Buletin Ilmiah IMPAS 2025-02-18T01:09:39+00:00 Marthen R. Pellokila Open Journal Systems <p>Buletin Ilmiah IMPAS diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan April, Agustus dan Nopember, oleh Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian&nbsp;, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Nusa Cendana. Buletin ini merupakan media komunikasi hasil-hasil&nbsp; penelitian, eksperimen, survei, opini serta kajian kepustakaan dalam bidang sosial ekonomi pertanian.</p> <p>Buletin Ilmiah IMPAS is published three times in a year, April, August and November&nbsp; by Socio-Economic Agricultural Department, Agricultural College, University of Nusa Cendana. This bulletin is intended to comunicate scientific paper of reasearch, experiment, survey, opinion and literatur studies on agricultiural socio-economics issues.</p> Kontribusi Pendapatan Usahatani Kopi Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani Di Desa Detusoko Barat Kabupaten Ende 2025-02-18T01:09:27+00:00 Onesimus Tricahyo Agramedha Jeharu Charles Kapioru Maria Fransiska Darlen Damianus Adar <p><em>This research aims to determine the amount of coffee farming income and the magnitude of the contribution of coffee farming to farmer household income. Data collection was carried out in West Detusoko Village, Detusoko District, Ende Regency, because it is one of the coffee producing areas. The population in this study was taken based on the number of family heads in West Detusoko Village, namely 219 people. The sample was determined using a simple random sampling method and calculated using the Slovin formula with a sample size of 69 respondents. The analytical method used in this research is a qualitative-quantitative descriptive method, income analysis and contribution analysis. The research results showed that the amount of income obtained by 69 respondents from coffee farming was IDR. 4.933.862/year/farmer. Income from rice farming is Rp. 2,135,848/planting season/farmer, so that in 1 year the farmer's income is Rp. 4,271,696/year/farmer, because they carry out two planting seasons in 1 year. Meanwhile, income outside the agricultural sector of 33 respondents who have businesses outside the agricultural sector was IDR. 973.061/year/farmer. So, the total income of farmer households is Rp. 10.178.619/year/farmer. Coffee farming contributes 48.47% to the household income of farmers.. This shows that coffee farming does not contribute significantly to farmer household income.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:04:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Gula Merah Di Desa Tuasene Kecamatan Mollo Selatan Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan 2025-02-18T01:09:28+00:00 Preti Avanti Manu Marthen Robinson Pellokila Santhy Chamdra <p><em>This research aims to: (1) determine the income of brown sugar craftsmen in Tuasene Village, South Mollo District, South Central Timor Regency (2) determine the feasibility of the brown sugar business in Tuasene Village, South Mollo District, South Central Timor Regency. Primary data was obtained through interviews using a questionnaire and secondary data was obtained from the Tuasene Village office. The sample determination method uses a simple random sampling technique.&nbsp; The analytical method used is income analysis, R/C Ratio and Break Event Point (BEP). The results of the research show that: the average cost incurred by craftsmen in 1 month is IDR 924,144 with details of fixed costs of IDR 582,419 and variable costs of IDR 341,725. Revenue obtained is IDR 5,724,000 with an average production amount amounting to 318 Kg with a selling price of IDR 18,000/Kg. The average amount of income earned in 1 month is IDR 4,799,856. The R/C Ratio in the brown sugar business is 6, where the total revenue exceeds the costs incurred, which means that the brown sugar business is worth running. BEP in revenue of Rp. 588,302 in this study has an average income of Rp. 4,799,856, which means it has reached the break-even point in income. BEP in units of 32,360 Kg in this study, craftsmen produced 318 Kg, which means they have reached the break-even point in production.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:11:06+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Potensi Usahatani Terpadu Di Lahan Pekarangan Dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Pangan Rumah Tangga Masyarakat Desa Obesi Kecamatan Mollo Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan 2025-02-18T01:09:29+00:00 Ramla Natalia Mou I Wayan Nampa Lika Bernadina Paulus Un <p><em>This research was conducted in Obesi Village, North Mollo District, South Central Timor Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out the potential of integrated farming if applied in household yards, to find out the fulfillment of food availability and diversity of household food consumption of the people of Obesi Village, to find out the contribution of integrated farming in yard land to the fulfillment of household food needs. The data used in this study used primary data and secondary data. The research method uses the formula of food availability and food diversity. The results of this study show that, on average, the yard area owned by the people of Obesi Village is 20 acres and has great potential in carrying out integrated farming because it produces various types of staple food crops, namely taro, sweet potatoes, and cassava with a total production of 679 kg/year. Types of horticultural plants are kale, spinach, mustard greens, eggplant,</em> <em>Chayote, chili, paria with a total production of 168 kg/month. Furthermore, biopharmaceutical plantains, namely lemongrass, leeks, celery, galangal, basil, turmeric with a total production of 11.34 kg/month. And plantation crops, namely coffee, oranges, avocados, hazelnuts, mangoes, bananas, areca nuts, papaya with a total production of 308 kg/year and the last type of livestock cultivated in the yard is chickens, pigs, cows and goats with a total production of 14 heads./year Furthermore, it can provide basic food of 340 kg/year. In addition, it is able to provide diversity of food consumption in households with a diversity coefficient of 18%. And integrated farming on yard land contributes to the fulfillment of food needs, which is 25,483 kcal/cap/month</em><em>.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:14:03+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peran Penyuluh Pertanian Dalam Pengembangan Kelompok Tani Di Desa Penfui Timur Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang 2025-02-18T01:09:31+00:00 Soni Rian Sanaunu Tomycho Olviana Serman Nikolaus Leta Ravael Levis <p><em>This research was carried out in East Penfui Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency in March-April 2023 with the aim of finding out the role of agricultural instructors in developing farmer groups in East Penfui Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency and to find out the obstacles of agricultural instructors in the field in their activities and implementation of efforts to develop farmer groups in East Penfui Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency. The choice of research location was carried out deliberately with the consideration that the village was very advanced in its agricultural extension services. The research sample was taken randomly as many as 52 members of farmer groups from a population of 111 members of farmer groups. Data were analyzed using data according to a Likert scale using average, percentage and frequency analysis. Based on the average score of the role of Agricultural Instructors in villages of Kupang Tengah District Kupang regency with the highest indicator of the role of Agricultural Instructors being educators with an everage of 3,21 and a maximum score achievement percentage of 64,13%. This value is included in “fairly good” category. While the lowest indicator of the role of Agricultural Extension officers is motivator with an average of 2,90 and a maximum score achievement presentage of 57,98%, this value is included in the “Fairly good” category. This shows that the role of agricultural instructors as educators in carrying out their role as istructors is the best. Then the obstacles that limit agricultural extension officers from playing a good role are as follows : Lack of facilities or practical&nbsp; materials in the field that support the smooth process of activities, Lack of farmer participation during field visits by extension workers., Farmers’ lack of understanding of directions or explanations from extension workers.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:17:29+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Keuntungan Relatif Dan Titik Impas Usahatani Kacang Hijau Di Kawasan Transmigrasi Desa Weoe Kecamatan Wewiku Kabupaten Malaka 2025-02-18T01:09:32+00:00 Yusuf Usman Ida Nurwiana Eman Nevianus Bureni <p><em>Mung bean farming activities are often faced with low production by farmers. Farmers face a variety of problems, including annual increases in the price of labour, seeds, fertilisers, pesticides and output prices. Thus, improvements at the farm level and price stability are required. This helps to ensure increased income and profits for farmers, and will also encourage farmers to be more intensive in managing their farms. This study aims to: 1). Identify farmers' income from mung bean farming, 2). Knowing the relative profit of farmers from mung bean farming and 3). Knowing the break-even point obtained by farmers from mung bean farming in the Weoe Village Transmigration Area, Wewiku District, Malacca Regency. This research uses a survey method, the data used are primary data and secondary data. The research location in the Weoe Village Transmigration Area, Wewiku Sub-district, Malacca Regency was determined purposively, based on the potential for production development and the area of mung bean land. Samples were taken by simple random sampling of 60 respondents. The analysis method used income analysis, R/C ratio and Break Even Point. The results showed that, 1) the income obtained from mung bean farming was Rp 134,486,076 or Rp 5,655,428, -per hectare. 2) the relative profit obtained is 3.07, which means that the farm is economically profitable so it is feasible to develop, 3) the break-even point of production is 73.77 kg, meaning that when the production amount is 73.77 kg the mung bean farm is at the break-even point or the amount of production returns capital so that production of 875 kg/ha has exceeded the break-even point by 11 times in other words, it is profitable. While the price break-even point is Rp. 3,124/kg, meaning that when the selling price of peanuts is Rp. 3,124/kg, farmers have recovered their capital. With an average selling price of Rp. 14,683/kg, which exceeds the break-even point by more than 4 times, mung bean farming is in a profitable position.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:21:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Teknologi Irigasi Tetes Dengan Energi Hijau (Energi Surya) Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Tanaman Hortikultura Pada Kelompok Tani Bethesda Desa Penfui Timur Kabupaten Kupang 2025-02-18T01:09:33+00:00 Desitriana Taus Leta Ravael Levis Selfius P.N. Nainiti Doppy Roy Nendissa <p><em>Drip irrigation can be the right choice to overcome the problem of drought, especially in the growth of fruit and vegetable crops during the long dry season, because long dry seasons cause the land to have little water supply. This research was carried out in East Penfui Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency from March to April. The aim is to understand the process of community empowerment in implementing drip irrigation technology to increase horticultural crop production. This research is a qualitative research. The reason for choosing this technology is because this place still lacks water, and the Bethesda farming group has used drip irrigation with green energy (solar energy). The data collection method uses in-depth interviews. The data analysis used is the Miles and Huberman Interactive model. This data processing is carried out interactively and continues continuously until completion at a certain stage, so that the data obtained is saturated. The results of the research in empowering drip irrigation technology in the Bethesda farmer group were that the following process was carried out: 1) socialization about drip irrigation, 2) techniques for making drip irrigation, 3) selection of soil type, 4) selection of plant types, 5) determination of the use of irrigation technology drip, 6) preparation of funds, 7) labor, 8) farmer field school (SLP) regarding drip irrigation. The community enthusiastically responded well and agreed to the installation of this drip irrigation technology system because it could help them overcome the problem of water shortages. The group members understand the benefits of drip irrigation and are skilled in installing irrigation hoses, installing irrigation pipes, spreading mulch and of course can become more skilled in planting horticultural plants.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:23:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Padi Sawah Di Desa Daleng Kecamatan Lembor Kabupaten Manggarai Barat 2025-02-18T01:09:35+00:00 Emilia Kristi Wela Runu Ernantje Hendrik Maria Bano Johanna Suek <p><em>This research was conducted in Daleng Village, Lembor District, West Manggarai District. The purpose of this study was to fine out the general overview of field rice farming and determine the influence of seeds, fertilizer, land area and labor on field rice production. This research method involved random sampling of 30 % of a total of 224 field rice farmers, so that 67 people were selected are samples. The data used in this research comes from primary and secondary data. Data collection was carried out through interviews and documentation. The collected data was than analyzed using the Cobb-Douglas production function and processed using the SPSS version 16 program. The research results show that the stages of field rice farming activities include land processing, seed preparation, seeding, planting, fertilizing, weeding, harvesting and post-harvest. Based on analysis using the Cobb-Douglas Production function, the following output is obtained : Y = 5,168 X<sub>1</sub><sup>0,284 </sup>X<sub>2</sub><sup>0,064</sup> X<sub>3</sub><sup>0,144</sup> X<sub>4</sub><sup>0,457</sup>. The simultaneous F test show that together the independent variables have a significant effect on field rice production. Partially test (t test), land area, fertilizer, and labor have a positive and significant effect on field rice production, while seeds have a positive and insignificant effect on field rice production. The adjusted R<sup>2</sup> amounting to 0,592 indicates that the combination of production factors of land area, seeds, fertilizer, and labor can simultaneously explain the dependent variable, namely field rice production, amounting to 59,2%. The remaining 40,8% is influenced by other factors not included in the regression model. </em></p> 2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pendapatan Usahatani Bawang Merah (Allium Ascanolicum L.) Di Desa Serubeba Kecamatan Rote Timur Kabupaten Rote Ndao 2025-02-18T01:09:36+00:00 Fitra Yublina Huan I Wayan Nampa Siska Elvani <p><em>This research was conducted over 1 month from March to April 2024 in Serubeba Village, Rote Timur District, Rote Ndao Regency. The objectives of this research are 1) To determine the income of shallot farming in Serubeba Village, Rote Timur District, Rote Ndao Regency. 2) To determine the feasibility level of shallot farming in Serubeba Village, Rote Timur District, Rote Ndao Regency. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling. The sample for this research was taken from 30 farmers who are engaged in shallot farming. The data used are secondary and primary data. The analysis in this research includes income and feasibility analysis using the R/C Ratio analysis method. The results showed that the average production was 1,844.8 kg and the average revenue for shallot farming was IDR 39,146,656/MT. The average total cost incurred was IDR 12,941,520. Thus, it provided an income of IDR 26,846,001/MT. The R/C Ratio of shallot farming for one planting season was 3.18, indicating that shallot farming is feasible (profitable) and increases farming income.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:55:18+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Harga Bawang Merah Dan Cabai Rawit Terhadap Nilai Tukar Petani Hortikultura Di Nusa Tenggara Timur 2025-02-18T01:09:36+00:00 Maria Fatima Sada Doppy Roy Nendissa Maria Bano <p><em>This research aims to determine price fluctuations and how the prices of shallots and bird's eye chilies affect the Farmers' Exchange Rate (FER). The data used are secondary data in the form of shallot and bird's eye chili prices from 2019-2023 obtained from the Central Statistics Agency of East Nusa Tenggara Province. Price fluctuations are measured using the coefficient of variation, while the impact of shallot and bird's eye chili prices is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that shallot prices are more homogeneous than bird's eye chili prices, with a coefficient of variation of 19.80%, while bird's eye chili prices are more heterogeneous with a coefficient of variation of 22.63%. Overall, changes in shallot and bird's eye chili prices significantly affect the farmers' exchange rate, with the adjusted R2 determination coefficient indicating that 12.5% of the variation in the farmers' exchange rate can be explained by changes in shallot and bird's eye chili prices. However, when analyzed partially, it was found that only the price of shallots has a significantly negative effect on the farmers' exchange rate, while changes in bird's eye chili prices do not significantly affect the farmers' exchange rate. The significant negative value between shallot prices and the farmers' exchange rate indicates that the selling prices of shallots and bird's eye chilies are lower than the input prices. The decline in the farmers' exchange rate can indicate that farmers experience a decrease in purchasing power, which also reduces their welfare. The role of the East Nusa Tenggara government is needed to provide shallot and bird's eye chili seeds to encourage farmers to increase the production of these crops, which can reduce the supply from outside the region. This is aimed at lowering input prices and obtaining higher selling prices.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:57:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Hubungan Peran Penyuluh Pertanian Dengan Produktivitas Bawang Merah Di Desa Babuin Kecamatan Kolbano Kabupatentimor Tengah Selatan 2025-02-18T01:09:38+00:00 Yesyuru Eka Magang Lika Bernadina Eman Nevianus Bureni Ernantje Hendrik <p><em>This research was conducted on Shallot Farmers in Babuin Village, Kolbano District, South Central Timor Regency from October to November 2023. The purpose of the study is to find out: 1) Productivity of Shallots. 2) The role of agricultural extension workers in increasing shallot productivity. 3) The Relationship between the Role of Agricultural Extension Workers and Shallot Productivity. The data collection methods used are observation, interview and documentation methods. The data analysis method used is the Likert scale method. The results of the study show that: (1) The productivity of shallots shows that the average productivity level at the research site is 5.53 Tons/Ha. The highest percentage of 67.65% was in the interval of &gt;5.53 Tons/Ha and the lowest percentage of 32.35% was in the interval of &lt;5.53 Tons/Ha. (2) The average score of the role of agricultural extension workers is 2.77. The percentage of achieving the maximum score from this score is 92.48%. Thus, the role of agricultural extension workers is in the category of very important. (3) The relationship between the role of agricultural extension workers and the productivity of shallots was obtained with a tcal value of 0.477, and the ttable obtained a value of 0.239. The tcal value is larger than the table, so it is concluded that there is a significant difference between the role of agricultural extension workers and the productivity of shallots.</em></p> 2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##