Gerbang Wacana dan Rancang Arsitektur2024-11-16T11:41:45+00:00Linda Welmintje Journal Systems<p><a title="Website Gewang" href=""><img src="/RujUxYuks/site/images/ngurah/Baner_Jurnal_Gewang_Vol1_No1_April_2019_PNG5_Small7.png"></a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Gewang: Gerbang Wacana dan Rancang Arsitektur</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah dalam bidang arsitektur yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Sains dan Teknik, Universitas Nusa Cendana. Jurnal ini merupakan media publikasi hasil perancangan dan penelitian dalam bidang arsitektur, permukiman, dan rancang kota. Artikel yang masuk akan melalui proses <em>review </em>oleh editor dan <em>reviewer </em>jurnal sebelum dipublikasikan. Jurnal terbit secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun, setiap bulan April dan Oktober (E-ISSN 2714-7118 dan P-ISSN 2686-6072). Kami mengundang para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan masyarakat yang berkarya dalam bidang arsitektur dan perencanaan, untuk turut serta mempublikasikan hasil karyanya dalam jurnal ini.</p> <p><strong>Asal Kata:</strong> Gewang (Corypha elata robx) adalah pohon sejenis palem yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat Nusa Tenggara Timur. Batangnya dapat diolah menjadi makanan, cabangnya menjadi dinding rumah, dan daunnya menjadi penutup atap rumah. Jurnal ini diharapkan seperti Pohon Gewang yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan masyarakat.</p> Gewang Vol. 6 No.2 Oktober 20242024-11-16T11:41:34+00:00Editor<p>Gewang Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2024</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Tradisional Joglo Pati Di Objek Wisata Maerokoco Semarang Sebagai Kearifan Budaya2024-11-16T11:41:35+00:00Ahmad<p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Abstrak</span></span></strong></p> <p><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Rumah Joglo memiliki nilai kearifan budaya yang kuat dan merupakan salah satu contoh arsitektur tradisional Jawa.Studi ini melihat rumah joglo, tata ruang, filosofi, konstruksi, ornamen, dan maknanya.Dengan motif yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa sekaligus sebagai elemen estetika dan sebagai simbol kearifan budaya yang diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi, rumah joglo mencerminkan kehidupan dan kepribadian pemiliknya. Rumah joglo juga memiliki makna filosofis.Data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari dokumentasi, gambar kerja, hasil penelitian, dan makalah dari berbagai sumber. Metode analisis kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini.Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap elemen rumah Joglo, mulai dari tata ruang hingga ornamen, memiliki makna simbolis yang kuat dan mencerminkan kearifan lokal yang diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi.Studi ini menunjukkan betapa pentingnya menjaga dan menghargai arsitektur Joglo dan mengadaptasinya dengan dunia modern untuk mempertahankan dan menghargai warisan budaya Jawa.</span></span></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Lokal Limbungan dan Konservasi Arsitektur Vernakular Sasak Lombok Timur2024-11-16T11:41:36+00:00Dendi Sigit Dzar Al<p><em>Limbungan (Bale Tani) is a traditional sasak vernacular house in East Lombok regency. With the development of the era of modernization of local culture increasingly shifted its extension. Research can be done with Bale Tani documentation to raise the values of local wisdom contained in the construction of traditional houses in East Lombok regency and can be learned for architects, local governments and the community, especially the island of Lombok. This study aims to enrich knowledge about traditional houses that are wisely designed by ancestors. East Lombok regency is a Regency full of traditional houses and Customs and cultures that are still thick today. So that this study can provide input and can create buildings that pay attention to ecological concepts and local wisdom of the sasak tribe.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Pada Bangunan Guest House Bukit Putri Semarang2024-11-16T11:41:36+00:00Umadidan Neva Ramadhanumadidanneva@gmail.comPreviari Umi<p><em>Indonesia is a country known for its various beautiful and interesting tourism destinations. Along with the rapid development of tourism, demand for accommodation facilities such as hotels, guest houses and other accommodation is increasing. In particular, guest houses, which are public buildings, are a popular choice for tourists looking for a more personal and affordable staying experience. In the context of guest house management in Indonesia, fire protection is an aspect that needs to be taken seriously. Therefore, awareness and proactive action in implementing a fire protection system in guest houses is very important. As found in SNI 03-1735-2000, SNI 03-1746-2000, and SNI 03-6574-2001. Evaluation of the implementation of the fire protection system in the Bukit Putri Semarang Guest House building is studied based on several standards that have been determined so that the safety and comfort of building users in dangerous conditions is guaranteed. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of the fire protection system in the Bukit Putri Guest House building. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the fire protection system in the building was still passive and did not comply with applicable regulations.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## between Comfortability, Materials, and Room’s Layout of The Library in The Bosscha Observatory Area2024-11-16T11:41:38+00:00Ernamawati Putri Nazla Sujana Kusumaning<p><em>Bosscha Observatory is the oldest observatory in Indonesia, and it has a lot of history since its initial construction. The Bosscha Observatory has been included in the criteria for cultural heritage buildings since 2018. One of the supporting spaces for observatory activities is a library and reading room, which researchers use to collect literacy for interpretation of observation and research results. The reading room is important for researchers and visitors to obtain information about astronomy. Meanwhile, the library in this area is one of the Dutch heritage libraries with Dutch and English references as the main references for astronomy researchers. This research aims to reveal how the materials and layout of a space can influence the comfort of users of that space. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, beginning with observation, literature study, and redrawing 2D and 3D visualizations from data obtained in the field. The results of this research will benefit readers regarding the existence of Dutch heritage buildings that need to be preserved by being reused without intervention from other artificial comfort factors.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pencahayaan Terhadap Kenyamanan Tamu di Lobby Hotel: Studi Kasus pada Hotel Bumi Bhandawa2024-11-16T11:41:39+00:00Mingming Indah Sarimingmingindahsari99@gmail.comLisa Levina Krisanti Jonatanmingmingindahsari99@gmail.comAstrid Austranti<p><em>This study aims to identify the impact of lighting on visitor comfort in the lobby of Hotel Bumi Bhandawa, Bandung. Both natural and artificial lighting are crucial elements in interior design that influence the ambiance and image of a hotel. The research utilizes qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews with visitors and questionnaires distributed to 30 respondents. The results indicate that natural lighting in the lobby is obstructed by irregularly arranged pine trees, while artificial lighting helps create a comfortable atmosphere despite needing better distribution. About 75% of respondents stated that lobby lighting affects their initial impression of the hotel. Recommendations include rearranging vegetation, adding artificial light sources, using adjustable-intensity lamps, and selecting appropriate light colors. Implementing these recommendations is expected to enhance visitor comfort and satisfaction, providing a more pleasant experience and improving the hotel's positive image.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Taman Gantung (Vertical Garden) Sebagai Solusi Penghijauan Lingkungan Sekolah di TK Tarbiyatul Athfal 53 Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang2024-11-16T11:41:40+00:00Ratih Widiastutiratih.ias.shine@gmail.comShifa<p><em>A green open space is an open area, either elongated or clustered, which is a place for plants to grow. According to Law No. 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning strengthens the importance of Green Open Space (RTH) for the community, stating that every city in its regional spatial planning plan is required to allocate at least 30% of its space or area for RTH. In the school environment, especially in Tarbiyatul Athfal 53 Kindergarten which is located on Jalan Raya Kedungjangan, Purwosari, Mijen District, Semarang City, greening is needed. Greening is carried out to create a clean and comfortable school environment. Through Community Service activities, the Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Architectural Design Study Program, Vocational School, Diponegoro University, provides a solution in the form of a hanging garden (vertical garden) as a greening effort by utilizing narrow land. It not only makes it beautiful and comfortable, but also psychologically can make the mind more relaxed so that students can receive lessons well.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Shopping Mall di Sumba Barat dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologi2024-11-16T11:41:41+00:00Ardianus Porroardiporro@gmail.comLinda Welmintje Kurniawan<p><em>This design is driven by the designer’s observations of issues identified at the project site, which is located in the area of the former old market in Waikabubak City, West Sumba Regency. The main problem involves the poor management of solid and liquid waste, which has resulted in significant environmental pollution, disrupting the daily activities of the surrounding community. The local government plans to repurpose the area into a modern market with better environmental control and a positive impact on the regional economy. In response to this issue, the designer conducted field observations to collect specific data on the site and performed a literature review to gather relevant references on the problem. The collected data were then analyzed and evaluated. The results of this analysis and evaluation were translated into a design concept for a modern shopping center in the form of a mall, utilizing an ecological architecture approach. This concept guided the development of a mall design for Waikabubak City, West Sumba. The building’s design, including its interior, structure, utilities, and site planning, was carried out with careful attention to environmental aspects, in line with the principles of ecological architecture.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Konsep Arsitektur Biofilik Sebagai Bahan Pertimbangan Pada Fasilitas Konservasi Terumbu Karang2024-11-16T11:41:42+00:00Rheyvinza Dwi Prima Syach Putrarheyvinzacareers@gmail.comFarida Murtirheyvinzacareers@gmail.comSuko<p><em>The application of biophilic architecture has become an important focus in the design of built environments that aim to enhance human well-being through a deeper connection with nature. This study examines the concept of biophilic architecture as a basis for planning and developing coral reef conservation facilities. This approach combines natural elements such as vegetation, air and natural lighting to create a space that is not only functional but also supports the balance of the marine ecosystem. Through the lens of literature and case analysis, this research identifies key principles of relevant biophilic architecture, such as visual access to nature, natural ventilation, and the use of organic materials, that can be applied to the design of conservation facilities. The results show that the application of biophilic architecture not only has an impact on environmental sustainability but also increases the effectiveness of coral reef conservation programs by creating an environment that supports human interaction with marine ecosystems. This study concludes that the integration of biophilic architecture in the design of coral reef conservation facilities is an innovative approach and has the potential to provide long-term benefits for marine ecosystems and human well-being.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Prinsip Universal Desain Terkait Kemudahan Aksesibilitas Difabel Pada Bangunan (Studi Kasus: Gedung A MTsN 2 Kota Semarang)2024-11-16T11:41:43+00:00Yogas<p><em>The application of biophilic architecture has become an important focus in the design of built environments that aim to enhance human well-being through a deeper connection with nature. This study examines the concept of biophilic architecture as a basis for planning and developing coral reef conservation facilities. This approach combines natural elements such as vegetation, air, and natural lighting to create a space that is not only functional but also supports the balance of the marine ecosystem. Through the lens of literature and case analysis, this research identifies key principles of relevant biophilic architecture, such as visual access to nature, natural ventilation, and the use of organic materials, that can be applied to the design of conservation facilities. The results show that the application of biophilic architecture not only has an impact on environmental sustainability but also increases the effectiveness of coral reef conservation programs by creating an environment that supports human interaction with marine ecosystems. This study concludes that the integration of biophilic architecture in the design of coral reef conservation facilities is an innovative approach and has the potential to provide long-term benefits for marine ecosystems and human well-being.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kawasan Wisata Mangrove Di Pantai Cepi Watu Borong Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologi2024-11-16T11:41:43+00:00Laurensius Alfa Xafrido Putralaurensiusalfaxafridoputra02@gmail.comAplimon Umbu<p><em>East Manggarai Regency has beaches with extensive mangrove forests, namely in Borong Sub-district, Rana Loba Village, Cepi Watu beach. In accordance with the RTRW of East Manggarai Regency, Cepi Watu beach is designated as a natural tourism area. The mangrove forest is utilized as a tourist area that develops the economy of the surrounding community. This area has potential biota such as monitor lizards, shellfish, shrimp, fish and birds, but has not been optimized. Therefore, it is necessary to design a mangrove tourism area with an ecological architecture approach.</em></p> <p><em>The use of ecological architecture concepts in the design of mangrove tourism areas on Cepi Watu beach to maintain harmony between humans and the natural environment, reduce pollution, utilize renewable energy and prioritize the use of local materials. The ecological concept will be displayed on the form, environmental arrangement and the use of environmentally friendly materials.</em></p> <p><em>The use of ecological architecture concepts applied to facilities in mangrove tourism areas include placing buildings according to the potential and direction of the sun's circulation, applying biotanks for plumbing systems in floating buildings, using solar panels for artificial lighting, and using wood and bamboo materials as environmentally friendly local materials.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Moimol Dengan Prinsip Eko-Arsitektur di Kecamatan Kabola, Alor, Nusa Tenggara Timur2024-11-16T11:41:45+00:00Sabat Tanti Inriani Murni C.<p>Kabola Subdistrict is renowned as a primary fishing region within Alor Regency, with an average daily yield of 6-7 tons. In addition to its renowned fishery potential, the fish auction site (TPI) at Moimol offers a range of other tourist attractions, including clear sea water, diverse coral reefs, and views of the sunrise. The aforementioned marine potential has resulted in the area surrounding TPI Moimol becoming a popular destination for marine tourism activities, including recreation, snorkeling, and diving. Moreover, TPI Moimol serves as a culinary destination and is the primary route to Mali Airport, which further reinforces its status as a strategic area for Alor's economic and tourism development. However, as an area with significant tourism potential, particularly in the marine culinary sector, the current fishing grounds, which include fish processing facilities, are inadequate. This has led to fishermen resorting to traditional drying methods as a means of fish management. This results in unsold catches, or those that can be processed optimally, being thrown back into the sea. This has an impact on environmental pollution and health, especially in the form of unpleasant odors and waste, which can be seen from the coast to around people's homes. In light of these considerations, the implementation of eco-architecture principles is anticipated to address the issue of environmental pollution, which, if unaddressed, has the potential to inflict damage upon the surrounding natural environment. The outcome of this TPI design in Moimol is the provision of fish storage facilities, filtration of fish water and rainwater, utilisation of solar panels as a means of optimising energy efficiency, adaptation of the shape and mass of buildings to accommodate climatic conditions and local resources, and the incorporation of ecological local materials.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##