Jurnal Media Tropika
<p>Jurnal Media Tropika: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat with e-ISSN 2776-589X is a journal managed by Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Nusa Cendana. The first edition was published in Mei 2021 and the journal is published twice a year (Bi-annually, in Mei and November).</p> <p>The scope or field of knowledge accepted in this journal (but not limited) to:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Veterinary Medicine</li> <li class="show">Medicine</li> <li class="show">Health</li> <li class="show">Livestock</li> <li class="show">Agriculture</li> <li class="show">Education</li> <li class="show">Environment</li> </ol>Universitas Nusa Cendanaen-USJurnal Media Tropika2776-589XPRODUKSI PAKAN TERNAK DIMUSIM KEMARAU OLEH KELOMPOK TERNAK TANI SANGGAH BETES KABUPATEN ROTE NDAO
<p>Community service is one of the programs that must be continued to be carried out in the community. In oder to reach the farmers needed in the Sanggah Betes Farmer group, Holoama Village, Lobalain District, Rote Ndao Regency, where the availability of fresh grass in the fields and tree leaves are abundant in February to May and Straw is also abundant in harvest season (rice straw and corn) as well as forage crops (grass odot) that introduced to Rote are also increasing. So the challenge is the utilization of this extraordinary potential food source is not optimal yet. The model of service activities offered to this group was in the form of socialization and direct practice of the service committee team to livestock groups under the local service supervision which is the Livestock Office of Rote Ndao Regency. The expected results of this service activity were this livestock group becomes a central example for other livestock groups and will continue to apply the knowledge that gained.</p>Nancy Diana Frederika Katerina FoehFrans Umbu DattaNemay Anggadewi NdaongAnnytha Ina Rohi Detha
2024-06-262024-06-26411410.35508/mediatropika.v4i1.16017OPERASI TIMBANG DI POSYANDU WILAYAH KERJA DAERAH PUSKESMAS SIKUMANA TAHUN 2023
<p><em>According to the Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) report, East Nusa Tenggara is the province with the highest stunting rate nationally in 2021. Therefore, the government seeks to monitor growth and development as well as the provision of good and timely vitamin A to toddlers and children, and in the context of preventing and overcoming stunting, the government simultaneously implements the weighing operation program in all posyandu in each puskesmas, namely in February and August. Posyandu is required to monitor children's growth and development through the weighing operation program. Sikumana Health Center is one of the health centers in Kupang City that conducts a weighing operation program, which is carried out at each posyandu in the Sikumana Health Center working area.</em> <em>The weighing operation is an important momentum for community participation to improve the health of toddlers and children by monitoring children's growth and development, including overcoming malnutrition of toddlers which causes an increased risk of stunting, disruption of physical growth, mental development and intelligence of children. In this weighing operation activity, vitamin A and deworming drugs are also given and must be attended by all toddlers in the Sikumana UPTD Puskesmas work area. If toddlers are not present at the Posyandu, sweeping will be carried out, namely the act of measuring the height and weight of toddlers and children at the house concerned or picking up toddlers and children from home to the posyandu. In this case, students of the doctor education program, Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Undana actively participated in Operation Weighing. This is in line with field practice activities in the IKKOM course. This field practice coincided with the weighing operation schedule at the posyandu in the Sikumana area, which was held for 5 days. This activity was attended by students from February 6 to February 10, with several activities such as anthropometric examination, administration of vitamin A, filling out the Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) questionnaire, introspective survey questionnaire, and checking blood sugar for the elderly, as well as distributing green bean porridge.</em></p>Alsen Diamel OematanMaria Fransiska Priska YuliantiNadia Eka SyahputriGottfrieda Patiencia Taeng-Ob Adang
<p><em> </em></p>Elisabet TangkondaInggrid Trinidad MahaCynthia Dewi GainaHerlina Umbu DetaRedempta WeaBernadete Dwiyuni NgasiAnggi PuspitaJayusman Arsiyanti JoesoefYulfia Nelymalik SelanAntin Yeftanti Anggraeni WidiMaria Aega Gelolodo
<p>Eggs are one of the main livestock products apart from meat and milk which make the biggest contribution to achieving adequate nutrition in society. Eggs as a food ingredient have many advantages, such as the high nutritional content of eggs, especially in terms of protein and the relatively cheap price of eggs compared to other protein sources. However, eggs also have disadvantages, such as being easily damaged if not handled properly. Contamination of chicken eggs has a very important role in the incidence of diseases caused by the eggs themselves. Eggs are easily damaged, both physical damage and damage caused by microbial growth. The availability of eggs that are always available and have high nutritional value must be balanced with public knowledge about egg quality and egg handling to slow down the decline in egg quality because the nature of eggs is easily damaged, does not last long and quickly declines in quality. Through proper education, people can understand the importance of consuming eggs, storing eggs correctly, selecting good eggs and maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of eggs as preventive measures against diseases originating from egg contaminants.</p>Larry Richard Wellem TohaDiana Agustiani WuriAnnytha Ina Rohi DethaNovalino Harold Geoffrey KallauAnastasia Irra Itai BriaMahani WillaElsi Enjels SinamohinaJefriyono Christian KandiMarike Junita Megawati RabilaGregorius Ronaldo Mau KuruMaria Yovita Nano Mengi
<p><em>The prevalence of stunted toddlers in Kupang district is still high, including in the partner area, namely Camplong-II village, Fatuleu sub-district. This village is one of the areas with sufficient water sources and adequate agricultural products, but a few stunted toddlers are still found. Adequate agricultural and livestock production does not guarantee that the nutritional status of toddlers will be good, even though sufficient food is available in the family, if the caregiver does not provide it according to the toddler's needs, the toddler will also experience malnutrition. Data from the Hamlet II Haumeni Posyandu, Camplong-II Village shows that there are 27 stunted toddlers (July 2022). The implementation of preventive promotive services for stunted toddlers or those at risk of stunting is intended as an effort to increase public knowledge about the prevention and handling of stunting. This activity aims to reduce stunting rates by providing counseling, cooking demonstrations, and distributing necessities. The output indicators are increasing knowledge about the prevention and handling of stunting and the use of food ingredients around for food menus. The expected output targets are increasing knowledge and skills of partners to serve nutritious food menus for toddlers and the availability of nutritious food ingredients for toddlers. The availability of protein and vegetable food sources is always needed by stunted toddler partners, so it is expected that two months after harvest, there will be an increase in the weight and height of stunted toddlers. Families who are intervened are expected to be a model for program duplication at other integrated health posts.</em></p>Christina Olly Lada chKartini LidiaSugi Deny Pranoto SoegiantoRahel Rara WodaThalitha Ayu AnggrainiUmbu Djama LandutanaEinstein Daud Victor HendrikAlfa Julian LulanYessy Osinami TiranBoymax Aprilio Waitau