to evaluate vaccine efficacy and safety. This study investigates haematological parameters as indicators of physiological responses to PRRS vaccination, a relatively less explored area compared to other immunological assessments. The research analysed haematological parameters such as RBC, HGB, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and WBC both before and three months after vaccination. Blood samples were collected from 15 pigs one day prior to and three months following vaccination. SPSS software was used to analyse the data. The results indicated that haematological parameters remained within normal ranges. RBC, HGB, PCV, and MCHC did not significantly differ, however MCH, MCV, and WBC levels did indicate statistically significant variations. These results support the safety and efficacy of PRRS immunization by indicating that it causes detectable haematological alterations. This study underscores the importance of using haematological parameters as reliable indicators for assessing vaccine pigs reaction.</em></p>Yohanes T. R. M. R. SimarmataMaria A. GelolodoYeremia Y. SitompulMarsyella G. Sole