Jurnal Media Tropika https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika <p>Jurnal Media Tropika: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat with e-ISSN 2776-589X is a journal managed by Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Nusa Cendana. The first edition was published in Mei 2021 and the journal is published twice a year (Bi-annually, in Mei and November).</p> <p>The scope or field of knowledge accepted in this journal (but not limited) to:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Veterinary Medicine</li> <li class="show">Medicine</li> <li class="show">Health</li> <li class="show">Livestock</li> <li class="show">Agriculture</li> <li class="show">Education</li> <li class="show">Environment</li> </ol> en-US selan.yn@staf.undana.ac.id (Yulfia Nelymalik Selan) fhady.loe@staf.undana.ac.id (drh. Fhady Risckhy Loe, M.Si) Fri, 29 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 MANAJEMEN PEMELIHARAAN TERNAK BABI PADA PETERNAKAN BABI TOLU WEI SUMBA TIMUR https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/15819 <p class="p1"><em>Tolu Wei Pig Farm has a population of 444 pigs, including 14 heifers, 26 pregnant pigs, 15&nbsp;</em><em>parturient pigs, 153 newborn piglets, 98 weaned piglets, 5 studs, and 133 fattening pigs of various types. The pigs&nbsp;</em><em>kept are Landrace, Duroc, and Yorkshire. This Field Work Practice (PKL) activity aims to find out and analyze&nbsp;</em><em>housing management, the type of feed given at each growth period, mating management, health management at&nbsp;</em><em>various breeding phases, and the implementation of waste processing at the Tolu Wei Pig Farm. The methods used&nbsp;</em><em>are observation, interviews, practice, and education. Based on this method, it is known that the housing system&nbsp;</em><em>implemented by the Tolu Wei Pig Farm is intensive, feeding is carried out twice a day, namely in the morning and&nbsp;</em><em>evening with the type of feed given in the form of a mixture of pellets and pigmix, there is application of biosecurity&nbsp;</em><em>and sanitation and treatment is carried out on sick livestock. , reproductive management is carried out by means&nbsp;</em><em>of natural mating and artificial insemination (AI), and processing of livestock waste is carried out by collecting it&nbsp;</em><em>in a special area for waste and pig feces by drying in the sun. The conclusion obtained is that the housing&nbsp;</em><em>management has met good housing standards, the feed management implemented can meet nutritional needs, the&nbsp;</em><em>health management in the form of biosecurity implemented is good, and the reproductive management&nbsp;</em><em>implemented has met good standards.</em></p> Frans Umbu Datta, Nancy Diana Frederika Katerina Foeh, Annytha Ina Rohi Detha, Graziela Angelicha Mandala, Catharina De Ricci Inye Bero, Larry Richard Wellem Toha, Nemay Anggadewi Ndaong ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/15819 Fri, 29 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SOSIALISASI TANGGAP RABIES MELALUI PENDEKATAN MASYARAKAT DI DESA KUALIN, KABUPATEN TIMUR TENGAH SELATAN https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19291 <p><em>Rabies is a zoonotic disease that can attack humans through dog bites. Various methods have been performed for prevention, including socialization activities about rabies. The aim of community service, conducted by the Clinical, Reproduction, Pathology, and Reproduction Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Nusa Cendana University in Kualin Village, was to increase knowledge about rabies. Socialization was a method to increase awareness about rabies in the Kualin community, which this method using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. The ABCD concept consists of 1). Identification of community assets; 2). Partner involvement; 3). Participation of the community service team; and 4). Partnership collaboration. The poster was one of the communication, information, and education (KIE) tools for transferring knowledge. Based on the results of the pre-and post-test, it shows that this method is quite successful where public knowledge about the symptoms of animals infected with rabies (58.82% to 88.23%), symptoms of humans infected with rabies (35.29% to 76.47%), and assistance if bitten by infected dogs (76.47% to 88.23%) increased significantly. So, this method can be applied to socialize other animal diseases that cause economic losses to the Kualin community.</em></p> Putri Pandarangga, Tri Utami, Nancy Diana Frederika Katerina Foeh, Yeremia Yobelanno Sitompul, Yustinus Oswin Primajuni Wuhan, Yohanes Timbun Raja Mangiut Ronael Simarmata, Jayusman Arsiyanti Joesoef, Frans Umbu Datta, Maria Amalo, Fransiska Aping Dangur ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19291 Fri, 29 Nov 2024 07:32:23 +0000 SUPERVISI PEMERIKSAAN DAN PENYEMBELIHAN HEWAN QURBAN YANG ASUH DI GAMPONG TUNGKOP KECAMATAN DARUSSALAM KABUPATEN ACEH BESAR https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/18650 <p><em>Personal hygiene is an action taken to maintain cleanliness and health for an individual’s physical and mental well-being. Good personal hygiene practices minimize the entry of microorganisms, thereby reducing the risk of individuals contracting diseases. ASUH, which stands for Safe, Healthy, Whole, and Halal, can be used as an indicator of food suitability for processing and human consumption. This community service activity aimed to supervise the effort to ensure the eligibility of sacrificial animals in Gampong Tungkop, Darussalam District, Aceh Besar Regency, through ante-mortem and post-mortem examinations. The animals examined included 24 cows and 6 goats ready for slaughter. The examinations consisted of ante-mortem examination, which covered the general condition, teeth, health status, eye mucosa, anus, absence of defects, sufficient age, not emaciated, and male gender. Post-mortem examination, which assessed the condition of the meat and visceral organs, including the liver (hepar), small intestine (intestinum tenue), large intestine (intestinum crassum), stomach (ventriculus), kidneys (ren), lungs (pulmo), spleen (lien), and heart (cor). Observations showed that the eye mucosa color of the examined cows and goats was generally pink, indicating normal conditions. All cows and goats examined were healthy and had perfect physical conditions (no defects). The post-mortem examination results showed that the meat, stomach, spleen, heart, lungs, and kidneys were in normal condition. However, endoparasites of the Fasciola hepatica type were found in the livers of five slaughtered cows. Health conditions of the supervised cows and goats met the requirements for sacrificial animal slaughter.</em></p> Ali Makmur, Muhammad Jalaluddin, Rika Yulisma, Hamny Sofyan, Sri Wahyuni, Saiful Isky, Andi Novita, Daniel ., Muhammad Gilbran Fahrezi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/18650 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 18:28:25 +0000 EDUKASI MASYARAKAT TENTANG PENGOBATAN TRADISIONAL SANGKAL PUTUNG DALAM PENANGANAN PATAH TULANG DI JEMAAT GEREJA HERMON HOLLO HIM, SENTANI, KABUPATEN JAYAPURA https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/18531 <p class="p1"><em>Fractures are conditions where the continuity of bones, cartilage, or growth plates is lost due to&nbsp;</em><em>trauma or non-trauma. Proper initial management can reduce the risk of disability caused by fractures. Delays in&nbsp;</em><em>treatment can lead to disability. Several factors, such as community beliefs in traditional medicine, play a role.&nbsp;</em><em>This activity aims to educate the community about the role of traditional “Sangkal Putung” treatment in fracture&nbsp;</em><em>management. This seminar was held for the Hermon Hollo Him Church congregation in Sentani, Jayapura&nbsp;</em><em>Regency. The methods used in this activity included lectures and interactive discussions. The seminar results&nbsp;</em><em>showed that it successfully improved the congregation's understanding of the appropriate treatment options for&nbsp;</em><em>fractures. It was concluded that this education is essential to help the community choose the optimal treatment&nbsp;</em><em>methods for fracture cases.</em></p> Indra Harianto Rante; Maryam Kathrien Labobar; Gregorius Enrico Astawa, Grace Fitriani Primasari Hau Mahu, Ricky Lazarus Rumboirusi, Kaidah L. Setyarini, Fraymun Arwam ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/18531 Fri, 06 Dec 2024 04:38:35 +0000 ANTE- AND POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION OF ANIMALS FOR SACRIFICE ON EID-UL ADHA DAY AT NURUL SA’ADAH MOSQUE, KUPANG CITY https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19422 <p><em>Eid-Ul-Adha is a big Islamic event celebrated by the Muslim community worldwide, including Indonesia. Sacrificing animals and distributing the carcasses to the community are unseparated parts of the&nbsp;Eid-Ul-Adha ceremony, hence, ensuring the&nbsp;animal health and food safety aspects of the carcasses through ante- and post-mortem examinations are indispensable. Ante- and post-mortem examinations were implemented on 4 bulls and 8 rams that would be sacrificed at Nurul Sa’adah mosque, Kupang City, during Eid-Ul-Adha. Ante-mortem examination results indicated all bulls and rams were healthy. The post-mortem examination results showed that abnormalities were not found in the carcasses, indicating that the carcasses would not spread any zoonotic diseases to humans. These post-mortem results also confirmed a similar health status of the sacrificed animals as identified in the ante-mortem examination. In conclusion, based on the ante- and post-mortem examination results,&nbsp;the carcasses of bulls and rams that are sacrificed at Nurul Sa’adah mosque during Eid-Ul-Adha day can be distributed to the community&nbsp;as they are safe for human consumption.</em></p> Antin Yeftanti Nugrahening Widi, Yulfia Nellymalik Selan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19422 Fri, 06 Dec 2024 04:51:38 +0000 PENYULUHAN MANAJEMEN PETERNAKAN AYAM POTONG BAGI MASYARAKAT DESA CAMPLONG II https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19441 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT. </em></strong><em>Camplong II Village, located in Fatuleu District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, is experiencing challenges with food insecurity and stunting among children, partly due to the long dry season, failed harvests and limited employment opportunities. Community empowerment efforts are important to improve the family economy, which is carried out through Community Service (PkM) with a focus on broiler chicken rearing management. There were 15 participants in the extension activities, who were residents of Camplong II Village. This activity included counseling regarding chicken rearing management, biosecurity and entrepreneurship, which succeeded in increasing the knowledge of group members. The results show an increase in farmers knowledge, facilitating integrated and sustainable business development in the chicken farming sector in Camplong II Village.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Broiler chicken, Camplong II Village, counseling</em></p> Maxs Urias Ebenhaizer Sanam, Tri Utami, Tarsisius Considus Tophianong, Lucy Filipini Manuwolu, Viona Mariana Dewi Sanam ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19441 Mon, 09 Dec 2024 05:50:55 +0000 EDUKASI MASYARAKAT AWAM PENGURUS GEREJA DALAM RANGKA MENINGKATKAN “STROKE AWARNESS” DI KOTA JAYAPURA https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/18809 <p><em>A stroke is an acute attack due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Negligence and delay in fast and appropriate treatment will increase the death rate and permanent disability in patients with stroke. Education for promotive and preventive purposes related to stroke for church administrators is critical considering their roles and functions. This "stroke awareness" educational activity aims to provide knowledge (cognitive) and initial skills for stroke patient caregivers, as well as containing promotive and preventive content to improve brain health. The implementation method is interactive in-house training including material delivery, video sessions, and simple simulations. The activity was implemented in two Catholic churches in Jayapura City attended by 43 church administrators, and the training duration of around 150 minutes. This activity is crucial to provide basic knowledge about all aspects of stroke, starting from the causes, risk factors, course of the disease, complications, treatment, and estimated patient outcomes as well as tips and tricks for maintaining brain health. The simulations include recognizing early symptoms, initial skill in management of the patients at the scene and transferring patients to the hospital. Educational activities like this are recognized as very beneficial and are recommended to be carried out routinely to reach all people. Public education related to non-infectious diseases such as stroke which statistically tends to increase currently needs to be done routinely to improve the health of the community. The church can be a potential target for activating healthy lifestyles and reducing the risk of stroke in the community.</em></p> Hendrikus Masang Ban Bolly, Renny Sulelino, Prysta Aderlia Sitanggang ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/18809 Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EDUKASI STOP BERBURU DAN MENGKONSUMSI HEWAN LIAR PADA ANAK SD KATOLIK TES, DESA NAPAN https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19407 <p><em>This article reports on community service activities aimed at raising awareness among 6<sup>th</sup>-grade students of Tes Catholic Elementary School about the negative impacts of hunting and consuming wildlife. In this activity, we carry out a series of educational programs that include counseling, interactive discussions, and the use of visual media to convey information. The material presented covered the role of wildlife in the ecosystem, the risk of extinction, and the importance of conservation. Evaluations were conducted before and after the program, demonstrating a significant improvement in students' understanding of conservation and the impact of hunting. This activity is expected to form a positive attitude and encourage students to become agents of change in their communities.</em></p> Yohanes Timbun Raja Mangihut Ronael Simarmata, Elthon Aditya Ratujawa ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19407 Sun, 15 Dec 2024 15:33:03 +0000 Hidup Sehat, Bebas Kuman dengan Gerakan Mencuci Tangan pada Anak SDK Tes Desa Napan https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19408 <p><em>Health is the key to happiness in human life. Hand hygiene through the habit of washing hands is one of the effective steps to prevent the spread of germs. Elementary school children are the main population who are vulnerable to the spread of germs and diseases. The handwashing movement carried out at the Napan Village Test SDK aims to provide education on good and correct handwashing steps. Through this movement, children are given education about the importance of washing hands and are invited to know the proper steps to wash their hands. The activity result showed that the children were aware of the impact given through the movement of the habit of washing their hands regularly and correctly. Therefore, the role of teachers, parents, and adequate sanitation facilities in schools are also supporting factors for the success of this movement so that children become healthier and free from germs.</em></p> Elisabet Tangkonda, Eugenia Raflesia Anjali Yasinta Weakalla ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejurnal.undana.ac.id/index.php/mediatropika/article/view/19408 Fri, 27 Dec 2024 15:50:34 +0000