Mengurangi Kesenjangan Keterampilan Lulusan SMK: Bagaimana Cara Membangun Jaringan Kerjasama Antara SMK dan Industri dalam Berbagi Pengetahuan, Keterampilan dan Informasi
Abstract - This paper discusses how to build a network of school and industry cooperation in the form of knowledge, skills, and information to reduce the skills gap among vocational school graduates. The method used is a critical review of journals and other sources to be assumed with the researcher's thoughts. The conclusions of the study are: 1) building cooperation and strategic partnerships between schools and industry; 2) collaborating on win-win solutions between SMK and industry; 3) increasing the number of job training centers; 4) carrying out a state-of-the-art teaching factory; 5) build a communication network with alums; 6) conduct best practices to improve the quality of graduates; 7) increase students' core competence and core values; 8) improving the quality of instructors; 9) using video tutorial and a portfolio based on e-report skills; 10) continuous quality improvement; 11) using the principle of creative, innovative critical thinking and novelty; 12) develop SMK with local governments.
Keywords: skills gap, cooperation network, vocational school, industry, workforce