Jurnal Pluralis 2024-01-11T07:51:22+00:00 Aris Lambe Open Journal Systems <p>&nbsp;Jurnal Pluralis ini diterbitakan dengan tujuan untuk mempublikasikan berbagai hasil penelitian dan atau hasilpemikiran yang memberikan perhatian penuh kepada keanekaragaman sosial budaya masyarakat Indonesia. Sehingga dengan demikian hasil penelitian dan atau hasil pemikiran yang dapatdipublikasikan di Jurnal ini adalah yang senantiasa bergubungan dengan isu-isu multikulturalismemasyarakat Indonesia sebagai masyarakat kepulauan. Semoga kehadiran jurnal ini dapat memberikan sumbangsih dalam menyebarluaskanberbagai hasil penelitian dan atau pemikiran perihal masyarakat multikulturalis.</p> RELASI “AKU” DENGAN “YANG LAIN” MENURUT PERSPEKTIF EMANUEL LEVINAS (Sebuah tinjauan Filsafat Sosial) 2024-01-11T05:34:02+00:00 Herman Yosep Utang <p><em>The presence of humans in the universe has an existential meaning implies a relation of the self to the Other in a unity and wholeness (totality). In the perspective of Emanuel Levinas, the tie-in between I and the Other is the appearance of the self and the existential reality behind it. The countenance shows the process of the link between I to the Other which existentially invites each of me to be ethically responsible for being the guardian of others by letting others be themselves. The other (alterity) must not be reduced and alienated from himself and only carry out certain anonymous, pragmatic and instantaneous functions.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## First Impression (Kesan Pertama) Masyarakat Desa Kakor Terhadap Gaya Berpakaian Mahasiswi Yang Fashionable (Studi Pada Masyarakat Desa Kakor, Kecamatan Ruteng, Kabupaten Manggarai) 2024-01-11T06:34:19+00:00 Angelita Yeltri Egot Lasarus Jehamat Aelsthri Ndandara <p><em>The phenomenon of fashionable clothing is part of people's lives today, including female students in Kakor Village. The students appeared wearing hotpants, tight miniskirts above the knee, negligee/sleeveless dresses, and transparent clothing. This reaped a lot of impressions from the local community. The purpose of this research is to determine the impression of the people of Kakor Village on female students' clothing styles, and the factors that influence the public's impression of female students. The theory used in this research is social judgment theory. The impression itself cannot be separated from the observer's basic knowledge about something. As social assessment theory explains, when someone analyzes a message, they have a perception as a reference point, so the message will be seen from two sides, namely acceptance (assimilation effect) and rejection (contrast effect). This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach, with data collection using observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The technique for determining informants is through purposive sampling. There were 12 informants in this study, with 9 key informants (community and community leaders) and 3 supporting informants (students). The results of the research show that the public's impression of female students' clothing styles is that they do not understand traditional values, are not good children, do not understand religious teachings, are disappointed, and show contemporary civilization. The impression conveyed is predominantly negative (rejecting). Several factors influence society's female students' clothing styles, namely the map of society's thoughts about women, culture and religion. The advice that the author recommends for society is that a perspective should not corner one party and judge someone not only by what they see. For female students, they should be critical in consuming popular products so that they are in harmony with up-to-date attitudes and the embodiment of local values.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN ANTARA MATA KULIAH KEWIRAUSAHAAN DENGAN MINAT BERWIRAUSAHA MAHASISWA ANGKATAN 2019, PROGRAM STUDI SOSIOLOGI, FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK, UNIVERSITAS NUSA CENDANA 2024-01-11T06:44:31+00:00 Yohana Tiu Hildigardis M.I. Nahak Christine E. Meka <p><em>The purposes of this study are: 1. To find out how the entrepreneurship course at Nusa Cendana University, especially in the Sociology study program, is conducted. 2. To find out the interest of sociology students in entrepreneurship. 3. To find out the relationship between entrepreneurship courses and students' interest in entrepreneurship in the Sociology study program at Nusa Cendana University. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. This study aims to explain, describe or describe existing phenomena using numbers. The theory used in this study is the neo-classical economic growth theory, in which this theory puts forward the idea that individual freedom runs fully and government interference in economic life should be kept to a minimum. The number of respondents in this study were 84 students. The results of the correlation test show that the entrepreneurship subject variable (X) has a relationship or correlation with student interest in entrepreneurship (Y). Based on the results of the correlation test, it can be concluded that the entrepreneurship course (X) has a positive effect on the interest in entrepreneurship of sociology students (Y) in the 2019 class, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Undana, which is indicated by a value of 0.000, this means that the significance value is 0, 05 and the person correlation is positive. If the correlation is positive, then the entrepreneurship courses in the sociology study program are optimal enough to increase students' interest in entrepreneurship. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the entrepreneurship course (X) has a relationship or correlation with student interest in entrepreneurship (Y). This interest in entrepreneurship is needed so that students are able to compete in the world of work after graduating from university. Therefore the role of entrepreneurship courses is very important in fostering interest and forming entrepreneurial character from students to face the challenges of the world of work</em><em>.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGELOLAAN KONFLIK SOSIAL DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL MASYARAKAT ARKIPELAGO: PERAN ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK DAN KAJIAN SOSIOLOGI 2024-01-11T07:08:15+00:00 Hildigardis M.I. Nahak Aelsthri Ndandara <p><em>Social conflict is a phenomenon that often occurs in society. However, appropriate and effective management of social conflict is very important for the survival of a harmonious and peaceful society. In the context of archipelago, local community wisdom can be used as a tool to manage social conflict appropriately and effectively. This article discusses the role of public administration and sociological studies in managing social conflict by utilizing the local wisdom of the people in archipelago. Public administration is responsible for determining and implementing public policies, including policies for managing social conflict. Sociological studies provide an understanding of the social dynamics of society and the factors that trigger social conflict. According to Karl Marx, social conflict cannot be avoided, but with proper management, social conflict can be turned into an opportunity to strengthen social relations and improve the welfare of society.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERILAKU CYBERSEX DI MEDIA SOSIAL FACEBOOK (Analisis Wacana pada Akun Grup “Cerita Bikin Basah”) 2024-01-11T07:21:47+00:00 Makaria Asriana Hadia Hotlif A. Nope Susana C. L. Pellu <p><em>Social Media is online or online media that is used as a means of social interaction on the internet. The positive impact of using social media is that people can easily carry out activities on social media, such as communicating or interacting to providing information or content in the form of photo and video writing, along with increasing use of social media there are also negative impacts, one of which is cybersex. Cybersex is anything posted on social media, be it in the form of writing, pictures, videos, or statuses that mix sexually. The formulation of the problem in this research is what is the meaning of the language of status updates for group members "makes stories wet" on the Facebook application. The purpose of this study is to analyze the meaning of language from the status uploads of group members "makes us wet stories" on the Facebook application. The theory used in this study is the discourse analysis theory of Teun Van Dijk. The method in this research is qualitative with explanatory research. The technique used in this study was purposive sampling and the number of informants in this study was 32 people. The criteria for the selected informants were: 19 members of the "make it wet story" group who actively shared status and 13 members of the make it wet story group commented on status. The results of this study indicate that the status and comments of the members of the "story makes wet" group, the use of language meaning related to Van Dijk's discourse analysis, especially from the thematic, schematic, syntactic and semantic points of view describe the existence of sexual desire or lust which leads to sexual deviance by cybersex offenders, based on Van Dijk's discourse analysis on the meaning of language related to discussion in the group account "stories make you wet" has sections related to cybersex behavior such as sex chat, sex phone, sex video calls and tells in the form of a chronological status having sex. In addition, the discussion in the group "the story makes you wet" the group members use words and sentences that are irregular and are inviting or lead to deviant things, namely cybersex. The use of these words shows that group members are both cybersex offenders. The advice given is: For people who use social media, they should use the Facebook application according to its function, people should understand ethics in using social media such as being wise in using Facebook. Entities in Indonesia that monitor internet usage must be more careful so that sites that allow access to cybersex are quickly blocked. Family institutions and educational institutions are required to provide sex education from an early age in accordance with the level of demands for sex education, and through character building so that children know what is good and what is not good in physical control when growing up.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## NILAI SOSIAL BUDAYA RAGA RANDANG (Studi Sosiologis Pada Masyarakat Desa Wue Kecamatan Wolomeze Kabupaten Ngada) 2024-01-11T07:34:23+00:00 Yuni Klotilda Naro Blajan Konradus Christine E. Meka <p><em>This research is entitled "<strong>Socio-Cultural Values of Raga Randang (Sociological Study on the Community of Wue Village, Wolomeze District, Ngada Regency)". </strong>The problem in this study is what are the socio-cultural values contained in the traditional ceremony of Raga Randang in Wue Village, Wolomeze District, Ngada Regency? Therefore, we can conclude that the aim of this study is to find or reveal the socio-cultural values contained in the traditional ceremony of Raga Randang in Wue Village, Wolomeze District, Ngada Regency. This research used the theory of action from Talcott Parsons which the method was included was qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques after doing interviews with related respondents and data collection through documentation. Although initially planned to use observation techniques, no traditional ceremonial activities of Raga Randang were found during field research. Therefore, observation techniques could not be implemented in this research. The informants in this study amounted to 5 people consisting of 1 Traditional Chairman (Dor), 1 Community Leader, 1 LPA Chairman and 2 Indigenous Elders, who had an important role and knew about the traditional ceremony of Raga Randang. The results of this study indicate that the tradition of Raga Randang is still being maintained by the community of Wue Village which is a heritage passed down from generation to generation with the aim of picking up guests of honor and giving life to the people of Wue Village such as building roads and other infrastructures. The implementation of the Raga Randang traditional ceremony consists of three stages. The first stage is preparation, which involves a discussion (Reze Nanggur) and the lowering of the gong (Wau Gong). The second stage is the execution, which begins with the hanging of symbolic objects (Keu Kanggong) and traditional prayers (Pintu Manuk). The final stage involves the procession of escorting (Podo) and hanging the gong (Teong Gong). The values contained in the Raga Randang tradition are 1). Mutual cooperation, 2). Religious, 3). Deliberation for consensus, 4). hospitality, 5). Appreciation, and 6). Continuity. The researcher suggests that traditional chairman and indigenous elders provide cultural education to the younger generation, especially about what traditional ceremonial traditions Raga Randang is, so that its meaning and value will not be lost at any time and also for the entire community of Wue Village to jointly guard and maintain the Raga Randang traditional ceremonial tradition as a means of picking up guests of honor.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLOGI TENTANG KEPULAUAN 2024-01-11T07:44:52+00:00 Christine E. Meka Jim Briand Kolianan Jeni M. Ataupah <p><em>Islands as a geographical entity have unique characteristics in terms of social interaction, social change and identity construction. In this article, a sociological approach is used to discuss these issues in an island context. Social exchange theory is used to describe social interactions between islands, including economic, cultural, and social exchanges between geographically separated islands. In addition, modernization and social construction theories are used to analyze social change and identity construction in islands, including the influence of globalization, modernization, and local factors in shaping the identity of island communities. In an island context, issues such as migration, mobility, cultural diversity and social resilience become an important focus in a sociological perspective. This article also explores concepts such as third space, geographical imagination, and social identity in understanding social phenomena in the islands. In its conclusion, this article emphasizes the importance of adopting a sociological approach in understanding the complexity of social interactions, social change, and identity construction in islands as a unique geographical entity.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KAJIAN SOSIOLOGIS MASALAH ANAK DAN REMAJA DAN KELUARGA SEJAHTERA 2024-01-11T07:51:22+00:00 Aris Lambe <p><em>Sociologically adolescent is a shift between childhood to adult. Adolescent at this point is very easily influenced by their surroundings outside our neighborhood is called unmature mind. Family is a small unit &nbsp;in a society, consist of father, mother, and children. Father is a figure inside a family that will become a facilty and protection for family, a supervisor function. Mother as the observer of family development by individual or group. Mothers figure is also construct love inside family and develope it into a family solidarity so it become social integrity inside family. Guiding children inside family by long time socialization and require preseverance to watch over childrens development.</em></p> 2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##