Perbandingan Lama Waktu Pengisian Baterai Pada Perangkat Sel Surya Model Konvensional DenganYang Menggunakan Perangkat Solar Tracker

  • Fransiskus F. Goe Ray(1*)
    Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Zet Y. Baitanu(2)
    Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Fransiska F. Seran(3)
    Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Dodi Y. Ndun(4)
    Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Demarci A. Saetban(5)
    Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Solar Cells, Solar Tracker, Electrical Energy


Abstract -This study aims to determine the length of irradiation required to charge the battery in solar cell devices that use a solar tracker, the difference in battery charging time in an electrical energy generation system in the construction of a conventional model solar cell module using a solar tracker and the difference in power efficiency levels. the output of the electrical energy generation system in the construction of a conventional model solar cell module using a solar tracker. This study uses an experimental method on two solar cells where one solar cell is designed with a conventional construction while the other solar cell is designed using a solar tracker device and both models of the device are placed in the sun. The results obtained are the average battery charging time is 3.93 hours with the average battery voltage 11.71 Volts and the average current strength of the battery is 1.32 Ampere with the battery charging condition is 96.5%. This is because when the solar tracker device is installed on the solar cell module so that it can move according to the changing position of the sun, thus the surface of the solar cell module remains in an upright position. The movement of the solar cell module is controlled by the LDR sensor mounted on the solar cell device. Where the LDR sensor functions to send a signal to the Arduino device to then send a command to the servo motor to move the solar cell module to move following the changes in the position of the sun. Where solar cell devices that use a solar tracker provide the absorption of sunlight that can be converted into electrical energy is greater than the absorption of sunlight on solar cell devices with conventional models with high efficiency levels.
Keywords: Solar Cells, Solar Tracker, and Electrical Energy


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