COMMUNITY SERVICE2024-08-25T14:06:06+00:00R. Pasifikus Christa Journal Systems<p>RURAL COMMUNITY SERVICE endeavors to disseminate scholarly articles in the form of meticulously conducted research and community service initiatives carried out by individuals or groups, with the aim of benefiting and advancing their community. The focal point and comprehensive scope of the published articles center around community service, community development, and community empowerment, with a particular emphasis on rural and underserved areas. The journal is published biannually, in the months of June and December.</p> PEMBUATAN PEMBALUT PAKAI ULANG (REUSABLE MENSTRUAL PADS) PADA IBU DAN REMAJA PUTRI UNTUK MENDUKUNG MENSTRUAL HYGIENE MANAGEMENT2024-04-16T22:15:38+00:00Christina Limburibka@gmail.comEnjelita NdoenNdoen@gmail.comSarci ToyToy@gmail.comChatrine<p><em>Sanitary napkins are a basic need for every woman during menstruation, but there are still many difficulties and problems faced by women in accessing menstrual products, include means to dispose used disposable sanitary napkins. Menstrual pads (specifically th cheapest brands) sometimes posed a risk to the health of female reproductive organs as it contains chemical material that could irritate the female area. Disposable menstrual pads also have an impact to the environment as it is one of the unsanitary household wastes. This training activity aimed to train and to provide skills and knowledge in making cloth menstrual pads that can be reuse thus will be more affordable and environmentally friendly. The training will might also be an entrepreneurial activity that might be developed to generate additional income for the family. The method used is step by step demonstration follow by training to make reusable menstrual pads. All participants received tools and materials to make the reusable pads through hand sewing. Throughout the session, participants were also received the information about advantages of reusable menstrual pads, compared to disposable one. In short, the steps of making reusable pads were started with making patterns on the three different cloths, then to the sewing stage and perfecting ready-to-use menstrual pads. The conclusion of this activity is the training is successful in adding the skills of participants (mothers and young women) in rural areas to make reusable menstrual pads thus the training will also promote the use of menstrual pads that are economically and environmentally friendly.</em></p>2024-04-16T22:15:38+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## DINI TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK DI PAUD JEMAAT PAULUS BUSALANGGA ROTE2024-04-16T22:24:57+00:00Theodora Pasifikus Christa<p><em>The future of a nation relies on the success of its children in achieving optimal growth and development. Adequate and proper nutrition, good health status, proper parenting, and appropriate stimulation during this period will assist children in growing up healthy and reaching their full potential, thus enabling them to contribute more effectively to society. Early detection of developmental deviations is necessary to identify any issues in a child's growth and development, including addressing any concerns raised by parents regarding their child's development. The outcomes of this community service initiative include: 20 children examined showed development appropriate for their level of fine and gross motor skills; 2 out of 20 children exhibited slower social and self-help skills compared to their peers, while all children demonstrated language abilities. Additionally, 20 children displayed age-appropriate perceptual skills, but encountered obstacles in language proficiency. It was found that all 20 children possessed active communication skills; however, their understanding of general information concerning daily life, explanations of objects, tools, food items, and daily activities was deficient.</em></p>2024-04-16T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SAMPAH ANORGANIK RUMAH TANGGA SEBAGAI PRODUK YANG MEMILIKI NILAI MANFAAT UNTUK MENGURANGI VOLUME SAMPAH DI KELURAHAN NAIKOTEN I KOTA KUPANG2024-08-23T05:43:36+00:00Agus Setyobudiasetyobudi230@gmail.comLuh Putu Ruliatixxx@gmail.comSoni Dokexxx@gmail.comSigit<p><em>Waste if not managed properly will have an impact on the environment and public health. The environment becomes slum, contamination of water bodies and attracts various animals and vectors of disease spread, Potential health hazards for humans that can be caused for example diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, dengue fever and fungi that can spread quickly. One way of waste management that is easily implemented by the community and can contribute to reducing the amount of waste volume is the management of inorganic waste into alternative products that are useful for households. Reutilization of inorganic waste on a household scale can provide benefits for the family and the surrounding environment. The benefit to the environment is that it will reduce the volume of waste generated by households so that the environment will be clean. The next benefit is to reduce household expenses to buy products that can actually be replaced by reusing waste generated by households. </em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this service is to provide education to the community regarding the types of waste, the relationship between waste and disease along with the practice of processing inorganic waste into products that are useful and beneficial for households. The method of implementing community service activities through lectures, discussions and practices. The results of the community service activities showed that the participants' knowledge related to inorganic waste management increased and all participants were able to practice processing inorganic waste into useful products for households.</em></p>2024-04-18T03:42:46+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AND SIMULATION AS EARTHQUAKE DISASTER MITIGATION (ON STUDENTS OF GMIT MERBAUN TOFA AMARASI WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL, KUPANG DISTRICT)2024-08-23T07:47:13+00:00Marylin Susanti Juniasmarylin.junias11.mj@gmail.comChatrin W.D. Gaghimarylin.junias11.mj@gmail.comClaudya S. Virlynrianamarylin.junias11.mj@gmail.comMichaelis Diana<p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p><em>Most of the Indonesian archipelago is located in active mountainous areas stretching from the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku, to Papua, so there is a chance of earthquakes occurring. Earthquakes cannot be predicted when they will occur, so mitigation efforts are important to reduce loss of life, property loss and environmental damage. Method: The method used in this community service activity is socialization about earthquake disasters as well as mitigation efforts in the school environment and earthquake disaster mitigation simulations. Results: The results of the activity show that the community service activities carried out can increase the value of knowledge and skills in self-rescue during an earthquake which can be seen from the increase in the average value of knowledge before and after being given socialization, training reflexes in carrying out self-rescue steps in the event of an earthquake. sudden earthquake, and increasing students' earthquake disaster preparedness. Conclusion: Increasing students' knowledge and preparedness is expected to reduce the risk of earthquake disasters and loss of life</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Mitigation, education, Earthquake Disaster</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Sebagian besar wilayah kepulauan Indonesia terletak di daerah pegunungan aktif yang terbentang dari Pulau Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku, hingga Papua.sehingga berpeluang terjadi gempa bumi. Gempa bumi tidak dapat diprediksi kapan akan terjadi, sehingga upaya mitigasi penting dilakukan untuk mengurangi korban jiwa, kerugian harta benda, dan kerusakan lingkungan. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sosialisasi tentang bencana gempa bumi serta upaya mitigasi di lingkungan sekolah dan simulasi mitigasi bencana gempa bumi. Hasil : Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan dapat menambah nilai pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam penyelamatan diri pada saat terjadi gempa bumi yang terlihat dari peningkatan rata-rata nilai pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan sosialisasi, melatih refleks dalam melakukan langkah penyelamatan diri jika terjadi gempa mendadak, dan meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan bencana gempa pada siswa. Kesimpulan: Peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesiapsiagaan siswa diharapkan dapat mengurangi risiko bencana gempa bumi dan korban jiwa</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci :</em></strong> <em>Mitigasi, edukasi, Bencana Gempa Bumi</em></p> <p> </p>2024-08-23T07:46:33+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN ADVERSITY QUOTIENT SISWA SMA NEGERI 1 AMARASI BARAT SEBAGAI GENERASI MUDA2024-08-23T08:00:02+00:00Mernon Yerlinda Carlista Magemernonmage@gmail.comTasalina Yohana Prameswari Marlin Yusrianty Pradita<p><em>Adversity Quotient (AQ) is an intelligence that describes a person's resilience in facing or overcoming difficult times in their life. This training aims to provide knowledge to students as the younger generation about the importance of having adversity abilities in facing various life challenges, both now and in the future, as well as how to realize and improve these abilities. Through explanations, discussions and strengthening activities, participants are invited to understand their own potential, be able and willing to motivate themselves to fight and solve problems, as well as skills to increase adversity using the LEAD technique: Listen, Explore, Analyze. and Do (doing). Participants showed a serious and enthusiastic attitude in participating in the entire series of activities, and were able to explain their understanding regarding the adversity quotient ability. In conclusion, as basic training, participants have been able to construct a good understanding of the concept and efforts to increase the adversity quotient through various simple concrete examples in life as a young generation.</em></p>2024-08-23T08:00:01+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN ANTI BULLYING MELALUI KEGIATAN OUTBOND BAGI ANDIKPAS DI LPKA2024-08-25T13:47:11+00:00Juliana Marlin Y Benujuliana_marlyn@yahoo.comIndra Y Pasifikus Christa Lestari Pradita<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The phenomenon of bullying is increasingly prevalent among adolescents. One of the issues faced by young offenders in juvenile detention centers (LPKA) is the challenge of building social relationships with their peers. If this issue of social relations is not addressed early on, it could lead to the emergence of bullying within the LPKA environment. The objectives of this community service activity are: (1) To increase the knowledge of young offenders in LPKA about anti-bullying behavior; (2) To enhance the cooperation skills of young offenders in LPKA through outbound activities. This community service activity was attended by 50 participants, consisting of 25 young offenders, 10 LPKA staff members, and 15 adolescents from the Youth Forum. The activity lasted for 2 days and included 3 main activities: a seminar, outbound activities, and camping. Evaluation results showed an increase in the young offenders' knowledge related to bullying and strengthened cooperation both among the young offenders and with the LPKA staff. This community service activity is expected to serve as a model for similar activities in the development of young offenders in LPKA.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Fenomena bullying berkembang dengan marak di kalangan remaja. Salah permasalahan yang dihadapi Andikpas ketika berada di LPKA adalah permasalah dalam membina relasi sosial antar sesama Andikpas. Permasalahan relasi sosial ini jika tidak ditangani sejak dini dapat berakibat pada munculnya bullying pada lingkungan LPKA. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah: (1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan Andikpas di LPKA tentang perilaku anti-bullying; (2) Meningkatkan kemampuan kerja sama bagi Andikpas di LPKA melalui kegiatan outbond.Kegiatan pengabdian ini diikuti oleh 50 orang peserta yang terdiri dari 25 orang Andikpas, 10 orang petugas LPKA, dan 15 orang remaja dari Forum Remaja. Kegiatan berlangsung selama 2 hari yang terdiri dari 3 aktivitas utama yaitu seminar, outbond, dan camping. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dari Andikpas terkait bullying serta mempererat kerja sama antar andikpas maupun dengan petugas LPKA. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu model contoh kegiatan dalam pembinaan Andikpas di LPKA.</p>2024-08-25T13:47:11+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MEMBANGUN HUBUNGAN PACARAN SEHAT BAGI REMAJA2024-08-25T13:56:52+00:00Shela Christine Ayu<p><em>Adolescence is a period that is not easy because of the changes experienced. One of them appears to be attracted to the opposite sex, so they enter the dating stage. Unhealthy dating can have many negative impacts on teenagers. So it is necessary to provide education regarding building healthy dating relationships for teenagers. This activity is carried out using educational methods with planning, implementation and evaluation stages. The educational methods used are direct education by providing material face-to-face and indirect education using the media, namely leaflets distributed that can be read again. The result of this activity is that there is a change in knowledge among the participants. Based on the pre-test data, the lowest score was 10 and the highest was 90 with a mean score of 51.515. After providing educational equipment, post-test results were obtained with the lowest score being 30 and the highest being 100 with a mean score of 80.606. Educational activities can increase knowledge for teenagers about how to build healthy dating relationships.</em></p>2024-08-25T13:56:52+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENULISAN BUKU CERITA BERGAMBAR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN LITERASI ANAK DI KABUPATEN SABU RAIJUA2024-08-25T14:06:06+00:00Beatriks Novianti Yohanes Saraswati Ayu Samantha<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Low understanding of administrators and teachers about literacy can affect their skills in providing literacy services for children which certainly has a direct impact on children's literacy abilities. Data shows that the Sabu Raijua Regency has a low literacy rate. This is due to limited access to literacy such as libraries, the availability of books, and low understanding and skills from the community about the importance of literacy for children. This PKM aims to build awareness about literacy among teachers at PKG Hawu Timu and PAUD Lobohede Cerdas Hawu Mehara partners and improve their skills in writing their own stories and improving reading corners as literacy media in schools. 17 teachers at PKG Hawu Timu participated in storybook-making training activities and 5 schools in Hawu Mehara received a reading corner improvement package at school. This PKM produced several outputs, namely 17 storybooks written and drawn as a form of implementation of understanding the participants' material, articles in newspaper media, and video activities and will also disseminate through journal articles to be published. </em></p>2024-08-25T14:05:21+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##