Evaluasi Aspek Kenyamanan Visual pada Bangunan Perniagaan Ditinjau dari Aspek Pencahayaan (Studi Kasus: Sumurboto Stationery Semarang)
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The lighting conditions influence visual comfort in a building in the room. Visual comfort should be felt in all buildings, including book and stationery stores. Therefore, a study was conducted to assess the lighting intensity of the Sumurboto Stationery building. Quantitative methods are used in this study, with data collection stages carried out at 08.00, 13.00, 16.00, and 19.00. Obtained data are processed regarding SNI 03-2396-2001 and SNI 03-6575-2001. The results that can be concluded from the study are that the average lighting intensity in the Sumurboto Stationery building still needs to reach the SNI standard for book and stationery stores, namely 300 lux. This is attributed to various factors, namely light sources being blocked by the various items on display, the inadequate positioning of light sources, and the type of lights being used, which need to be revised to illuminate the entire building rooms.