GEWANG: Gerbang Wacana dan Rancang Arsitektur <p><a title="Website Gewang" href=""><img src="/RujUxYuks/site/images/ngurah/Baner_Jurnal_Gewang_Vol1_No1_April_2019_PNG5_Small7.png"></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Gewang: Gerbang Wacana dan Rancang Arsitektur</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah dalam bidang arsitektur yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Sains dan Teknik, Universitas Nusa Cendana. Jurnal ini merupakan media publikasi hasil perancangan dan penelitian dalam bidang arsitektur, permukiman, dan rancang kota. Artikel yang masuk akan melalui proses <em>review </em>oleh editor dan <em>reviewer </em>jurnal sebelum dipublikasikan. Jurnal terbit secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun, setiap bulan April dan Oktober (E-ISSN 2714-7118 dan P-ISSN 2686-6072).&nbsp;Kami mengundang para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan masyarakat yang berkarya dalam bidang arsitektur dan perencanaan, untuk turut serta mempublikasikan hasil karyanya dalam jurnal ini.</p> <p><strong>Asal Kata:</strong> Gewang (Corypha elata robx) adalah pohon sejenis palem yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat Nusa Tenggara Timur. Batangnya dapat diolah menjadi makanan, cabangnya menjadi dinding rumah, dan daunnya menjadi penutup atap rumah. Jurnal ini diharapkan seperti Pohon Gewang yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan masyarakat.</p> Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Sains dan Teknik, Universitas Nusa Cendana en-US GEWANG: Gerbang Wacana dan Rancang Arsitektur 2686-6072 Sampul Gewang Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2024 <p>Sampul Gewang Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2024</p> Editor Gewang ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 6 1 Implementasi Teknologi Digital pada Tahap Konstruksi Oceanarium di Indonesia <p><em>This research examines the implementation of digital technology in the construction phase of Oceanariums in Indonesia. The research aims to improve efficiency and accuracy in the construction process of Oceanarium development. This research uses the literature study method. The data&nbsp;is fully obtained&nbsp;from reference literature and scientific journals related to digital architecture technology and combined with the author's field experience. The research method involves field surveys, technology needs analysis, and digital integration system development. The results show that&nbsp;the application of&nbsp;digital technologies, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) and sensor-based construction monitoring systems, significantly accelerates the construction process, optimizes resource allocation, and improves efficiency and accuracy. In addition, technology integration can improve coordination effectiveness and reduce the potential for errors. These findings positively contribute to the Oceanarium construction process in Indonesia, strengthening the Oceanarium's competitive advantage. As such, this research provides a foundation for improving construction practices by utilizing digital technologies in the Indonesian Oceanarium sector.</em></p> Sidi Ahyar Wiraguna L. M. F. Purwanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 1 5 Pendampingan Revitalisasi Alun-Alun Sentana Desa Katelan Kecamatan Tangen Kabupaten Sragen <p><em>A square or city square functions as a significant urban catalyst, influencing the urban landscape as it is a hub for various social, economic, and cultural activities within a city. Its presence impacts the activities in the surrounding areas, fostering local business growth and providing a space for social interaction that enriches the city's life. However, the existing Sentana square design in Tangen District in Sragen, situated in Katelan Village, requires revitalization to meet the demand for activities and facilitate communal engagement. A design recommendation has&nbsp;been proposed&nbsp;by the Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Architectural Design study program, part of the Department of Civil and Planning at the Vocational School of Diponegoro University, through a community service program. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is the primary design approach for the newly designed square, focusing on facilitating markets, supporting small businesses, promoting local products, and supporting Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes).</em></p> Ratih Widiastuti Previari Umi Pramesti Chely Novia Bramiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 6 12 Redesain Kawasan Budidaya Mutiara PT. TOM di Tanjung Lalendo, Kupang Barat dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Bioklimatik <p><em>PT TOM&nbsp;(Timor Otsuki Mutiara)&nbsp;is a shellfish cultivation company with three functions: cultivation, office, and residence. The facilities included in the three functions do not accommodate the activities of actors in the area, so they must be redesigned. This redesign aims to produce a pearl cultivation area that utilizes the climatic potential of Tanjung Lalendo. The bioclimatic architecture approach is a way of designing various buildings and influencing the environment in buildings by preferring to work using the natural forces around the building. Bioclimatic principles, namely, the design object, must take advantage of the site's climate to minimize damage to the environment. The bioclimatic architecture approach is the orientation of the building, the placement of openings, the relationship to the landscape, the selection of colors and materials, the transition space, and passive shading. In the redesign process, data collection methods&nbsp;were carried out&nbsp;by observation, interviews, and literature studies. The results of the redesign are to make the orientation of the building in the area facing diagonally left to the north and south, and&nbsp;openings in the building area&nbsp;are placed&nbsp;on the north. South sides, which are the general wind direction, the use of glass walls and optimization of openings in the building to give the impression of being open and not massive and can reduce the temperature in the building, plants, and landscapes&nbsp;are used&nbsp;for ecological, aesthetic and also make buildings more relaxed, the outer building skin uses fiber cement boards and the color of the walls of buildings in the area uses bright colors, sun-shading / lattice is placed on the side most intensely exposed to sunlight, and utilizes renewable energy.</em></p> Alfredo Lambertus Tuhehay Suliha Ningsih Imelda Neonufa Thomas Kurniawan Dima ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 13 22 Tinjauan Konsep Arsitektur Regionalisme sebagai Bahan Pertimbangan pada Penerapan Fasilitas Pertunjukan Kesenian Lokal <p><em>Distinctive features in architecture need to be preserved because they are part of the ancestral cultural heritage, which is now one of the privileges and richness of local culture. The times and technological advances caused a new and different mindset, such as the existence of modern art, so local people became less interested in local art, especially in Salatiga City.&nbsp;In addition to the lack of interest in local arts, there is also a&nbsp;lack of&nbsp;performance facilities for local arts that are useful as a place to accommodate performances and&nbsp;are supported&nbsp;by exhibitions and training, which is one way to preserve Salatiga's local art.&nbsp;The design of local art performance facilities that will accommodate local art activities with performances supported by exhibitions and training&nbsp;is expected&nbsp;to foster interest and talent as one of the efforts to preserve Salatiga's local art. The design of performing arts facilities that will use regionalism architecture will continue to apply in terms of local architecture and local culture of the Salatiga area as one of the design elements. With qualitative descriptive methods, the author will analyze regionalism's fundamental theories and architectural concepts.</em></p> Agista Renata Annisa Retno Hastijanti Farida Murti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 23 28 Perancangan Co-working Space di Kota Kupang dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontemporer <p><em>The economic, technological, and lifestyle changes in modern society have led to the emergence of the Co-working Space concept as a solution to the need for flexible, collaborative, and inspirational workspaces. Kupang, the capital of East Nusa Tenggara province, experienced significant growth in digital businesses, particularly with the emergence of new startups and increased freelancers in the city. Therefore, there was a need for co-working space facilities to support collaboration and innovation for startup pioneers, freelancers, and independent professionals, which became imperative. Contemporary architectural approaches&nbsp;were adopted&nbsp;as a relevant foundation for designing the Co-working Space in Kupang. In this context, the Co-working Space&nbsp;was designed&nbsp;to meet user needs and contribute to environmental sustainability. This co-working space features main facilities, including collaboration spaces, meeting rooms, personal areas or private offices, and supporting functions such as lounges, coffee shops, minimarkets, and outdoor workspaces. In processing architectural aspects, the principles of contemporary architecture are applied, including spatial flexibility through rearrangeable furniture and adaptable partitions. Materials used include exposed concrete, aluminum, glass, and composite materials. Integrated technologies in this design focus on building management systems covering lighting, ventilation, and security using Fiber to the Building (FTTB). The use of solar panels as efficient energy sources in the building, along with environmentally friendly materials to minimize environmental impact, provides a positive spatial experience for users through thoughtful color choices for walls and furniture and contemporary art elements.</em></p> Nitanel Tamelan Imanuel N. Mbake Maria Lady Hendrik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 29 37 Perancangan Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Nusa Cendana dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Hijau <p><em>The library at Nusa Cendana University has a principal role in supporting learning, research, and various intellectual activities. The technological development has an impact on libraries that is often considered unattractive. More facilities and the condition of the library buildings no longer suit modern require improvement. Apart from that, planning for a new library building is needed because of adjustments to the library location with the Nusa Cendana University campus master plan. The green architecture approach is reciprocal with the green campus concept in the Nusa Cendana University campus master plan. The library&nbsp;is designed&nbsp;to accommodate user needs with a sustainable design and environmental impact. Green architectural elements include conserving energy, using renewable energy, and minimizing the use of electric power; working with climate, efficient use of natural resources by using green roofs and skylights; minimizing new source use of recycled materials and flexible space design that available be modified according to requisite; respect for users, comfortable placement of furniture and room layout, directional markers to facilitate user activities and the availability of areas for socializing and supporting collaboration; respect for site make vertical building design to minimize the built-up area. The result of this design is a complete library facility with a general reading room Kand, private reading room, collaboration and discussion area, browsing area, administrator workspace, and&nbsp;supporting&nbsp;services in the form of a co-study place, multi-purpose room, bookstore, cafeteria, wrap up corner and lounge.</em></p> Maria Sarlinda Hunam Ariency K. A. Manu Rifat Y. Y. Maromon ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 38 43 Redesain Sekolah Sepak Bola Bintang Timur dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tropis <p><em>Football is one of the most popular sports in the community. The presence of the Bintang Timur Football School in the Belu Regency has had a positive impact on the Belu Regency government. Meanwhile, the East Star SSB has shortcomings, such as minimal facilities. Moreover, the existing buildings in the SSB are not responsive to the tropical climate/microclimate. This background became the first step in redesigning the Bintang Timur Football School. The design method used is observation techniques, surveys, interviews, and analysis of literature studies to identify the concepts used in this design. Tropical architectural design principles that are influential in the design of dormitory buildings, stadiums, and management offices focus on thermal comfort and airflow. The result of this design is the Bintang Timur Football School located on Jl. Bintang Timur, Wesesuit Hamlet, Kabuna Village, Kakuluk Mesak District, Belu Regency. Then, the results of this design include the soccer school area, which includes educational facilities (indoor classes, soccer practice fields, basketball courts), match facilities in the form of stadiums, and dormitory facilities for students. The application of Tropical architecture into the design of buildings on each object of the building, with the addition of facilities and infrastructure that can support all student activities in the school environment. By designing site layouts, spaces, and buildings that are responsive to the micro-climate with designs that focus on the characteristics of Tropical Architecture.</em></p> Lidya Fatima Moruc Imanuel N. Mbake Rifat Y. Y. Maromon ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 44 52 Evaluasi Aspek Penghawaan Alami Terkait Sistem Ventilasi Bangunan Berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) <p><em>Semarang is an area in Indonesia with a tropical climate and the potential for relatively high wind speeds. Utilizing natural potential is one effort to increase indoor thermal comfort. This condition has yet to be exploited, especially in buildings in Semarang, one of which is the Semarang City Regional Disaster Management Agency Office, which&nbsp;is still dominated&nbsp;by artificial ventilation systems in the form of air conditioning. This research aims to determine the distribution of air circulation within the Semarang BPBD space and then provide recommendations for range design to meet the standards set by SNI 03-6572-2001. The research methods used are descriptive, quantitative analysis methods and simulations. The descriptive method is a research method that examines problems obtained from observation data to obtain physical and non-physical data on buildings. Quantitative analysis methods&nbsp;are used&nbsp;to calculate the size of the lighting on the facade by comparing it with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 03-6572-2001.&nbsp;The simulation method&nbsp;is used&nbsp;to process data and analyze&nbsp;results obtained using Revit 2022 software for building modeling and Autodesk CFD 2024 to determine air distribution in buildings.&nbsp;This research shows that the air distribution and width of building openings do not meet SNI 03-6572-2001 standards.&nbsp;It&nbsp;is hoped&nbsp;that&nbsp;the office design recommendations can serve as guidelines for using natural systems as the primary ventilation in buildings.</em></p> Dewi Kartikawati Previari Umi Pramesti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 53 60 Kajian Nuansa Bangunan Belanda pada Restoran Dakken di Bandung <p><em>Dakken Restaurant is the subject of journal research because it is one of the place in Indonesia&nbsp;that is&nbsp;famous for its Dutch buildings and offers a variety of restaurants with unique and&nbsp;interesting&nbsp;nuances, one of which is a restaurant that still maintains the beauty of its Dutch buildings. The study intended to analyze the influence of Dutch building nuances on consumer satisfaction in restaurants in Bandung. This research uses a qualitative research method with an observation and interview approach. This research method uses data from words, images, or symbols. Qualitative methods&nbsp;are used&nbsp;to understand social phenomena in depth and comprehensively. This research notes that Bandung is not only a place to enjoy coffee drinks but also a place to share experiences, creativity, and social life. Restaurants in Bandung reflect the creative spirit and are a cultural attraction that enriches the experience of seeing how well-maintained and comfortable buildings are for visitors who come to Dakken Restaurant in Bandung.</em></p> Muhamad Adha Rahardika Tessa Eka Darmayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 6 1 61 66 Perancangan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata di Kota Kupang dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Bioklimatik <p><em>Tourism has become a rapidly growing sector in Indonesia, especially in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which has a number of popular destinations, providing a positive impact on Regional Original Income (PAD) and the country's foreign exchange. Even though NTT has great tourism potential, it is necessary to improve the quality of human resources through higher education, especially Tourism Colleges. However, there is no special high school for tourism in NTT. As a means of education, comfortable space is an important factor to support comfortable learning activities. The problem faced is that NTT has a topographical, tropical and humid climate, so an approach is needed that answers these problems. The Bioclimatic Architectural approach is the solution for designing the Tourism College in Kupang City. Taking into account local climate conditions, building orientation, and use of renewable resources. The construction of a Tourism College in Kupang City with a Bioclimatic Architectural approach is expected to optimize tourism potential and the quality of human resources. Application of Bioclimatic Architectural principles to buildings to overcome local climate problems, namely building orientation, core placement, use of cross ventilation, use of secondary skin and use of roof gardens.</em></p> Satria Dominikus Seingu Riga Aplimon Jerobisonif I Gusti Ngurah Wiras Hardy ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 6 1 67 74 Studi Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Pantai Panmuti Desa Noelbaki Kecamatan Kupang Timur Kabupaten Kupang <p><em>Panmuti Beach in Noelbaki Village is a tourist attraction for the local community and the people of Kupang City. The tourism potential of a wide sandy beach, hills, fishermen activities, and horse racing is considered to support the income of the local community, but there are still shortcomings, namely the land area is not large and the involvement of tourism actors in the surrounding community is still lacking, so a study of regional and social potential development was carried out. culture and economy of the people of the Panmuti tourist area. The research method used is the Regional Carrying Capacity Analysis Index, to determine the carrying capacity of physical conditions, and forms of non-physical activities using a qualitative description analysis method. For tourism development studies. by breaking down the 3 conditions for object development through something to see, something to do, and something to buy. The calculation results show that the carrying capacity of the coastal area is 16,400 people/day, for land 139 people/day, estuaries 32 people/day, and hills 30 people/day. The Panmuti Beach tourism development study consists of (a) Something to see: 1) has a Wide Beach; 2) the estuary flows along the edge of the beach; 3) there is a fishing harbor; 4) there is a landmark in the Panmuti Beach area. (b) Something to do tent rental, fireplace, wood/charcoal. For Panmuti Hill, a boat in the shape of Noah Ark was designed as an educational and spiritual place or museum, and above it can be used as a place to observe the surrounding area. (c) Something to buy Shopping potential at Panmuti Beach as a souvenir includes: 1) fresh fish/shrimp/crab; 2) sap products, water sugar, and plate sugar; 3) salt products 4) goat/cow manure products; 5) NTT souvenirs and handicrafts.</em></p> Rifat Y. Y. Maromon I Gusti Ngurah Wiras Hardy Yohanes W. D. Kapilawi Suliha Ningsih Imelda Neonufa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 6 1 75 80