Buletin Ilmiah IMPAS https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas <p>Buletin Ilmiah IMPAS diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun yakni pada bulan April, Agustus dan Nopember, oleh Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian&nbsp;, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Nusa Cendana. Buletin ini merupakan media komunikasi hasil-hasil&nbsp; penelitian, eksperimen, survei, opini serta kajian kepustakaan dalam bidang sosial ekonomi pertanian.</p> <p>Buletin Ilmiah IMPAS is published three times in a year, April, August and November&nbsp; by Socio-Economic Agricultural Department, Agricultural College, University of Nusa Cendana. This bulletin is intended to comunicate scientific paper of reasearch, experiment, survey, opinion and literatur studies on agricultiural socio-economics issues.</p> Undana Press en-US Buletin Ilmiah IMPAS 0853-7771 PERANAN KELOMPOK TANI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRODUKSI PADI SAWAH DI KELURAHAN NANGA BARAS KECAMATAN SAMBI RAMPAS KABUPATEN MANGGARAI TIMUR https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12696 <p><em>Objectives</em><em> of this study were</em><em>: (1) </em><em>&nbsp;to determine the role of farmer group in increasing </em><em>the </em><em>rice production of Nanga Baras Village, Sambi Rampas District, East Manggarai </em><em>R</em><em>egency and </em><em>(2) </em><em>to identify problems faced by </em><em>the </em><em>farmer group in Nanga Baras Village, Sambi Rampas District, East Manggarai </em><em>R</em><em>egency.</em> <em>To </em><em>get data in this study it was used a survey method. To </em><em>answer the first objective</em><em>, data were analyzed by the application</em><em> of </em><em>such descriptive statistics as: Mean Score, and Percentage Value, while to answer </em><em>the second objective, the data </em><em>were </em><em>analyzed by the application of qualitative</em><em> approach</em><em>, that was, </em><em>recording </em><em>all factors that inhibited the increase of rice production.</em><em> R</em><em>esults </em><em>of analysis demonstrated that: (1) the production of rice after farmers become the member of farmer group was increase; (2) </em><em>the role of farmer group in increasing the rice production was in “quite good category" because the average score obtained was only 2.13 and the percentage </em><em>value </em><em>of </em><em>this score in </em><em>achieving the maximum score was 53.25%.; and </em><em>(3) problems faced by farmers in increasing the rice production were capital and climate. </em></p> Anastasia Lastika Anjalin Serman Nikolaus Doppy Roy Nendissa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 179 185 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12696 PENGARUH FAKTOR SOSIAL EKONOMI TERHADAP PRODUKSI USAHATANI JAGUNG DI DESA BADARAI KECAMATAN WEWIKU KABUPATEN MALAKA https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12697 <p><em>This research was conducted in Badarai Village, Wewiku Sub-district, Malacca Regency from January to February 2023. This study aims to (1) estimate corn farming income, and (2) find out what socioeconomic factors affect corn farming production. The results showed that (1) The average revenue earned by hybrid corn farmers is Rp. 11,489,063 with a total production cost of Rp. 2,879,947. Then by using the income formula, the average net income per farmer is Rp. 8,609,116. While the average revenue per hectare is 12,884,930 with a total production cost of Rp. 3,229,847 so that an average net income per hectare of Rp. 9,655,083. (2) Simultaneously, the results show that there is a real influence between age, education level, land area, capital, number of labor, and farming experience on corn farming production. The findings of the partial test indicate that the factors land area, age, capital, number of workers, and farming experience have a substantial impact on corn farming production. Meanwhile, the variable of education level does not significantly affect the production of corn farming in Badarai Village, Wewiku Sub-district, Malaka Regency.</em></p> Anggelita Bano Johanna Suek Serman Nikolaus Ernantje Hendrik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 186 193 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12697 ANALISIS KOMODITAS UNGGULAN SUBSEKTOR TANAMAN PANGAN DI KABUPATEN KUPANG PERIODE 2016-2020 https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12700 <p><em>One characteristic of a region is the availability of natural resources, so the development of natural resources becomes a reference for activities in the various sub-sectors of the area concerned. To find out the food crop sub-sector from existing natural resources, an in-depth study of the leading commodities is needed. This research was conducted in Kupang Regency, from September to October 2022. The research objectives were: 1) To find out the leading commodities of the staple food crop sub-sector in Kupang Regency, 2) To find out the growth and competitiveness of staple food crops in the economy in Kupang Regency. This study used a quantitative approach using secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Kupang Regency for the 2016-2022 period which consisted of production data from 7 Staple Food Crop Commodities namely rice, corn, soybeans, peanuts, green beans, cassava and cassava. jalar in 24 districts. The analytical method used is Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) analysis and Shift Share (SSA) analysis. The results of the study show that the leading commodities in Kupang Regency are rice, sweet potatoes and soybeans where these commodities have a progressive growth rate and are competitive. Rice commodity is a commodity that has a progressive growth rate and has good competitiveness in almost all sub-districts in Kupang Regency, Sweet potato commodity itself is a commodity that has a progressive growth rate and good competitiveness because it is supported by sufficient irrigation channels. both in Kupang Regency so that many Sweet Potatoes are cultivated. While the soybean commodity is a commodity that is mostly produced in Kupang Regency because dry land agriculture dominates the area with limited rainfall. For Commodities Corn, Peanuts, Green Beans, Cassava are also the leading Commodities in just a few Districts.</em></p> Esli Onselia Taosu Ida Nurwiana Yacobus C.W. Siubelan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 194 206 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12700 POLA PENGELUARAN MAKANAN DAN NON MAKANAN PADA KELUARGA PRA-SEJAHTERA DAN SEJAHTERA 1 DI KECAMATAN FATULEU KABUPATEN KUPANG https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12701 <p><em>This study aims to determine the Expenditures and differences in the Pattern of Food and Non-Food Expenditures in Pre-Prosperous and Prosperous 1 Families in Fatuleu District, Kupang Regency. To find out food and non-food consumption expenditures, descriptive methods were used, while to find out differences in food and non-food expenditure patterns in Pre-Prosperous and Prosperous 1 Families, data analysis techniques were carried out using Chi Square Two Independent Samples. The results of the study show that (1) the average spending on food and non-food consumption in pre-prosperous families: food expenditure is Rp. 759,000 and non-food expenditure amounted to Rp. 587,000. While the average for food and non-food expenditure in the Prosperous Family 1: food expenditure amounts to Rp. 1,178,920 and non-food expenditure amounted to Rp. 898,480. Thus the Pre-Prosperous and Prosperous 1 families prioritize spending on food compared to non-food. (2) There is a difference in the pattern of food expenditure for Pre-Prosperous and Prosperous 1 families with a food </em><em>&nbsp;value of 1,000 and a non-food </em><em>&nbsp;value of 0.728. Thus there are significant differences in the pattern of food and non-food expenditure in Pre-Prosperous and Prosperous 1 families. The existence of significant differences in the pattern of food and non-food expenditure in Pre-Prosperous and Prosperous 1 families shows that people prioritize spending on food consumption compared to non-food consumption</em></p> Maria Budi Doppy Roy Nendissa Ernantje Hendrik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 207 212 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12701 PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM TANAM JAGUNG PANEN SAPI (TJPS) YANG BERKELANJUTAN DI DESA MANUSAK KECAMATAN KUPANG TIMUR KABUPATEN KUPANG https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12702 <p><em>Corn development is part of the flagship program of the NTT provincial government known as the Cattle Harvest Corn Planting Program (TJPS) to increase corn production, cattle population, cattle population, welfare of farming families and breeders. This study aims to: 1) determine corn cropping program for cattle (TJPS) in Manusak Village, Eats Kupang District, 2) determine the sustainability of the corn cropping program for cattle (TJPS) in Manusak Village, East Kupang District form the economic, socio – cultural, technological, resource dimensions natural resource and institutional dimensions, 3) formulate the direction of development of the cow harvest corn panting program (TJPS) in Manusak Village, East Kupang District. Location determination is done deliberately. The population in this study were 40 members of the Farmer’s Group who participated in the TJPS program. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. The analytical method uses descriptive quantitative analysis and RAPTJPS-multidimensional scaling (MDS). The resulst of the study show that: 1) the cow harvest corn planting program (TJPS) is one of the programs run by the NTT provincial government that has been implemented and has helped the farmers’ economy. 2) the sustainability of the TJPS program produces a sustainability index of 55% wich is included in the fairly sustainable category. 3) Leverage/sensitive factors that are a priority to pay attention to regarding the direction of the TJPS program development in Manusak Village are increasing the provision of water for irrigating corn and the need to increase the utilization of cow dung into organic fertilizer.</em></p> Rambu Ana Awa Ida Nurwiana Santhy Chamdra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 213 218 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12702 PERAN KELOMPOK TANI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRODUKSI USAHATANI BAWANG MERAH https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12703 <p><em>This research was conducted in Sumlili Village among two farmer groups, namely Kanaan and Berkat Usaha. The objectives of this research were to determine: 1) the characteristics of farmer groups in Sumlili Village, 2) the role of farmer groups in increasing shallot farming production in Sumlili Village, and 3) the factors associated with the role of farmer groups in increasing shallot farming production in Sumlili Village. The data used in this research consisted of primary and secondary data. The research method employed analytical tools such as Descriptive Analysis, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Spearman Rank. Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and a calculator were used as calculation software. The results of this research showed that: 1) Shallot farming in Sumlili Village was conducted on a total area of 3,400 ares (with an average area of 61.82 ares), resulting in a production of 49.24 tons and an average production of 0.014 tons per are or 1.4 tons per hectare. The production can be considered low compared to the national potential average of 15 tons per hectare for shallots. 2) The farmer groups played their roles based on three indicators, namely as a learning media (average score of 10.96), cooperation media (average score of 11.15), and production unit (average score of 10.44). All indicators showed that the farmer groups played a significant role with an average value of 10.82. 3) There was a significant relationship between the source of information factor and the role of farmer groups (0.038 &lt; 0.05), and the facilities and production facilities factor also had a significant relationship with the role of farmer groups (0.049 &lt; 0.05). However, factors such as farmers' age, land area, education level, farming experience, and the number of family dependents did not have a significant relationship with the role of farmer groups (p &gt; 0.05)</em></p> Sepriyandi Prayoga Berun Ernantje Hendrik Yacobus C.W. Siubelan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 219 229 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12703 MANAJEMEN PEMBERDAYAAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA DALAM PEMELIHARAAN DAN PASCA-PANEN TANAMAN KELOR PADA KELOMPOK USAHA MAJU BERSAMA DESA NOELBAKI https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12704 <p><em>Moringa is a plant that has many benefits and is easy to develop because it can grow in a variety of land conditions, but in its development there are still many deficiencies where the development process is not accompanied by the application of management of human resources. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of management and empowerment strategies for human resources in the Maju Bersama Business Group in Noelbaki village. This study uses ordinal scale analysis, by analyzing the level of participation of members of the Maju Bersama Business Group through questionnaires and interviews and then assessed with scoring criteria. The results showed that in the joint-progress business group, the strategy of empowerment and management of human resources was not implemented properly, where the level of role of human resources in maintenance and post-harvest showed that 2 people were actively involved.</em></p> Yasper Anderias Benu Doppy Roy Nendissa Sondang S.P. Pudjiastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 230 234 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12704 PENENTUAN HARGA JUAL KOPI BUBUK ARABIKA FLORES BAJAWA DI KOPERASI SERBA USAHA FA MASA DESA BEIWALI KECAMATAN BAJAWA KABUPATEN NGADA https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12705 <p><em>This research was carried out at the Fa Masa, Beiwali subdistrict, Bajawa district</em><em>, </em><em>Ngada Regency, in </em><em>May-June 2023. </em><em>The purpose of</em> <em>this study was to find out 1) </em><em>Determination </em><em>of the selling price of Arabica Flores Bajawa ground coffee at the Fa Masa and 2) The difference profit derived from each package size from the sale of Flores Bajawa Arabica Coffee Powder at the Fa Masa. The data collected is in the form of primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through interviews with informants, namely managers and employees who work at the Fa Masa and secondary data obtained from jurnal literature, and previous research. To answer the first objective, the Full Costing method, and objectived were used. Secondly, the qualitative descriptive analisis method was used The results of the research showed that Fa Masa multi-purpose cooperative determiners the selling price of ground coffee packaging sizes at a price namely for a 500 gram packaging for IDR&nbsp; 90.000, a 250 gram packaging for IDR 45.000 and 100 gram for IDR 20.000. the profits obtained and sales of coffee in 500 gram packages amounted to Rp. 1,838,555, while profits from sales of 250 gram and 100 gram packages amounted to Rp. 631,005, and Rp. 238,055.</em></p> Yuliana Harisna Putri Maximillian M.J. Kapa Maria Bano ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 235 243 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12705 ANALISIS KELAYAKAN FINANSIAL USAHATANI SAYURAN SISTEM HIDROPONIK DI KOTA KUPANG https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12706 <p><em>This research was conducted in the city of Kupang on the St. Hydroponic, Pelangi Hidroponik, J. I. Hydroponic and Alexa Garden farming businesses. The aims of this study were: 1) To know the motives or reasons for farming vegetables with a hydroponic system, 2) To know the management of vegetable farming with a hydroponic system in Kupang City, 3) To know the financial feasibility of vegetable farming with a hydroponic system in Kupang City. The data used in this study uses primary data and secondary data. The research method uses analytical tools: R/C Ratio, Break Even Points (BEP) and Payback Period (PP). Calculating software using Microsoft Excel and a calculator. The results of this study indicate that: 1) based on the results of the research. The motives or reasons for the four hydroponic system vegetable farming in the city of Kupang: for hobbies, to fill spare time, high curiosity and educate the public about consumption of pesticide-free vegetables. 2) based on the results of management research on the management of the four hydroponic system vegetable farming managers in Kupang City, namely: a) planning, b) organizing, c) implementation and, d) supervision. 3) based on the results of the analysis of the financial aspects of hydroponic system vegetable farming in the city of Kupang on St. Hydroponic, Pelangi Hidroponik, J. I. Hydroponic and Alexa Garden farming businesses are feasible to cultivate.</em></p> Arif Alexander Here Charles Kapioru Yacobus C.W. Siubelan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 244 257 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12706 Faktor Penentu Produksi Tanaman Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/impas/article/view/12994 <p>This research was conducted in Kolobolon Village, Lobalain District, Rote Ndao District. The purpose of this study was to find out the general description of red meat dragon fruit <em>(Hylocereus polyrhizus)</em> cultivation techniques and to find out the factors that determine the production of red meat dragon fruit <em>(Hylocereus polyrhizus)</em>. The variables used in this study were land area, organic fertilizers, pesticides, labor and number of plants. Using primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques with interviews and documentation methods. Data processing was carried out using the SPSS version 26 program using the Cobb-Douglas production function.The results showed that all stages of agricultural activity started from seeding, tillage, support poles, planting, fertilizing, pruning, watering, pest control, harvesting, and post-harvesting. Based on the analysis using the Cobb-Douglas production function, the following results are obtained: : Y = 7.683 X1<sup>–0,060 </sup>X2<sup>0,304 </sup>X3<sup>– 0,011</sup>X4<sup>0,355</sup>X5<sup>0,208.</sup></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results of the simultaneous F test showed that the independent variable had an effect on the yield of red flesh dragon fruit <em>(Hylocereus polyrhizus)</em> of 24.261. Partial test (t) shows that organic fertilizer, labor and the number of plants significantly affect the yield of dragon fruit with red meat <em>(Hylocereus polyrhizus)</em>. Meanwhile, area and pesticide variables had no significant effect on the yield of red meat dragon fruit <em>(Hylocereus polyrhizus)</em>. The <em>Adjusted R2</em> value is 0.847. showed that 84.70% of red meat dragon fruit <em>(Hylocereus polyrhizus)</em> production could be explained by area variables, organic fertilizers, pesticides, labor and number of plants. While the remaining 15.30%, this ratio is explained by other factors that are not included in the regression model.</p> Neta Ayu Puspita Ledoh Marthen Robinson Pellokila Alfetri N. P. Lango ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-03 2023-12-03 24 3 258 264 10.35508/impas.v24i3.12994