Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Sistem Penghawaan dan Pencahayaan Rumah Tinggal di Dusun Pucung, Situs Purbakala Sangiran, Jawa Tengah
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Traditional houses are commonly built by considering experiences, customs, and social values that applied in certain community. One of which is a traditional house at Pucung Sub-Village, Central Java, that has distinctive air circulation and lighting system. These distinctions are interesting to be observed, particulary on the influencing factors of air circulation and lighting system at community’s traditional houses at Pucung Sub-Village. This research will use data collection in qualitative-descriptive methods, i.e. field observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. There are five factors that influence the distinction of houses’ air circulation and lighting system at Pucung Sub-Village: (1) the use of building materials, (2) structure and construction, (3) windows, door, and ventilation availability, (4) activity and the space function within house, and (5) the house location.