Education For All <p>Terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober. Berisi tulisan yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian di bidang Pendidikan Masyarakat/Pendidikan Luar Sekolah/ Pendidikan Nonformal. Artikel telah dimuat atas undangan.</p> en-US (Nirwaning Makleat) (Samrid Neonufa) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PENGARUH KEGIATAN LITERASI TERHADAP MINAT BACA WARGA BELAJAR DI PUSAT KEGIATAN BELAJAR MASYARAKAT (PKBM BINTANG FLOBAMORA KOTA KUPANG) <p>This research was motivated by problems regarding the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) program for PKBM Bintang Flobamora students in Kupang City, the school literacy movement had not been implemented in accordance with the existing stages, namely the habituation stage, development stage and learning stage. Apart from these problems, there are also several obstacles that occur in implementing the school literacy movement program, such as, some students do not read but only look at pictures in books. This obstacle is a concern for the school. This research aims to determine the influence of the School Literacy Movement on the reading interest of residents studying at PKBM Bintang Flobamora, Kupang City. This type of research uses a quantitative approach with an ex post facto research design. The population used in this research was PKBM Bintang Flobamora study residents, Kupang City, total sampling, so the sample in this study was 30 study residents. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and documentation. Instrument testing uses validity and reliability. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis and prerequisite tests, namely normality test, linearity test, hypothesis test in the form of a simple linear regression test using the terms Ho, accepted and Ha, rejected. Based on data processing from research results with a sample size of 30 residents studying PKBM Bintang Flobamora, Kupang City, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) on the reading interest of residents studying PKBM</p> Orson Leobeti, Rongky Y Famdale, Stofiani Susana Lima ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 18 Dec 2024 06:43:37 +0000 PEMBERDAYAAN PEMUDA DALAM PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN TEMPAT WISATA DI KAMPUNG BONEN DESA BAUMATA <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>The aim of this research is to determine the process of youth empowerment through the developmentof tourist attractions in Bonen village, Baumata village using descriptive qualitative research. The results and discussion found that: youth empowerment in planning the development of tourist attractions in Bonen village, Baumata village consists of 2 themes, namely the youth empowerment stage and its indicators: 1). Awareness and behavior formation stage, including empowerment, starting to create initial preconditions by opening people’s awareness of their conditions 2). Ability transformation stage in the form of knowledge and skill, including motivated youth empowering themselves by taking an active role in the development of tourist attractions and 3). The independence stage, including developing the potential for initiative and motivation in creating photo spots. 1). Enabling indicators in the form of potential to be developed 2). Empowering indicators/abilities in the form of knowledge and skill 3). Protecting indicators/increasing ability to overcome problems 4). Supporting indicators/role or involvement in order to become independent and 5). Fostering indicators/ changes obtained. The result is that yout improve the welfareof families in Bonen village through the development of tourist attractions.</p> Debora Elviwanti Sonbai, Erni Raster Klau, Samrid Neonufa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 18 Dec 2024 06:52:58 +0000 ANALISIS PENYEBAB ANAK PUTUS SEKOLAH PADA KASUS BROKEN HOME DI DESA UMBU RIRI KABUPATEN SUMBA TENGAH <p>A broken home refers to a married couple encountering family issues that eventually result in the termination of their relationship through separation or divorce. This situation often negatively impacts the children, affecting their education. Therefore, this study aims to inv estigate the factors causing children to drop out of school in broken home cases. The methodology employed in this study is qualitative research with a case study approach to explore the phenomenon of school dropout due to broken home factors. The techniques used for data collection include observation, interviews, and documentation. The number of informants in this study is four indiv iduals aged 13-16 years who experienced broken home conditions, leading them to drop out of school. The research findings are categorized based on the broken home conditions experienced by the informants. The first condition is a broken family where the parents of the informant had separated. This situation adversely affected the informant, leading to the decision to quit school. The second condition involves the death of one or both parents, experienced by two informants, which rendered them powerless to continue their education, resulting in their decision to drop out of school. The third condition involves neglect, experienced by one informant whose parents had divorced, leav ing the informant uncared for and ultimately causing them to drop out of school.</p> Maria Melinia Sailang, Ambara Saraswati Mardani, Erni Raster Klau ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 18 Dec 2024 07:07:47 +0000 JANDA DESA OAN MANE (STUDI FENOMENOLOGI DI KECAMATAN MALAKA BARAT KABUPATEN MALAKA) <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to determine widows in Oan Village in maintaining daily family economic survival through ikat weaving in the Taru Manu Oan Weaving Group, focusing this research on the concept of widowhood as a result of divorce and death how the ability of widows in Oan Mane Village to carry out economic life in Oan Mane Village, West Malacca District, Malacca Regency. which is carried out to reveal the nature of individual experience through phenomenological approaches, observation, interviews and documentation studies. The subjects were selected as many as 8 (eight) people because the research focused on widows in Oan Mane Village in improving family economic needs through the ikat weaving program in the Taru Manu Oan weaving group. </em><em>The</em><em> results of this study show that the main business carried out is a program of ikat weaving empowerment in the Taru Manu Oan weaving group and this weaving group is only given to widows in Oan Mane Village to meet the daily economic needs of the family and the cost of children's school needs. The income obtained is also normal because the price is seen from the fabric woven if it is patterned and marobo and ordinary the price varies, but they are satisfied with the producers obtained from this woven cloth sold. For this reason, they are very grateful to the Malacca Regency Government for presenting a weaving program which has helped in increasing the daily economic needs of families.</em></p> Merlince Bere, Erni Raster Klau, Yosephina K Sogen ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN PAMONG DALAM MENYELENGGARAKAN PEMBELAJARAN KREATIF PADA PROGRAM PAKET C DI LEMBAGA PEMBINAAN KHUSUS ANAK (LPKA) KELAS 1 KUPANG <p>The learning process has not been creative because of the low encouragement of <br>learning citizens in participating in the learning process, because the children in LPKA <br>are children who commit criminal acts so that they receive special guidance at LPKA <br>and each child has a different character so that they have not been able to control <br>themselves properly during the learning process such as making noise, like to be <br>noticed, making it challenging for tutors to provide a positive and engaging learning <br>environment in the classroom. The case study approach method is used in this research. <br>The Special Child Development Institution (LPKA) Class 1 Kupang in Oesapa Barat <br>Village, Kelapa Lima District, Kupang City, served as the study's location. Tutors, <br>Learning Residents, and the Head of SPNF were the study's subjects. Interviews, <br>observations, and documentation were used to collect data. Tutors have an important <br>role in facilitating creative learning in the PAKET C program at the Special Child <br>Development Institution (LPKA) Class 1 Kupang, according to the study results. The <br>ability of tutors to facilitate creative learning is limited. The expense of producing <br>different learning materials to enhance creative learning places restrictions on tutors. <br>Students are less engaged in studying since the procedure is still tedious. Tutors employ <br>conversation, face-to-face instruction, and observation to carry out the learning <br>process. It might be inferred that since the teaching approach is still conventional, <br>pupils are not as engaged in the current curriculum</p> Asri Magdalena Beroh, Gallex Simbolon, Ambara Saraswati Mardani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 18 Dec 2024 07:39:50 +0000 PEMAHAMAN IBU DALAM PENCEGAHAN STUNTING PADA ANAK BALITA DI DESA LOBOAJU, KECAMATAN SABU TENGAH, KABUPATEN SABU RAIJUA <p><strong><em>ABSTRACK</em></strong></p> <p><em>Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive caused by chronic malnutrition, especially in the first thousand days of life (HPK). this research aims to find out mothers' understanding of preventing stunting in children under five. The method used in this research is qualitative research with a case study approach to explore the phenomenon of stunting problems in children under five. The techniques used to collect data are observation, interviews and documentation. The number of informants in this study was five (5) people aged 20-40 years who had stunted children under five. The research results show that in the literacy section, informants understand that exclusive breastfeeding is important, but in reality not all informants can provide exclusive breastfeeding because there are various factors, including the mother's physical condition which does not allow her to produce a lot of breast milk and mothers who have to work to earn a living. Then in terms of education, the informant also knew that providing nutritious food was also important, but in reality the food menu given was always the same, making children bored and having difficulty eating, which could result in unbalanced nutritional problems. Furthermore, regarding environmental sanitation, mothers let children play around the house without supervision so that children's cleanliness is given less attention. The behavior of providing immunization is good because all toddlers have been fully immunized and economic planning practices are not implemented because economic conditions do not allow it.</em></p> Florida Bangngu Bire, Nirwaning Makleat, Ambara Saraswati Mardani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH KOMPETENSI TUTOR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR WARGA BELAJAR KELAS XI PADA MATA PELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DI PKBM BINTANG FLOBAMORA KOTA KUPANG <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The background of the problem in this study is that tutors in class XI mathematics subjects still use conventional learning processes and methods lacking variation. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence between the competence of tutors and the learning outcomes of citizens learning equivalence package C class XI in mathematics subjects. The method in this study is quantitative with a simple linear regression test. The population in this study amounted to 72 residents learning class XI on the equivalence of package C with a sample of as much as the population because it used nonprobability sampling techniques. Hypothesis testing uses simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the normality test 0.0</em><em>18</em><em>&gt;0.0</em><em>5</em><em> means that the tutor's competence with the learning outcomes of learning residents is normally distributed and for the linearity test 0.759 &gt;</em><em>0.05</em><em> it means that there is a relationship between the competence of tutors and the learning outcomes of learning residents. Based on the results of a simple linear regression test, the tutor's competence had a very small influence on the results of learning students, which proved to be negative, namely -54,117. Tutor competence gets an average score of 89, meaning that the contribution of the influence of tutor competence on the learning outcomes of learning residents is 8.92% and the remaining 91.05% is influenced by other variables that were not studied in this study.</em></p> Vanti Adinda Kana, Mariana Ikun RD Pareira, Samrid Neonufa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA (PKK) DI DESA NUNKOLO, KECAMATAN NUNKOLO, KABUPATEN TIMOR TENGAH SELATAN <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui program PKK di Desa Nunkolo, Kecamatan Nunkolo, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan dengan mengacu pada teori yang dikemukakan oleh Sumodiningrat bahwa tahap pemberdayaan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu tahap penyadaran, tahap tranformasi dan tahap peningkatan.<br>Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 3 orang yaitu ketua PKK, sekretaris PKK, dan anggota PKK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik yang digunakan untuk analisis data adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Triangulasi yang digunakan untuk menguji data dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik.<br>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; 1) Tahap penyadaran; potensi yang dimiliki tidak dikembangkan dengan baik karena malas dan tidak mau untuk belajar, adanya motivasi dari ibu-ibu PKK yang didapat dari pelatihan tentang pembuatan keterampilan menganyam okomama dan tas dari daun lontar namun hanya sekedar mengikuti dan tidak melanjutkan ke kelompok dan juga untuk kehidupan sendiri, kurang adanya interaksi antara pengurus dan anggota atau anggota dengan anggota lain sehingga potensi dari ibu-ibu hanya sebatas untuk dirinya sendiri yang mengetahui. 2) Tahap transformasi; ibu-ibu dalam PKK sebagian sudah terampil namun kurangnya interaksi dan kerjasama sehingga tidak berbagi ilmu kepada anggota lain tentang pengolahan keterampilan dan 3) Tahap peningkatan ; ibu-ibu PKK kurang menyadari akan potensi dan keterampilan yang dimiliki, kurangnya motivasi dari program PKK yang ada sehingga mempengaruhi potensi yang dikembangkan.</p> Deni Sanherib Nahak, Abdul Syukur, Frans Kristian Selly ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN LEMBAGA SWADAYA MASYARAKAT DALAM INOVASI SUMBER DAYA ALAM LOKAL DI MASYARAKAT (STUDI EKSPLORATIF) <p>This research is motivated by the problem of lack of public understanding in the use and management of natural resources into products through innovation. So it is hoped that the role of Non Governmental Organizations will be to help the community in terms of innovation regarding the use and management of local natural resources. The aim of this research is to determine the role of non-governmental organizations in local natural resource innovation in society. This research uses qualitative methods with an exploratory study approach. This research is located at the Non Governmental Organization, Alfa Omega Foundation which is located on Jalan Timor Raya KM.13, Mata Air Village, Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The subjects in this research were the Director of the Alfa Omega Foundation, Deputy Director of the Alfa Omega Foundation, Head of the General Division, and the target community for the activities. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation. The triangulation used to explain the validity of the data is source triangulation and technical triangulation. The research results show that there are 4 (four) indicators of strategy, impact, value and benefits. Through the strategy carried out by the institution, it can have a positive impact on society. However, for the two indicators, namely the value and benefit indicators,&nbsp;there are new findings which will later be used as evaluation by the institution and the community.</p> Kristina Noviyanti, Ambara Saraswati Mardani, Gallex Simbolon ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 18 Dec 2024 13:16:02 +0000