<p>RURAL COMMUNITY SERVICE endeavors to disseminate scholarly articles in the form of meticulously conducted research and community service initiatives carried out by individuals or groups, with the aim of benefiting and advancing their community. The focal point and comprehensive scope of the published articles center around community service, community development, and community empowerment, with a particular emphasis on rural and underserved areas. The journal is published biannually, in the months of June and December.</p>Universitas Nusa Cendanaen-USRURAL COMMUNITY SERVICEModifikasi Perilaku Dalam Mengurangi Tingkat Distraksi Pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Undana Angkatan 2022
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to reduce distraction behaviors in psychology students through the application of behavior modification techniques. Six students who frequently exhibited behaviors such as checking their phones, leaving the classroom, and engaging in non-academic interactions were the subjects of the study. Initial analysis revealed that the main contributing factors were difficult material, long lecture duration, easy access to mobile phones, and social disturbances. Combined behavior modification techniques including behavioral contracts, forward chaining, reinforcement, and punishment were employed. The results of this study are expected to contribute to improving student focus and academic performance.</span></p>Avlyn B. R. KawiIfandry M. W. Ndu UfiJoana Jafelyn NdaumanuKeyzha N. NalleClara M. E. NdunMardiana Artati