This study aims to find out: (1) The influence of Brand Awareness has a partial effect on the Purchasing Decision of AMDK (Bottled Drinking Water) Le Mineral in Kupang City. (2) The influence of Brand Image has a partial effect on the Purchase Decision of AMDK Le Mineral in Kupang City. (3) The influence of Brand Awareness and Brand Image simultaneously affects the Purchasing Decision of AMDK Le Mineral in Kupang City. The independent variables in this study are Brand Awareness and Brand Image whereas, the dependent variable is Purchase Decision. The number of samples in the study was 100 respondents, with the sampling technique used was Purposive Sampling. Data collection was used using questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis techniques used are quantitative descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing of t test, f test, and coefficient of determination (R2) analysis using the SPSS 26 application. The results of descriptive research show that overall respondents gave a very good perception assessment of Brand Awareness and Brand Image. The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained the equation: Y: Y = 11.910 + 0.241X1 + 0.554X2 + 5.223. The results of the t test show that brand awareness does not have a partial effect on purchasing decisions, while brand image has a partial effect on purchasing decisions. The results of the f test analysis show that brand awareness and brand image simultaneously affect purchasing decisions. Based on the Adjusted R2 value, it shows the contribution of brand awareness and brand image variables by 20.9%. While 79.1% was influenced by other variables outside this study.For this reason, its recommended for further researchers can expand the range of research by adding other independent variants such as price, product availability on the market, and product quality apart from the variables that have been studied in this study. In addition, further researchers should not use brand awareness variables on mature products or brands, and can use other research objects besides Le Minerale, such as Cleo, Nestle Pure Life, Vit, Club, Christalien, Ades, or local AMDK such as Aquamor, Aquafit and others.