Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn <p>Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara menerbitkan manuskrip yang relevan dalam bidang (tetapi tidak terbatas pada) ilmu veteriner, peternakan, perikanan, biologi hewan, One Health, zoonosis, dan kesejahteraan hewan.</p> <p>e-ISSN:&nbsp;2540-7643</p> Program Studi Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Nusa Cendana en-US Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara 2540-7643 Studi Morfologi Kelenjar Parotis dan Mandibularis Babi Hutan (Sus scrofa) https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/14191 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur morfologi anatomi dan histologi kelenjar parotis dan mandibularis babi hutan (Sus scrofa). Organ kelenjar parotis dan mandibularis dikoleksi dari 3 ekor babi hutan (Sus scrofa) dengan kriteria sehat berasal dari Kecamatan Fatuleu, Camplong 1, Kabupaten Kupang. Hewan disembelih, dinekrospsi, dilakukan pengamatan makroskopik, kemudian kelenjar parotis dan mandibularis dipotong dengan ketebalan ± 1 cm dan difiksasi dalam formalin 10%, selanjutnya dilakukan pewarnaan Hematoksilin Eosin (HE), dan pengamatan mikroskopik di Laboratorium Anatomi, Fisiologi, <br>Farmakologi dan Biokimia Fakutas Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Nusa Cendana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelenjar parotis mempunyai bentuk menyerupai segitiga tidak beraturan dan berwarna merah segar. Kelenjar mandibularis berbentuk tidak beraturan dan berwarna merah muda. Sel asinar kelenjar parotis babi hutan dominan asinus serosa sedangkan sel asinar kelenjar mandibularis babi hutan didominasi asinus mukus dan terdapat asinus serosa dan demilun serosa. Adapun duktus pada kelenjar parotis dan mandibularis babi hutan meliputi duktus interkalatus, duktus striatus dan duktus ekskretorius.</p> Dhino Christopel Djari Inggrid T Maha Dede Rival Novian ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 1 1 17 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.14191 Profil Hematologi dan Urinalisis pada Kambing Kacang yang Terinfeksi Sarcoptes scabiei https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/15152 <p><em>Capra aegagrus hircus are local goats native to Indonesia with great potential to be developed to meet animal protein needs. The success of Capra aegagrus hircus rearing is closely related to husbandry management. Health management is an important factor in the livestock industry as it has a direct impact on productivity, animal welfare, and public health. To maintain animal health, it is necessary to conduct routine clinical examinations such as hematology and urinalysis. In this case, a Capra aegagrus hircus less than 1 year old, belonging to Undana's dry land, had been sick for 3 weeks. The clinical symptoms that appeared referred to the incidence of scabiosis. The examinations performed were skin scraping, hematological examination, and urinalysis. The results of the Capra aegagrus hircus examination were positive for Sarcoptes scabiei infection with hypochromic normocytic anemia and urinalysis results found struvite crystal sedimentation and suspected methemoglobin compounds in the urine</em></p> Elisa Albertine Rahmita Deran Ola Yustinus Oswin Primajuni Wuhan ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 1 18 27 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.15152 Uji Fungsi Hati Dan Performa Tumbuh Ayam Broiler Yang Diberikan Pakan Kombinasi Tepung Kelor (Moringa Oleifera Lam.) dan Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/14066 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pakan kombinasi tepung kelor <em>(moringa</em> <em>oleifera </em><em>L</em><em>am.)</em> dan jeruk nipis <em>(citrus aurantifolia)</em> terhadap fungsi hati dan performa tumbuh ayam broiler. Materi yang digunakan adalah ayam broiler sebanyak 36 ekor, dengan 4 perlakuan, 9 ekor/perlakuan, dan dipelihara selama 35 hari. T0: Pakan komersial + air minum, T1: Pakan komersial + air minum + 4% tepung kelor <em>(</em><em>Moringa oleifera</em><em> Lam.)</em>, T2: Pakan komersial + Air Minum + 4% perasan jeruk nipis <em>(</em><em>Citrus aurantifolia</em><em>)</em>, T3: Pakan komersial + Air Minum + 2% tepung kelor <em>(</em><em>Moringa oleifera</em><em> Lam.)</em> + 2% perasan jeruk nipis <em>(</em><em>Citrus aurantifolia</em><em>)</em>. Analisis data dengan uji deskriptif dan uji independent sample t-test. Hasil analisis didapatkan perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata antara kadar SGOT dan SGPT serum darah ayam broiler pada tiap kelompok perlakuan. Dibuktikan dengan nilai (sig. (2-tailed) &lt; 0,05) serta rata-rata pertambahan bobot badan tertinggi pada hasil penelitian ini adalah pada T3 (pakan komersial + Air Minum + 2% tepung kelor <em>(</em><em>Moringa oleifera</em><em> Lam.)</em> + 2% perasan jeruk nipis <em>(</em><em>Citrus aurantifolia</em><em>)</em>. Kesimpulan: penambahan tepung kelor <em>(Moringa oleifera Lam.)</em> dan jeruk nipis <em>(Citrus aurantifolia)</em> berpengaruh pada fungsi hati ayam broiler dan performa tumbuh ayam broiler.</p> Vinsensius Baba Piran Dede Rival Novian Nemay A Ndaong ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 1 28 40 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.14066 Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Dan Staphylococcus aureus Pada Ambing dan Susu Kambing Peranakan Etawa https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/14626 <p><em>A disease that is usually found in etawa crossbreed goats is mastitis. Mastitis can be caused by Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This study aims to isolate and identify Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp, and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria found in the mammary of etawa crossbreed goats and determine the level of bacterial colonization of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella Sp., and Staphylococcus aureus in the milk of etawa crossbreed goats calculated using the Total Plate Count (TPC) test. The samples used in this study were mammary swabs and milk from 6 PE goats. Isolation and identification of bacteria in the mammary were carried out by planting samples on differential and selective media, Gram staining, and biochemical tests. Calculation of bacterial colonies in PE goat milk used by TPC test. The results of this study indicated that Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were successfully isolated and identified from 6 PE goat mammary, but Klebsiella sp was only found in 1 PE goat mammary. The TPC value of PE goat milk obtained an average of 2.9x105 and it’s still below the maximum SNI standard for fresh milk, but exceeds the Thai Agricultural Standard for fresh goat's milk, its 2x105 CFU/ml.</em></p> Dinda Eri Cahyaningtyas Cynthia D Gaina Elisabet Tangkonda ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 1 41 52 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.14626 Identifikasi Dan Prevalensi Nematoda Saluran Pencernaan Pada Babi Lokal Di Kecamatan Satarmese Kabupaten Manggarai https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/14738 <p>Pigs are the most important type of livestock for small farmers in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province. The Central Statistics Agency noted that pigs are the largest livestock population in East Nusa Tenggara. This study aims to indentify and determine the prevalence of intestinal worms in local pigs in the Satarmese sub-district, Manggarai regency. The samples used in this study were 82 samples of local pig faeces taken from breeders and were examined using the simple native method and the floating method and identified based on the morphology of the worm eggs. Based on the research results, it was found that the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode infection in local pigs in the Satarmese sub-district, Manggarai regency, was 59% (48/82) with a prevalence in each village of 67% (Langgo Village), 45% (Iteng Village), 69% (Satar Loung Village), 58% (Koak Village) and 70% ( Tado Village). After identification, it was found that there were types of digestive tract nematode worms namely Ascaris sp, Strogloides sp, and trinchuris Sp.</p> Leonardus E. P. C Pratama Julianty Almet Dewi F.L Djungu Larry W.R Toha ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 7 1 53 60 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.14738 Studi Literatur Perbandingan Performa Reproduksi Kuda Betina Lokal (Equus cabballus) dan Kuda Turunan Thoroughbred https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/12404 <p>A horse is a creature that offers several advantages to people, including use as a mode of transportation, a means of cargo transit, a source of power to pull wagons or carts, a source of sustenance like meat and milk, as well as in sporting arenas and as equestrian cavalry. Indonesians enjoy participating in horse racing as one of their favorite equestrian sports, hence efforts are being made to improve the genetic quality of local horses by breeding them with Thoroughbreds to create Indonesian racehorses . In order to assess the reproductive efficiency of local thoroughbred mares and to ascertain the first mating age, gestational age, service per conception, and foaling interval in local thoroughbred mares, a literature review was conducted. The goal of doing a literature review was to evaluate the reproductive efficiency of nearby thoroughbred mares, as well as their first mating age, gestational age, time between conceptions, and foaling interval. Using the Mendeley and Google Scholar programs, a variety of reference sources were gathered for this literature study. The findings of the reproductive performance of local horses and thoroughbred breeds as observed from the age of first mating, length of gestation, Foaling interval, and S/C of local horses and thoroughbred horses varied but remained within the normal range. Genetics, training methods, the environment, the type of feed, and the purpose for which the horses are kept all have an impact on this.</p> Rut Elisabet Loak Cynthia D Gaina Tarsisius C Tophianong ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 1 61 67 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.12404 Pengaruh Aplikasi Vaksin Dan Suplementasi Probiotik Terhadap Titer Antibodi Dan Pertumbuhan Ayam KUB Yang Dipelihara Di Lingkungan Lahan Kering https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/11719 <p><span class="s25">The maintenance of chicken livestock is often constrained by several infectious diseases that cause chicken death, one of which is Newcastle Disease. Efficiency in maintaining chicken production can be achieved with probiotics. Probiotic supplementation can reduce the risk of disease and improve chicken health. This study aims to determine the difference in antibody titer of KUB chickens given intramuscular vaccine and drinking water and to know the difference in body weight gain of chickens that get probiotics and those that do not get probiotics. The parameters observed were antibody titer before and after vaccination and body weight gain. This study used the HA and HI test methods. Positive results in the HA test are evenly distributed crystals (diffusion), while negative results in the HA test are flow (tears drop), while the HI test results can be observed by calculating the blood flow that occurs in each well. The results showed that there were significant differences in antibody titers between intramuscular and oral vaccination methods. The provision of probiotics did not show significant differences (P&gt;0.05) on body weight gain of KUB chickens both those who received probiotics and those who did not receive probiotics.</span>&nbsp;</p> Viona Mariana Dewi Sanam Elisabet Tangkonda Maxs U.E Sanam ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 7 1 68 83 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.11719 Identifikasi Anisakis sp. pada Cumi-cumi (Loligo spp.) di Pasar Wuring dan TPI Kota Maumere https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/10882 <p>Maumere City is one of the largest squid producers in NTT with a total&nbsp;production and catch of 143,958 tons. Squid has various health benefits, but squid is also susceptible to parasitic infections such as <em>Anisakis sp.. Anisakis sp.</em> is an anisakid nematode that can cause anisakiasis, which is zoonotic and dangerous to humans. This study aims to determine the type and calculate the prevalence of <em>Anisakis sp.</em> on squid (<em>Loligo spp</em>.) traded at Pasar Wuring and TPI Maumere City. The collection used the sampling quota method with a total sample of 100 squids divided into 5o samples at Wuring Market and 50 samples at TPI Maumere City. The sample was then necropsy to look for the presence of <em>Anisakis sp.</em> on internal organs of the body. The parasite was found collected in a Petri dish containing NaCl, then fixed with 70% alcohol, stained with Semichon’s acetocarmine, then dehydrated and stratified with 70% alcohol, 85% 95%. Next, identify it under a microscope. The results showed that the type of parasite that infects squid is <em>Anisakis sp.</em> type I, characterized by clear boring teeth, ventriculus, and mucron. The prevalence of Anisakis sp. in squid is 11% which <br>belongs to the category of frequent predilection organs on the muscular wall of the anterior mantle, liver, and muscular wall of the caudal coat.</p> Elisa Albertine Rahmita Deran Ola Julianty Almet Annytha Inna Rohi Detha ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 7 1 84 94 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.10882 Kualitas Semen Babi yang ditambahkan Antioksidan Semangka Merah (Citrullus Lanatus) https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/10734 <p>This study is aimed at recognizing the effect that the addition of juice from watermelon (Citrulus lanatus) as antioxidants against motility and semen viability of pigs. The source of cement used in research came from the landrace boar. The semen of the pig was collected using the method of massage with the help of dummy sow. Cement is macroscopic and microscopic. The natural dilution material used is lontar. The treatment of the juice of 100 µL/10 mL, 200 µL/10 mL, 300 µL/10 mL, 400 µL/10 mL, 500 µL/10 mL. Liquid semen evaluations are performed every two hours after storage and sperm motility and viability evaluations of spermatozoa. The addition of watermelon juice (Citrulus lanatus) P3 treatment group at a dose of 300 µL/10mL has the best possible result in sustaining the motility of spermatozoa.</p> Nadya Putri Melvin Loe Tarsisius C Tophianong Nancy D.F.K Foeh ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 7 1 95 106 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.10734 Identifikasi Ektoparasit Pada Anjing di Klinik Hewan Kota Kupang https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/10553 <p>Dogs have become popular pets due to their high intelligence and loyalty to their owners. Dogs can play a role in the spread of disease through ectoparasite infestation. Ectoparasites are parasites that attack and live their lives on the surface of the host's body. This study aimed to identify ectoparasites infesting dogs in Kupang City veterinary clinics. Collection of ectoparasite samples was carried out on 50 dogs with 10 samples at each clinic in 5 veterinary clinics in Kupang City. Collection results were stored in 70% alcohol, followed by preservation in the form of glass preparations, and observed using a microscope. Data were analyzed descriptively and then displayed in tables and figures. The results of the identification of ectoparasites found in dogs are <em>Ctenocephalides canis</em>, <em>Rhipicephalus sanguineus</em>, <em>Haemaphysalis sp</em>. dan H<em>eterodoxus S</em>p.</p> Stepanus Umbu Deta Julianty Almet Yeremia Yobelanno Sitompul ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 7 1 107 116 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.10553 Kajian Histokimia Sebaran Karbohidrat Netral Pada Usus Halus Ayam Hutan Hijau (Gallus Varius) Asal Pulau Alor https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/9360 <p>Green jungle fowl (<em>Gallus varius</em>) is a type of local chicken in Indonesia. Green jungle fowl are only found in Indonesia, which are spread from Java, Madura, Bali, Lombok, Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores and Alor. The small intestine consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum which function in the absorption of nutrients. <em>Periodic Acid Schiff</em> (PAS) is a special staining method that aims to see the characteristics of neutral carbohydrates in cells or body tissues. A positive PAS staining reaction is indicated by the presence of a magenta-red color in the examined tissue. This study aims to determine the distribution of neutral carbohydrates in the small intestine of the green jungle fowl (<em>Gallus varius</em>) from Alor Island. Small intestine samples were taken from 3 green jungle fowl collected in Alor District. Microscopic observation of small intestine tissue that has been stained with PAS stain. The results showed that the small intestine of the green jungle fowl consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Neutral carbohydrates are distributed throughout the tunica duodenum, jejunum and ileum with varying intensity. Moderate intensity (++) was seen in goblet cells and liberkuhn's crypts. Weak intensity (+) is seen on the surface of the epithelium, lamina propria, lamina muscularis mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscularis, and tunica serosa.</p> Zion Kurnia Putra Pertama Manu Filphin A Amalo Heni Nitbani ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 7 1 117 127 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.9360 Kualitas Semen Segar Babi Berdasarkan Umur dan Ras di Kabupaten Kupang https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/12064 <p>The study aims to see how age and race affect the quality of fresh cement between pigs. The cement sources used in the study came from pigs of different ages of 9 months, 1.4 years, and 2.5 years. The pig races used were Landrace pigs and Duroc. Cemented is collected using the method of massage and then macroscopic and microscopic evaluation. The data from the cement evaluation will be a descriptive analysis presented in the form of the chart. Studies show 2.5-year-old pigs have a better fresh cement quality than a 9-month-old pig and 1.4 years old. The Landrace pig also has better fresh cement quality than the Duroc pigs.</p> Maria Yosefina Ardi Tarsisius C Tophianong Cynthia D Gaina ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 7 1 128 137 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.12064 Uji Resistensi Campylobacter sp. Yang Diisolasi Dari Rusa Timor (Rusa Timorensis) Terhadap Antibiotik https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/11899 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Timor deer (<em>Rusa timorensis</em>) is a protected animal and is categorized as vulnerable in the International Union for Conservation of Nature of Threatened Species Red List (IUCN Red List). Efforts to save and prevent timor deer from extinction are through conservation in captivity. Captive-bred timor deer can be infected with <em>Campylobacter</em> sp. which is one of the causes of diarrhea in humans. Antibiotic resistance to <em>Campylobacter</em> sp. has been widely reported in various parts of the world. Timor deer are not directly exposed to antibiotics but can experience antibiotic resistance due to interactions with humans. The purpose of this study was to determine resistance and determine the level of resistance of <em>Campylobacter</em> sp. isolated from timor deer to antibiotics. This research was conducted using <em>Campylobacter </em>sp. isolates on modified charcoal-cefoperazone-deoxycholate agar (mCCDA) media. Kirby-Bauer method resistance test with Mueller-Hinton agar media using test antibiotics: ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. Data were analyzed by looking at the inhibition zone formed and compared with Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) standards. The results showed that <em>Campylobacter</em> sp. from timor deer had developed resistance to ampicillin, erythromycin, and tetracycline antibiotics. The inhibition zones formed from the five types of test antibiotics were ampicillin (7.58 mm), ciprofloxacin (26.76 mm), erythromycin (11.65 mm), chloramphenicol (24.40 mm), and tetracycline (9.05 mm).&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Sesarius Wahyu Pagung Jampur Elisabet Tangkonda Meity M Laut ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 7 1 138 148 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.11899 Efek Terapi Pemberian Vitamin E Terhadap Kerusakan Histopatologi Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Yang Diinduksi Dexamethasone https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/11471 <p>The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was a therapeutic effect of vitamin E administration on dexamethasone-induced kidney histopathological damage of white rats. This study used 20 white rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 2-3 months with a body weight of 200 grams divided into 5 groups, namely negative control (K) without dexamethasone and vitamin E, positive control group (P0) given dexamethasone subcutaneously at a dose of 0.13 mg / Kg BB, treatment group 1 (P1) given dexamethasone subcutaneously at a dose of 0.13 mg / Kg body weight and vitamin E orally at a dose of 150 mg / Kg body weight,&nbsp; treatment group 2 (P2) given dexamethasone subcutaneously at a dose of 0.13 mg / Kg body weight and vitamin E orally at a dose of 200 mg / Kg body weight, and treatment group 3 (P3) given dexamethasone subcutaneously at a dose of 0.13 mg / Kg body weight and vitamin E orally at a dose of 250 mg / kg body weight. Adaptation is carried out for 7 days. Experimental animals are then terminated and kidney organs are taken to make histopathological preparations with HE staining then the preparations are observed under a microscope. The observed parameter is damage to the glomerulus and proximal tubules of the kidneys. The results showed that dexamethasone was able to damage the kidneys characterized by necrosis of the glomerulus and hydropic degeneration of the proximal tubules of the kidneys shown in the positive control group (P0). In the group given vitamin E, only the P3 group with a dose of vitamin E 250 mg / kg body weight was able to provide a therapeutic effect on damage to the glomerulus and renal tubules due to the toxic effects of dexamethasone.</p> Padre Pio Kendok Nemay A Ndaong Meity M Laut ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 7 1 149 160 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.11471 Profil Hematologi Darah Indukan Babi Berdasarkan Umur Kebuntingan https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/jvn/article/view/11563 <table style="height: 683px;" width="916"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="425"> <p><em>Pigs are monogastric livestock and are prolific (many offspring per birth) and have rapid growth. Pregnancy is a physiological phase that can cause metabolic changes in animals resulting in changes in hematology profile. An animal's hematological profile can be observed by knowing the hematological parameters. Blood sampling of pigs will be carried out on a total of 20 pigs with details of 10 one-month pregnant sows and 10 two-month pregnant sows. Blood is taken from the jugular vein using a venoject and placed in an EDTA tube. Then the blood was taken to the laboratory for examination using a hematology analyzer. The results of the hematology examination of one-month pregnant and two-month pregnant sows showed that the number of red blood cells in one-month pregnant sows increased and in two-month pregnant sows there was a slight decrease due to the growing fetus in the two-month gestation period. A decrease in hemoglobin levels in both gestation periods is indicated by a decrease in MCH and MCHC values in each gestation period which then causes iron deficiency anemia due to a lack of iron intake during gestation. Hematocrit values in both gestation periods were not different and showed normal conditions, which made the MCV values in both gestation periods also normal. This indicates that the volume of erythrocytes in the blood is normal. Total leukocytes in one-month and two-month pregnant sows were normal, indicating that at the time of blood collection, sows were not infected with pathogenic agents or under stress.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Indrano Da Pili Mengga Yohanes T.R.M.R Simarmata Tarsisius C Tophianong Theresia Murni ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 7 1 161 170 10.35508/jvn.v7i1.11563