Geostatistical Analysis of Plastic Waste Disposal to Ecosystem (Vegetation) in Kefamenanu of North Central Timor Regency
The research was conducted in June – July 2017, in Kefamenanu of North Central Timor District. Number of locations of plastic waste contamination used as research sites were 44 (forty-four) points. The samples in this study were 4 points of plastic waste disposal. The objectives of this research are: 1) to geostatistically mapping soil pH, soil moisture, air temperature and humidity of area contaminated by plastic waste disposal in Kefamenanu, 2) to know which species are found in research location, 3) to understand statistically the relationship between accumulations of plastic waste to vegetation density in Kefamenanu. The methods used in this research are: 1) data collection of plastic waste dumping point by using GPS. The location is expressed in latitude and longitude coordinates; 2) sampling method was purposive sampling. The analysis of vegetation is quantitative analysis, and quadratic method was used for research implementation of terrestrial
vegetation. The observed data were analyzed in the following ways: a) Geostatistical map of the area was generated from ArcGIS 10.4 software, b) Calculating density parameters, and c) Statistical analysis using t-test for two independent means.The study revealed that From inferential statistical analysis through t-test, it cannot be proved that there is a difference in vegetation density between accumulated and not accumulated plastic waste sites because the number of samples analyzed is very small. Statistically descriptive through the calculation of the mean (also
illustrated in the mean graph), there is a difference in the mean of the density of vegetation (either absolute density or relative density) between the accumulated and non-accumulated plastic waste sites.
Keywords: geostatistical analysis, vegetation density, plastic waste
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