Physiological Status of Fattening Bali Cattle Feeding a Concentrate Containing Gliricidia sepium Leaves Meal Fortified with Vitamin B-Complex and Vermicide
This research has been conducted at Oeletsala village, for 10 weeks from 23 November 2015 to 23 January 2016, comprised of 2 weeks preliminary and 8 weeks for data collection. The aim of the research was to study the effect of feeding a Gliricidia sepium leaves meal concentrate fortified with B. complex vitamin and vermicide on rectal temperature, respiratory frequency, and heart rate of fattening Bali cattle. Experimental animals used were nine young male Bali cattle of 1.5-2 years old, with an initial body weight ranging from 82 to 124 kg (KV=15.114%) in average of 98.7±14.93 kg. The experimental design used was Randomized Block Design with three treatments and three replications. Those treatments were R0 = leaves of Leucaena leucocephala and Ceiba pentandra+ native grass ad libitum (as commonly practiced by local farmers), R1 = R0 + 2 kg concentrate, and R2 = R1 + B. complex vitamin, and vermicide. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant effect of the treatments on rectal temperature, respiratory frequency, and heart rate of the fattening Bali cattle(P ≤ 0.05).In conclusion, there was no significant effect of Gliricidia sepium leaves meal concentrate, vitamin B. complex, and vermicide on rectal temperature, respiratory frequency, and heart rate of the fattening Bali cattle.
Keywords: concentrate, B complex vitamin, worm vermicide, rectal temperature, respiratory frequency, and heart rate
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