• Fenni Reiningsih Reke(1*)
  • Khalid Moenardy(2)
  • Struce Andrryani(3)
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Carer Development, Employee Retention


This study aims to describe the organizational culture of career development and employee retention at the Kristal Hotel Kupang. Knowing and explaining the influence of organizational culture on employee retention at Kristal Hotel Kupang. Knowing and explaining the effect of career development on employee retention at Kristal Hotel Kupang. To find out and explain the influence of organizational culture and career development on employee retention at Kristal Hotel Kupang. To achieve this goal, the sampling technique used is a saturated sample where all members of the population are used as samples, namely as many as 88 respondents. Measuring data was collected by means of questionnaires, interviews,and documentation. After the data is collected, the data is then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and multiple linear regression analysis. It shows that the organizational culture variable partially. The results show that the respondent has a significant influence on positive employee retention by 3.78 wan with a rating level that is (highly categorized) and the career development variable which has a significant influence on employee retention with a positive rating level assigned by the respondent of 4.28. (very high category) while the employee retention variable has a significant effect with a positive rating level given by the respondent of 3.91 (high category), while simultaneously, these two independent variables have a significant effect on employee retention where based on the value of the adjuster R² the two contributions are 61.1 % and the remaining 38.9% is influenced by other variables outside of this study. It is recommended that Kristal Hotel Kupang need to socialize the goals and organization so that employees will have more awareness to survive in the company, and further researchers who take the same problem need to pay attention to other factors that can affect employee retention such as compensation, physical and non-physical environment and so forth


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How to Cite
Reke, F., Moenardy, K., & Andrryani, S. (2023). PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI DAN PENGEMBANGAN KARIR TERHADAP RETENSI KARYAWAN KRISTAL HOTEL KUPANG. Jurnal Bisnis & Manajemen, 15(1), 216-226. Retrieved from

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