Analisis Kesulitan Guru SMA dalam Membuat Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
The success of a teaching and learning process is strongly supported by the teacher's ability to design and prepare a plan in the learning implementation plan (RPP). Competency achievement indicators are part of the RPP. Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 23 of 2016 concerning Educational Assessment Standards states that teachers are required to develop indicators of competency achievement (IPK). Improperly preparing indicators has an impact on measuring students' abilities. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. Data were obtained through interviews with 5 (five) high school grade X mathematics teachers. The research results show that there are difficulties for teachers in developing IPK, including: difficulty in selecting appropriate operational verbs, difficulty compiling indicators that could accommodate the diverse characteristics of students, difficulty developing indicators that were higher than the minimum requirements, difficulty developing indicators that guided students to achieve high-level thinking skills.