Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Undana 2025-01-13T17:13:53+00:00 Cynthia Dewi Gaina Open Journal Systems <p>&nbsp;Jurnal Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Undana merupakan sebuah wadah untuk menampung tulisan - tulisan atau artikel dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh dosen - dosen di lingkup Universitas Nusa Cendana dan juga Perguruan Tinggi lain yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam penulisan artikel kegiatan pengabdiannya masing-masing.</p> Pelatihan Sistem Pembukuan Berbasis Komputer Bagi Tim Pengelola Koperasi Sahabat Literasi Flobamorata 2024-12-14T01:23:32+00:00 Silvester Tena Wellem Fridz Galla Nursalim Nursalim Agusthinus S Sampeallo <p><em>Empowering Cooperatives and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is strategic to boost the national economy. East Nusa Tenggara (ENT), as one of the cooperative provinces, is experiencing rapid growth in both quantity and quality. As pillars of regional and national economics, Cooperatives need to be developed, especially for small communities, in their various productive businesses. The development of cooperatives in NTT Province is quite significant until 2023, namely 4,301. Three thousand eight hundred sixty-six cooperatives are legal entities and active, while 435 cooperatives are not yet legal entities. The Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Sahabat Literasi Flobamorata (KSP Batera) is an institution founded by members who have the same destiny and share the same responsibility in the economic field. Its development is quite advanced regarding assets and the number of members. The main problem faced by KSP Batera is that financial management is still manual, and an Annual Member Meeting (AMM) has yet to be held. This happens because the educational background is inappropriate, and there needs to be more knowledge about the Cooperative Financial Accounting System (CFAS). Training activities for the management team on a computer-based financial accounting bookkeeping system is the best solution for the future development of this cooperative. The final result of the training activity is that the management team can complete a computer-based bookkeeping system and financial reports and prepare AMM reports to be accounted for after the close of the financial year. Maximum knowledge transfer occurs because the learning model in the form of theory and practice is 30% and 70%, respectively. Apart from that, assistance is also provided for managers both offline and online</em></p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelatihan Kader Vaksinator Ternak Ayam di Desa Oelbubuk, Kecamatan Mollo Tengah, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan 2024-12-25T18:27:36+00:00 Fhady Risckhy Loe Maxs Urias Ebenheizer Sanam Tri Utami Tarsisius Considus Tophianong Marthen L.O. Nubatonis <p>Manajemen kesehatan merupakan faktor penting yang dapat mempengaruhi usaha peternakan ayam. Vaksinasi bertujuan untuk mencegah penyakit dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh pada ternak ayam. Pelatihan keterampilan vaksinator berkaitan erat dengan penanggulangan penyakit pada ternak unggas, seperti kasus penyakit <em>Newcastle Disease</em> (ND). Pelatihan tersebut dimaksudkan agar kader vaksinator itu dapat melaksanakan vaksinasi secara mandiri serta membantu petugas vaksinator dinas yang jumlah personelnya terbatas. Materi pelatihan diberikan oleh tim dokter hewan dari Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Nusa Cendana kepada dua puluh orang masyarakat di desa Oelbubuk. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu dengan penyuluhan dan pelatihan untuk peningkatan <em>skill</em> kader vaksinator. Aplikasi vaksinasi pada ayam potong broiler sebanyak empat puluh ekor, dengan metode vaksinasi berupa tetes mata, disuntikkan, dan dicampurkan pada air minum. Vaksinasi yang sering dilakukan biasanya melalui air minum karena mudah dan cukup efektif. Hasil dari kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kader dalam melakukan tindakan pencegahan penyakit atau vaksinasi pada ternak ayam dengan metode dan dosis yang tepat.</p> 2024-12-25T18:24:01+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PKM Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran IPA dan Matematika Berbasis Bahan Lokal 2024-12-25T19:01:59+00:00 I Wayan Sukarjita Yusniati H. M. Yusuf Dominikus Warasabon Markus Simeon K. Maubuthy <p>Community service activities have been carried out in the form of activities to create science and mathematics learning media based on local materials for elementary school teachers at GMIT Manumuti Kupang. This activity lasted for two days at the GMIT Manumuti Elementary School Hall, Kupang Regency. The aim of this activity is to provide insight into knowledge and skills regarding making science and mathematics media using local materials. This service activity uses lecture, discussion, question and answer, simulation, practice and training methods. The results of the activity conclude (1) that this service activity has improved the skills of GMIT Manumuti Tarus Elementary School partner teachers in designing and making science and mathematics learning media based on local materials to make it easier for students to understand basic science and mathematics concepts, (2) This service activity has provided the basics of Science and Mathematics to partner teachers at GMIT Manumuti Tarus Elementary School as a concept for teaching science and mathematics material to students so that learning becomes more meaningful.</p> 2024-12-25T19:01:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBUATAN SISTEM INFORMASI GMIT LUZ FATUKOA SEBAGAI MEDIA INFORMASI 2024-12-30T12:07:23+00:00 Yulianto Triwahyuadi Polly Aldy Verdynand Baria Taufiq Kusuma Adrian Teva Tetus Nau <p>Pelayanan gereja merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam mendukung pertumbuhan spiritual dan pengelolaan jemaat. Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor (GMIT) Luz Fatukoa menghadapi tantangan dalam pengelolaan data jemaat, administrasi, dan penyampaian informasi yang masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal ini menyebabkan proses pelayanan menjadi lambat, kurang efisien, dan rentan terhadap kesalahan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis web yang mampu mengintegrasikan berbagai fungsi utama gereja, seperti manajemen data jemaat, pengelolaan keuangan, jadwal kegiatan, dan penyebaran berita. Sistem ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, transparansi, serta akurasi pelayanan gereja. Metode yang digunakan meliputi analisis kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, hingga pengujian guna memastikan keandalan sistem. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini berhasil meningkatkan kemudahan akses informasi dan transparansi dalam pelayanan gereja. Tingkat kepuasan pengguna mencapai skor rata-rata 93%, mencakup aspek kemudahan penggunaan, kemampuan kustomisasi, kecepatan akses, dan kualitas informasi yang disediakan. Sistem ini terbukti efektif mendukung GMIT Luz Fatukoa dalam menjalankan pelayanannya secara lebih modern dan efisien.</p> 2024-12-30T12:07:23+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TEKNOLOGI SOSIALISASI INOVATIF UNTUK PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH PLASTIK SEBAGAI PILAR EKOWISATA PULAU MAITARA 2025-01-13T17:13:53+00:00 Mutmainnah Ridwan Yuliana Yuliana Andi Muhammad Ilyas Martini Djamhur Saptariani Putri <p>Maitara Island, as a potential ecotourism destination in Tidore Islands City, faces serious challenges in managing plastic waste that could threaten its environmental sustainability. This research aims to develop innovative socialization technology to enhance public awareness and behavioral change in plastic waste management through recycling practices.</p> <p>The research uses a mixed-methods approach (qualitative and quantitative), involving 100 respondents from the community of Maitara Island who were selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and surveys using questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis techniques, while quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.</p> <p>The research results show that the applied socialization technology increased the community's understanding of the importance of recycling by up to 85% and encouraged 70% of respondents to practice waste sorting at home. This technology also reduced the volume of unmanaged plastic waste by 30%, supporting the sustainability of Maitara Island as an ecotourism destination.</p> <p>This research provides a theoretical contribution to the literature on technology-based social change and offers a practical model that can be adapted in other regions. The social implications of this research include empowering local communities and strengthening technology-based environmental sustainability initiatives.</p> 2025-01-12T21:13:05+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##