Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS)2024-07-25T02:49:35+00:00Beatriks N. Journal Systems<p>Early Childhood Education and Development Studies ECEDS is one of the early childhood education journals that publishes, research articles, field study reports, case study reports, literature reviews at local, national and international levels. Articles published in this journal are original articles that have never been published in any journal. The purpose of the ECEDS Journal is as a forum to disseminate constructive information for the advancement of early childhood education. Articles that will be published contain information and issues that are up to date in accordance with the development of children in early childhood education.</p> <p>The scope of the articles contained in ECEDS is focused on, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Nutrition and Health, Child Development Psychology, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Policy, Early Childhood Care, Early Childhood Learning (Approaches, Models, Media, Strategies, Methods), Early Childhood Education Management, Education with Special Needs, Law and Early Childhood Protection.</p> Childhood Sexual Education in Preventing Sexual Violence at Kasih Yobel Christian Kindergarten and Generasi Unggul Christian Kindergarten in Kupang City2024-07-23T07:59:51+00:00Fenta Imelda Sollefenntasolle@gmail.comVanida<p><sub>The rise in cases of sexual violence against minors is very worrying. The aim of the research is to describe how to plan, implement and evaluate sex education at the Kasih Jubilee Christian Kindergarten and the Generation Superior Christian Kindergarten in Kupang City. The research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected using interviews and documentation. The validity of the data uses triangulation and is analyzed using the Miles and Huberman interactive model. The research results show that; Teacher planning uses the 2013 curriculum as a guide in preparing RPPM/RPPH, preparing laptop media, speakers, LCD and children's worksheet books. The implementation of sex education is centered on children and teachers where teachers teach gender differences, body parts and their functions, maintaining personal hygiene, knowing what touch is allowed and what is not allowed, and what to do if someone tries to hold it. This is delivered using singing, question and answer, puzzle methods. , lectures, coloring, collage, and role playing. Evaluation uses anecdotal notes, checklists and children's work.</sub></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Influencing Class Rules in Improving Early Childhood Discipline in Siloam Christian Kindergarten Kota Baru Kupang2024-07-23T07:59:51+00:00Oktavianus Arminarminokto@gmail.comKristin N.<p>This study aims to determine what are the factors that influence the classroom rules applied in improving early childhood discipline in Siloam Christian Kindergarten Kota Baru, Kupang City. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects used were two-person class teachers at Siloam Christian Kindergarten in Kota Baru. Data collection techniques use interview and observation techniques. The results showed that the factors that influence classroom rules are teachers and parents. Teacher and parent factors can be both supporting and inhibiting factors. The teacher's factor in favor of classroom rules is the teacher's knowledge and consistency. The inhibiting factor of being a teacher is teacher delay. The parental factor in supporting the implementation of class rules is applying rules at home. Meanwhile, the parental factor that hinders class rules is inconsistency in applying home rules. Class rules at Siloam Christian Kindergarten Kota Baru Kupang City are well implemented and able to improve early childhood discipline, in implementing classroom rules to improve children's discipline through habituation methods using image media pasted on the classroom wall.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## of Parenting Patterns for Physical Growth and Development of Stunted Toddlers in Boru Kedang Village, Wulanggitang District, East Flores Regency2024-07-23T07:59:52+00:00Adelfina Sarni Borukadelfinaboruk@gmail.comSartika Nama<p>Analisis Pola Asuh Orangtua Bagi Tumbuh Kembang Fisik Pada Balita <em>Stunting </em>Di Desa Boru Kedang Kecamatan Wulanggitang Kabupaten Flores Timur”. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Pola Asuh Orangtua Bagi Tumbuh Kembang Fisik Pada Balita <em>Stunting </em>Di Desa Boru Kedang Kecamatan Wulanggitang Kabupaten Flores Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskritif teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi wawancara,dan dokumentasi . Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan teknik triangulasi untuk menentukan informan penelitian. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah tujuh orangtua yang memiliki balita stunting Di Desa Boru Kedang Kecamatan Wulanggitang Kabupaten Flores Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa oranga yang memiliki balita stunting menerapkan 4 jenis pola asuh diantaranya 1) pola asuh otoriter , 2) pola asuh demokratis , 3 pola asuh permisif), dan 4 pola asuh lalai. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa orangtua tidak hanya menggunakan satu jenis pola asuh namun ke empat jenis pola asuh diterapkan. </p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Involvement in Learning Activities Based on Independent Learning at Kurnia Playgroup2024-07-23T07:59:52+00:00Sartika Kalemozaikpro@gmail.comKarlian J. Gregori<p>The purpose of this study is to describe specifically about the process of parental involvement in independent learning-based learning activities. Located in the Kurnia Playgroup, this study involved three parents as the main informant and one teacher as a supporting informant. Data collection using interview techniques carried out for three days and checking the validity of data using source triangulation techniques. After the data is collected, it is coded and five themes are assigned. The results obtained are forms of involvement such as guidance in doing tasks at home, intracurricular activities at school and extracurricular; parents are involved when teachers are on duty outside of school or out of town, during long holidays, at the beginning, middle and end of the semester, and are involved two or three times a week; the parties involved are mother, father and grandmother; Obstacles in parental involvement are children who are less enthusiastic or children's abilities are less prominent when guided by parents; and parents feel happy and trusted when involved.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project in Driving Schools in Alor Regency2024-07-23T07:59:53+00:00Engelbertus Nggalu Balikraenkangel@gmail.comCornelia Theresia Asamalcorneliatheresiaasamal@gmail.comVanida<p>The objective of this research is to observe the transformation of the campus teaching program in strengthening the Pancasila student profile in early childhood education. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data was collected through observations and interviews with 3 principals and 1 teacher in 4 driving schools. The research results show that P5 activities are adjusted to local culture through enjoyable methods such as mother tongue learning, mangrove planting, and art performances. The projects produced include school gardens, flag ceremonies, and art performances. The learning media used include P5 teaching modules, loose parts media, digital media, and specialized media. The challenges faced include media limitations, unstable electricity and network conditions, and teachers' understanding of modules and assessments. The solutions include workshops, the independent teaching platform, and training in making media</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementing Positive Discipline for Leading Principals in Alor Regency2024-07-25T02:49:35+00:00Credo Gregori Bettycredobetty@gmail.comEngelbertus Nggalu Nama Kotenangelikuskoten@gmail.comSartika Novyani K.<p>The Sekolah Penggerak Program launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia aims to improve the quality of education by accelerating schools to become drivers of positive change. This program focuses on the development of students' literacy, numeracy, and character through training for principals and teachers. Its implementation is carried out through stages of preliminary studies, method identification, workshops, and evaluation. The main challenges in this program include teachers' lack of understanding of the Independent Curriculum and limited facilities. However, ongoing training and support from school leaders are crucial for the program's success. The results show an increase in the competence of teachers and principals in implementing the curriculum, which positively impacts the quality of education and student learning outcomes. This program is expected to be a catalyst for transforming the education system in Indonesia, creating an inclusive and high-quality educational ecosystem.</p>2024-07-25T02:48:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##