Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara
<p>Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara menerbitkan manuskrip yang relevan dalam bidang (tetapi tidak terbatas pada) ilmu veteriner, peternakan, perikanan, biologi hewan, One Health, zoonosis, dan kesejahteraan hewan. Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara merupakan salah satu jurnal di Universitas Nusa Cendana (UNDANA).</p> <p>e-ISSN: 2540-7643</p>Program Studi Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Nusa Cendanaen-USJurnal Veteriner Nusantara2540-7643Kelimpahan Vektor Lalat Pada Peternakan Sapi Bali (Bos sondaicus) di Wilayah Perbatasan RI-RDTL, Kabupaten Malaka
<p><em>The East Kobalima sub-district, which borders Timor Leste, has a cattle population of 1,673 (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2023). The existence of the Motamasin Cross Border Post makes it easier for people to trade between the two countries, especially cattle. Lack of knowledge among farmers about cattle health can lead to various cattle health problems that can harm farmers, such as uncontrolled fly infestation. This study aims to calculate the relative abundance of flies on cattle farms in the RI-RDTL border area, Malaka Regency. Fly samples were collected from 4 villages in East Kobalima sub-district, Malaka Regency. Fly samples were collected using hand collection, sweeping net and light trap methods. The collected flies were pinned and stored in a collection box for further identification of morphological characteristics and calculation of their relative abundance. The results of the fly vector abundance calculation showed that the most dominant fly species were Hippobosca sp. with up to 300 flies (71.94%), Stomoxys calcitrans with up to 111 flies (26.61%) and Musca domestica with up to 6 flies (1.43%).</em></p>Nur Layla Astika PutriJulianty AlmetDiana A WuriDewi F.L Djungu
2024-11-202024-11-207217117710.35508/jvn.v7i2.15843Gambaran Anatomi dan Histologi Testis Ayam Hutan Hijau (Gallus varius) Asal Pulau Alor
<p>Green junglefowl (<em>Gallus varius</em>) is one of the endemic fowl in Indonesia. Testes are reproductive organs that play an important role in spermatogenesis. This study aims to describe the anatomical morphology and histology of the green junglefowl testes. The sample is 3 pairs of testes collected from 3 adult male green junglefowl from Alor Island with body weight range about 600 grams to 800 grams and age range about 1 to 2 years. The sample were observed macroscopically including the location, shape, color, consistency, weight, length and width. Furthermore, the sample were fixed with 10% formalin solution and continued with the process of making preparations and staining with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). The results showed that the testes of the green junglefowl were located in the abdominal cavity which was seen by the mesorchium. The testes are adjacent to several organs such as kidney, liver, spleen and proventriculus. The testes are asymmetrical, that is the left testicle is longer than the right testicle, while the width of the testicle is between 1.1 mm to 3.4 mm. The testicular weight is <1 gram. The testes are light yellow in color, have a smooth surface and are soft in consistency. Histologically, the testes of jungle fowl are composed of seminiferous tubules and interstitial tissue, and surrounded by a testicular capsule consisting of layers of tunica serous, tunica albuginea and tunica vasculosa. Sertoli cells and spermatogenic cells consisting of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes and spermatids are scattered in the seminiferous tubules. The interstitial testes contain several components such as connective tissue, Leydig cells and blood vessels.</p>Lidya Olu LandoInggrid T MahaFilphin A AmaloNancy D.F.K Foeh
2024-11-202024-11-207217818910.35508/jvn.v7i2.5121Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Kayu Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) Sebagai Antihelmintik Terhadap Cacing Ascaridia galli
<p>Askariasis merupakan penyakit cacingan pada unggas yang disebabkan oleh cacing Ascaridia galli. Pengobatan cacingan menggunakan antihelmintik modern dapat menyebabkan cacing mengalami resistensi dan meninggalkan residu dalam produk asal unggas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak kayu secang (<em>Caesalpinia Sappan L</em>.) sebagai antihelmintik terhadap cacing <em>Ascaridia galli</em>. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengambilan sampel kayu secang, pembuatan ekstrak, pengambilan sampel cacing <em>Ascaridia galli</em>, dan pengujian efektivitas antihelmintik yang terdiri dari 5 kelompok perlakuan ekstrak kayu secang konsentrasi 1%, 2%, 4%, 8% dan 2 kelompok kontrol. Selanjutnya data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan <em>uji Shapiro-wilk, </em>uji <em>Kruskal wallis,</em> uji<em> mann whitney</em>, dan analisis probit untuk mengetahui nilai LC<sub>50</sub> dan LT<sub>50</sub>. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa konsentrasi ekstrak kayu secang 8% memiliki efek antihelmintik paling baik dibanding konsentrasi 1%, 2%, dan 4%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis probit nilai LC<sub>50</sub> adalah sebesar 5,999% dan nilai LT<sub>50</sub> berada pada 6,163 jam.</p>Mega Yakoba KapitanAji WinarsoMeity M Laut
2024-11-202024-11-207219019910.35508/jvn.v7i2.5439Studi Literatur Gambaran Klinis Dan Pengobatan Sapi Bali (Bos sondaicus) Yang Terinfestasi Thelazia spp.
<p>Thelaziasis is a parasitic disease that was difficult to controlled by farmers. This disease is caused by parasitic worms from the nematode class Thelazia spp. which infested the eyes of bali cattle. The vector that causes Thelaziasis in cattle is Musca spp. Larvae and adult worms of Thelazia spp. live in the conjunctival sac and tear ducts of bali cattle. Thelaziasis in cattle was caused by Thelazia rhodesii, Thelazia gulosa and Thelazia skrjabini. The purpose of this study is to determine the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of bali cattle infested with Thelazia spp. and its prevalence in several regions in Indonesia. The method used was a qualitative descriptive method with a literature study approach. Based on the results of the study, it was known that bali cattle infested with Thelazia spp. has a glossy/dull coat and showing symptoms like stress, anorexia, with severe conjunctivitis, and swelling of the conjunctiva while clinical signs such as body temperature, pulsus and respiration are normal. Bali cattle infested by Thelazia spp. exhibited same clinical symptoms, like lacrimation and conjunctivitis to keratitis, epiphora, edema of the eyelids, corneal ulcers, and blindness. Diagnosis of Bali cattle infested with Thelazia spp. based on the discovered of the Thelazia spp. on the conjunctival sac of both eyelids and further examination can be done with an electron microscope to determine the morphology of the Thelazia spp. species. Treatment of thelaziasis disease can be done with commercial drugs such as Tetramisole 15mg/kg body weight, Levamisole 5g/kg body weight, and Ivermectin 0.2 to 0.5 mg/kg body weight and herbal ingredients such as 3 to 5 drops of betel leaf boiled water in the eyes of bali cattle infested by Thelzazia spp. The prevalence of Thelaziasis in Indonesia was strongly influenced by fly vectors and the management of bali cattle production.</p>Jemris SabnenoYohanes T R M R SimarmataTri Utami
2024-11-202024-11-207220021010.35508/jvn.v7i2.3604Prevalensi Infeksi Cacing Pita Pada Ayam Petelur (Gallus gallus) Di Peternakan Ayam Petelur Timor Raya Oesao, Kecamatan Kupang Timur, Kabupaten Kupang
<p>Tapeworm is one of the endoparasites that often infect laying hens so that it will cause economic losses for farmers because it can result in decreased egg production, body weight and growth disorders. This study aims to identify and calculate the prevalence of tapeworms in laying hens in the Laying Chicken Farm of Timor Raya Oesao, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency. The sample used in this study was 99 laying hens feces and examined using a simple flotation method. The sample is then observed under a microscope to identify the type of tapeworm eggs that infect laying hens. The results of the calculation show that the prevalence of tapeworm infection that occurs in laying hens at the Laying Chicken Farm of Timor Raya Oesao, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency, of 99 samples, there were 14 samples that were positive for tapeworm eggs, namely Raillietina sp. with a prevalence rate of 11.1% and Hymenolepis sp. with a prevalence rate of 3.03%.</p>Plasedis Olgaviana BudeJulianty AlmetAji Winarso
2024-11-202024-11-207221021710.35508/jvn.v7i2.5800Studi Literatur Potensi Antivirus Laktoferin Susu Kuda Terhadap Virus Japenese Encephalitis
<p>Lactoferrin is a type of protein found in many fluid secretions such as saliva, tears, blood, neutrophil and milk. Subcutaneus or oral administration of lactoferrin can inhibit the growth of tumor implants and have a preventive effect on metastases. According to lactoferrin, viruses carried by mosquitoes, such as the Japanese encephalitis, can be inhibited. This virus causes Japanese encephalitis which is zoonotic and transmitted by the bite of the Culex tritaeniorhynchus as the main vector. Therefore, it is interesting to conduct an in-depth study related to the lactoferrin antiviral potential on Japanese encephalitis virus. The aim of this literature study is to identify the mechanism of the lactoferrin antiviral ability of horse milk and analyze the lactoferrin potential of horse milk on Japanese encephalitis virus. In addition, it was obtained from searches and collections of various sources of reference using Mendeley and Google Scholar applications with a total of 52 references. After being analyzed and assessed, the mechanism of antiviral ability lactoferrin mediated by the N-lactoferrin lobe and various antiviral mechanisms, such as attachment of the virus to the host cell membrane and adsorption of the virus to the host cell.</p>Diana Rambu Naha Ana AwaAnnytha I.R DethaAgus Saputra
2024-11-202024-11-207221822710.35508/jvn.v7i2.2455Manajemen Kesehatan Ternak Sapi Bali Di Distrik Bobonaro, Timor Leste
<p>Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) raising is one of the cornerstones of economic development in Timor Leste. A sound livestock health manajement is needed to be successful in bali cattle raising .This study aimed to describe the health management adopted by bali cattle raisers in one of the districts in Timor Leste. This is a descriptive survey using questionnaires, interviews and direct observation. The sampling method uses the Cluster Random Sampling technique. The sample in this study consisted of 282 farmers in 6 districts (Maliana District, Lolotoe District, Balibo District, Bobonaro District, Atabae District, and Kailaco District) located in the Bobonaro District. The data obtained were then analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis using distribution tables. From bali catle management, feeding and drinking’s perspective, the results showed that most cattle raisers adopted semi-intensive raising system (58%), free grazing (79.08%), the feed given is green / grass feed (100%), namely natural grass originating from fields (85.11%) and drinking water sources derived from pond and river (35.11%). From a viewpoint of the health management (treatment, prevention and control of disease), the results indictated that most sick animals are not treated (33.45%), livestock are often vaccinated (43.97%), pens are never sanitized (63.83%), if livestock die due to disease then the meat is often consumed (50.00%) The type of drug that is widely used is chemical drugs (59%). Treatment and vaccination are mostly done by veterinary paramedics (55.67% and 67.38%), however when seen from the awareness of the power of treatment measures, farmers prefer veterinarians (55.67%). In the aspect of reproductive status, the result showed that most cattle naturally mate (100%), gestational age is 9 months (93.62%), estrus post partum is 3 months (60.25%), calving interval is 12 months (75, 53%) and calf mortality age that is <2 months (69.15%).</p>Marito Britos GomezMaxs U.E SanamAji Winarso
2024-11-202024-11-207222823810.35508/jvn.v7i2.2677Evaluasi Titer Antibodi Pasca Vaksinasi Septicaemia epizootica Pada Sapi Bali Di Kota Kupang
<p><em>Controlling Septicemia epizooticae (SE) through vaccination program has been undertaken in Kupang City. However, numbers of fatal cases are still being reported. The purpose of this study is to measure the antibody titer of Bali cattle after SE vaccination, and to determine the effect of age and sex on antibody titers. The 50 serum samples of SE vaccinated Bali cattle were taken from Alak Sub-district (26 samples) and Maulafa Sub-district (24 samples). The selection of sub-districts in Kupang City was taken in a simple random manner. Those serum samples were examined using the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Antibody titers against SE is declared to be protective when the antibody titer is above 88 ELISA Unit (EU). Results indicated that average value of cattle antibody titer after the SE vaccination was able to trigger a protective antibody response (> 70 EU), meanwhile ONE WAY ANOVA analysis results showed that there is no significant effect (P> 0.05) of cattle age towards antibody titers. In the same way, the paired t test results did not indicate a difference in the value of antibody titers against the sex of the Bali cattle.</em></p>Mario Herryaldo CantonaMaxs U.E SanamTri UtamiTarsisius C TophianongAntin Y.N Widi
2024-11-202024-11-207223925110.35508/jvn.v7i2.980Perbandingan Onset, Durasi Dan Masa Pemulihan Dari Kombinasi Anestesi Acepromasin-Propofol-Ketamin Dan Midazolam-Propofol-Ketamin Pada Anjing Lokal
<p><em>This study aims to determine and compare the onset, duration and recovery period between the use of a combination of Aceproma</em><em>zine</em><em>-Propofol-Ketamine and a combination of Midazolam-Propofol-Ketamine as an anesthetic drug in local dogs. Dogs are grouped into two treatment groups consisting of 3 local male dogs. Before the anesthetic agent was injected, each group was given premedication atropine sulfate at a dose of 0.02 mg / kg BW SC and 10 minutes later an induction of anesthesia was given. In treatment group 1, aceproma</em><em>zine</em><em> (0.2 mg / kg BB) IV was administered, propofol (4 mg / kg BB) IV, and ketamine (4 mg / kg BW) IV. Group II was given anesthesia midazolam (0.2 mg / kg BB) IV, propofol (4 mg / kg BW) IV, and ketamine (4 mg / kg BW) IV. Observation and measurement of the onset, duration and recovery period were carried out after the animal was induced with an anesthetic agent. The results of the study obtained the following data: KI group produced an average onset of 94 seconds, duration of 30 minutes and recovery period of 30.33 minutes. KII produces an onset of 45.33 seconds, duration of 17.66 minutes and recovery time of 16 minutes. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the combination of midazolam-propofol-ketamine has a faster onset, duration and recovery period compared to the combination of acepromasi</em><em>zine</em><em>-propofol-ketamine in local male dog.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Dalmasia Trisna DhiuTri UtamiNemay A Ndaong
2024-11-202024-11-207225226110.35508/jvn.v7i2.966Studi Literatur Senyawa Metabolit Bakteri Asam Laktat Dan Kegunaannya Dalam Mengoptimalisasi Kesehatan Hewan
<p><em>Lactic acid bacteria are facultative anaerobic bacteria that can live in the digestive tract of animals and humans. Lactic acid bacteria have been used as a culture of fermentation, food preservatives, and food probiotics because it has antimicrobial activity and food spoilage. Antimicrobial compounds produced by lactic acid bacteria include the production of lactic acid and pH reduction, the production of acetic acid, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide, and bacteriocin. The purpose of this literature study was to find out the metabolite compounds produced in the fermentation process of lactic acid bacteria and analyze the use of metabolite compounds produced from lactic acid bacteria. This literature study was obtained from searching and collecting some various sources using the Mendeley and Google Scholar applications. 67 libraries were obtained and after being analyzed and evaluated, there were some fermented lactic acid metabolite bacteria obtained including lactic acid, acetic acid, and propionic acid, hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide, diacetyl, and bacteriocin. Whereas the use of metabolite compounds produced from lactic acid bacteria can be used as metabolic compounds that are antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and in optimizing nutrient absorption.</em></p>Maria Inocensia TulasiNancy D.F.K FoehAnnytha I.R Detha
2024-11-202024-11-207226227410.35508/jvn.v7i2.2417Data Fisiologi Kambing Kacang (Capra aegagrus hircus) Dewasa Di Desa Lewoingu Kecamatan Titehena Kabupaten Flores Timur Pada Musim Kemarau
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="397"> <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kambing merupakan hewan ternak ruminansia berukuran kecil yang umum dipelihara di Indonesia. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jenis kambing yang sering dipelihara adalah kambing kacang. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kambing Kacang mempunyai daya adaptasi yang tinggi terhadap berbagai kondisi lingkungan dan mudah perawatannya. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Oleh karena itu, kambing kacang banyak dipelihara di Desa Lewoingu dan dijadikan salah satu usaha peternakan rakyat. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan data fisiologis kambing kacang jantan dan betina serta gambaran umum data fisiologis kambing kacang dewasa seperti suhu rektal, frekuensi nadi dan frekuensi pernafasan. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kambing kacang yang dijadikan sampel berjumlah 80 ekor dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu jantan dan betina dengan masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 40 ekor. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pemeriksaan dilakukan siang hari mulai pukul 12.00 hingga 14.00. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 16. Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik menggunakan SPSS tidak terdapat perbedaan suhu rektal, frekuensi nadi, dan frekuensi pernafasan kambing kacang dewasa jantan dan betina dewasa. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Data fisiologis kambing kacang (Capra aegagrus hircus) di Desa Lewoingu berada pada kisaran normal dengan nilai suhu rata-rata 38,9°C, frekuensi nadi 74,10 kali/menit, dan frekuensi pernafasan 27,73 kali/menit.</span></span></em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Maria Imaculata Nona Bulu BeoangYeremia Y SitompulTri UtamiYustinus O.P Wuhan
2024-11-202024-11-207227528410.35508/jvn.v7i2.14906Studi Literatur Sejarah Dan Perkembangan Kejadian Anisakiasis Di Indonesia
<p>Anisakiasis is a zoonotic foodborne disease that infects humans caused by infection with stage III larvae of the nematode worms <em>Anisakis spp</em>., Where the transmission of stage III larvae <em>Anisakis spp.</em> to humans occurs when humans eat raw marine fish. This literature study aims to see the history of the development of anisakiasi in Indonesian waters. In world history, anisakiasis began to occur in the 1960s since an endemic case in the Netherlands (1962) was reported by Van Thiel due to the high consumption of salt fish. Meanwhile, in Indonesia the incidence of anisakiasis in fish was the first time in Sulawesi in 1954 and in 1996 the first incidence of anisakiasis in humans was in Sidoarjo, East Java. Based on the development of Anisakiasis in fish and humans, it can be predicted that it will affect the distribution of anisakis widely and pose risks to aspects of community life, including socioeconomic, environmental, public health and tourism. Until now, investigating shows that the prevalence of anisakis in several regions of Indonesia such as Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, Bali and NTT is high, where the results of molecular indications indicate that <em>A. tipica</em> has a higher prevalence compared to anisakis species in Indonesian waters.</p>Christina Debby De JesusAnnytha I.R DethaJulianty Almet
2024-11-202024-11-207228529710.35508/jvn.v7i2.2680Performans Klinis dan Pengobatan Pedet Sapi bali (Bos sondaicus) yang terinfeksi Toxocara vitulorum
<p>Toxocara vitulorum is a nematode worm that is highly pathogenic in almost all breeds of cattle and buffaloes worldwide. Bali cattle are one of the main hosts, especially the calves. Calves begin to become infected after ingesting larvae from the mother through colostrum then migrating and causing damage to the organs which it passes. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the clinical symptoms, clinical performance, diagnosis and treatment of bali calves that infected with Toxocara vitulorum. The literatures used for this study were obtained from searching and collection of various reference sources using Mendeley and Google Scholar applications. Based on the results of the study, infected calves showed abnormalities such as lethargy, depression, dark brown and fishy-smelling diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain or colic, coughing, constipation, dehydration, pale mucous membrane, BCS below 3, poor growth or stunted, weight loss, dull hair, butyric-smelling breath, abdominal distension, respiratory rate 40 rpm and heart rate 84 rpm. The diagnosis of Toxocara vitulorum is based on clinical signs, necropsy findings, fecal examination, and serological tests. However, serological testing is an alternative method that is more suitable for diagnosis because it can identify Toxocara vitulorum in prepatic infections and mild infections in calves. A very effective serological test is ELISA. Modern anthelmintic that is highly recommended for the treatment of Toxocara vitulorum in bali calves is fenbendazole from the benzimidazole group, while the herbal anthelmintic recomended are knicker nut (Caesalpina crista) and wormwood (Artemisia maritima).</p>Ezequiel N.D RibeiroYohanes T R M R SimarmataTarsisius C Tophianong
2024-11-202024-11-207229831210.35508/jvn.v7i2.3466Studi Kepustakaan Profil Eritosit Ayam Broiler Dengan Pemberian Moringa Oleifera Lam. Sebagai Feed Additive
<p>Broiler have a very fast growth rate, so that optimal production can be realized if their nutritional needs are sufficient. Erythrocytes are an indicator of adequate nutrition and nutritional value obtained by chickens through the feed they consume. This study aims to determine whether the addition of Moringa leaf meal in feed can affect the total erythrocyte, hemoglobin levels and hematocrit value of broiler. This study uses a literature study approach by searching and collecting data through <em>Google Schoolar</em> and <em>Mendeley</em>, then it is analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the addition of Moringa leaf meal in the feed had a good effect on increasing the number of erythrocytes values ranging from 2,30 to 2,36 x 10<sup>6</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>; 2,01 to 3,41 x 10<sup>6</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>; 3,32 to 3,99 x 10<sup>6</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>; 3,07 to 3,81 x 10<sup>6</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>; 3,08 to 3,43 x 10<sup>6</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>; 2,78 to 3,54 x 10<sup>6</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>; 3,04 to 3,33 x 10<sup>6</sup>/mm<sup>3</sup>; hemoglobin levels values ranging from 9,54 to 11,12 g/dL; 8,80 to 13,90 g/dL; 8,72 to 9,73 g/dL; 5,53 to 7,99 g/dL; 13,73 to 14,83 g/dL; 8,20 to 9,70 g/dL; 9,92 to 10,25; and the hematocrit values ranging from 24,10 to 27,30%; 29,00 to 44,00%; 29,91 to 31,79%; 16,67 to 24,00%; 35,13 to 37,93%; 17,77 to 28,10%; 29,76 to 30,77%. This is because Moringa leaf meal contains nutrients needed for the forming of erythrocytes (erythropoesis) such as protein, iron, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12, copper, and folic acid.</p>Rambu L.A ParemadjanggaDede Rival NovianMeity M. Laut
2024-11-202024-11-207231332410.35508/jvn.v7i2.3586Studi Literatur Bakteri Asam Laktat Yang Diisolasi Dari Susu Kuda, Susu Kambing Dan Susu Sapi
<p><em> The purpose of this study is to know the dominant type, with characteristics and benefits of lactic acid bacteria that are isolated from horse milk, goat milk and cow's milk. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with a literature study approach. Based on the results of studies obtained lactic acid bacteria consist of several genera, namely Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Tetragenococcus and Pediococcus. Lactobacillus is the dominant species in the milk of horses and goat's milk, whereas in cow's milk the dominant species is Lactobacillus and Pediococcus. Based on nature and morphology, lactic acid bacteria is a group of positive, coccus or rod-shaped bacteria, non-spore forming bacteria, and able to ferment glucose to produce lactic acid. Lactic acid bacteria are anaerobic, not motil, negative catalyst, positive oxidase, growth optimium temperature ± 40 °C and pH 4-5. Lactic acid bacteria can provide a positive effect for health by manging intestinal mokroflora, reducing pathogenic bacteria and stimulating immune responses to lower the risk of disease.</em></p>Andianus Fransiskus SurakNemay A NdaongAnnytha I.R Detha