Jurnal Media Elektro 2024-05-14T16:22:40+00:00 Nursalim,MT Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: right;"><a href=";1333930075&amp;1&amp;&amp;"><strong>ISSN:</strong>&nbsp;2252-6692 (Printed</a>) <br><a href=";1558940072&amp;1&amp;&amp;"><strong>e-ISSN:</strong>&nbsp;2715-4963 (Online)</a> <br> <strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 2em;"><strong>Jurnal Media Elektro&nbsp;</strong>is a scientific journal that presents original articles about research knowledge and information or research and development applications. This journal is a means of publication and research works and their development in technology. Authors interested in loading articles in this journal can be addressed to email: <strong>&nbsp;</strong>. The editor will select the articles submitted. This journal is published regularly twice a year.</p> <center> <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 2em;"><img src="/RujUxYuks/site/images/Nursalim/Gambar_sinta2.png" width="140" height="60"></p> </center> A NEW METHOD OF TORQUE RIPPLE MEASUREMENT FOR MAGNETIC GEARS 2024-05-14T16:22:40+00:00 Sudirman Syam Sri Kurniati Nursalim Nursalim Wellem F. Galla <p>Torque ripple analysis and calculation methods in an axial-type Magnetic Gear (MG) design with four rectangular NdFeB magnetic layers have been reviewed and discussed. Smooth and steadily transmitted torque is an essential characteristic of a magnetic gear. Reducing possible mechanical vibration, position inaccuracy, and acoustic noise is necessary. Therefore, this study aims to design a new engineering method appropriate for calculating the torque ripple of the MG transmission by testing its mechanical and electrical properties. Two simultaneous torque tests compare the MG brakes from zero to full load. In addition, the transmission torque of the axial MG is measured and calculated using technical methods. The results showed that differences in dynamic torque occurred in the MG at various air gap distances.&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF FORECAST OF RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH SUMATRA USING ANFIS 2024-05-01T23:32:26+00:00 Yoga Tri Nugraha Puan Maharani Simanjuntak Muhammad Irwanto Rizkha Rida M.A. Othman <p><em>The transition towards renewable energy sources is critical for sustainable development, particularly in regions like North Sumatra, Indonesia, where energy demand is increasing rapidly. This </em><em>research presents an analysis of the forecast of renewable energy development in North Sumatra using the ANFIS. The analysis begins with data collection and preprocessing, incorporating historical data on energy consumption, renewable energy installations, population growth, economic indicators, and environmental factors. ANFIS models are then developed and optimized to capture the complex relationships between these variables and forecast renewable energy trends accurately. Model validation and performance evaluation techniques ensure the reliability of the forecasted outcomes. </em><em>The results of the calculations conducted using the ANFIS method obtained an error value of 0,000201092% and has a Forecast of Renewable Energy Development in North Sumatra in 2028 of 160.44 MW.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FREQUENCY STABILITY ANALYSIS USING TIME DOMAIN SIMULATION METHOD (CASE STUDY OF TIMOR SYSTEM) 2024-05-04T11:46:15+00:00 Dionisius Alfonso Seran Evtaleny R Mauboy Nursalim Nursalim <p><em>Based on the 2021-2030 RUPTL, the addition of PLTU Timor 1 (2 × 50 MW) to the Timor system is carried out because electricity demand continues to increase. Therefore, a transient stability study is needed, to determine the reliability of the system when a disturbance occurs. By utilizing the Time Domain Simulation (TDS) method, the research was conducted by simulating generator outage and 3 phase short circuit to study the frequency stability of the Timor system. From the simulation results, generator outage has a major influence on system frequency stability, especially simulated at PLTU Timor 1 unit 1. The disturbance caused a decrease in the lowest frequency reaching 49.61 Hz so that it was not within the safe operating limits according to the operating guidelines for the Timor electricity system. For this reason, Manual Load Shedding (MLS) and the addition of generators at PLTD Cogindo and PLTMG Kupang Peaker are required. The action is carried out by paying attention to the rate of change of the next frequency. As for the 3 phase short circuit disturbance on one of the Bolok - Maulafa lines, the frequency increased to 50.06 Hz after the disturbance which is still within safe operating limits.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## FAST IMAGE RETRIEVAL BERBASIS LOCALITY SENSITIVE HASHING DAN CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK 2024-05-01T03:46:42+00:00 Silvester Tena Bernadectus Yudi Dwiandiyanta Wenefrida Tulit Ina <p>Image retrieval systems with a fast search process are still challenging for researchers. Fast search methods are one of the most important parts of image retrieval. One of the techniques used is reducing feature dimensions using the Locality Sensitivity Hashing (LSH) method. Apart from that, feature types and image extraction methods are selected. Image feature extraction uses the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method in this research. Measuring similarity using the Hamming Distance (HD) and Euclidean Distance (ED) methods. The datasets used are TenunIkatNet and Batik300. The LSH method forms a hash table as a bucket to group similar images based on probability and in the form of binary code. The research results show that the LSH+HD+ED method provides faster search results than ED. The image retrieval time for the LSH+HD+ED and ED methods is 0.252 seconds and 4.5 seconds, respectively, for the TenunIkatNet dataset. Meanwhile, the Batik300 dataset is 0.03 seconds and 0.9 seconds. Using the LSH method is very effective for large datasets. Retrieval accuracy using the LSH+HD+ED method was 99.705% and 84% for the TenunIkatNet and Batik300 datasets, respectively. Meanwhile, the ED method produces 94.17% and 82% retrieval accuracy, respectively.</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## RANCANG BANGUN OPTIMALISASI PANEL SURYA DUAL AXIS DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR INTENSITAS CAHAYA 2024-05-01T13:57:37+00:00 Riny Sulistyowati Hari Agus Sujono Misbahul Munir <p>The results from the solar power generation system depend on the input and duration of eh sunlight entering the solar panel. However, problems will come when the sun changes every day from east to west and the weather changes frequently. They will result in the power generated by static solar panels not being optimal. This research collected data in East Kalisari Village, Surabaya, because this location has good potential for solar energy according to BMKG data from November 2022, which was the peak of the rainy season. The data showed the average solar radiation from 06.00 to 18.00 for 6 hours. For this reason, the researcher designed a dynamic solar panel that could follow the movement of the sun. A solar power plant optimization system is needed to maximize the acquisition of solar energy and increase the power generated by solar panels. The design of optimizing dual-axis solar panels using light intensity sensors could solve some problems of static solar panels, which could not follow the movement of sunlight. As a result, the power generated by solar panels could be optimized, and the potential of solar energy in East Kalisari Village, Surabaya, could be optimally used.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGENALAN APLIKASI OBYEK WISATA TELAGA NGEBEL BERBASIS VIRTUAL REALITY DAN ALGORTIMA GREEDY 2024-05-05T03:46:27+00:00 Mohammad Bhanu Setyawan Angga Dian Permana Putra Kelik Sussolaikah Ismail Abdurrozaq Zulkarnain Adi Fajaryanto Cobantoro <p>Ngebel Lake in Ponorogo Regency is a tourist destination that is usually visited by many local or non-local tourists. There is great potential to be developed again to introduce this tourist attraction to outside the region in order to attract tourists. Telaga Ngebel requires the main role of promotion and publication out, so it is very necessary for a technology that is able to realize the equal introduction of Telaga Ngebel attractions and is able to describe tourist objects in real terms. The solution is to utilize Virtual Reality technology that can package the potential of tourist attractions in an attractive, attractive and contemporary manner. The technology displays Telaga Ngebel attractions in 3600 with a 3-dimensional object model and the nearest wahan search feature using the Greedy Algorithm with a virtual reality display. In its preparation using SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). The final result of making this application in the form of Virtual Reality Telaga Ngebel and also games using the greedy algorithm used as an implementation of games that present the charm of Telaga Ngebel. Based on the results of usability test research with the SUS method obtained a score of 51 or in adjective OK criteria.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##