Authors are requested to submit papers electronically online at Submitted manuscripts are works that have not been or are not being considered for publication by any journal. Articles are accepted as PDFs typed in Latex or Microsoft Word. Templates can be downloaded on the website.

2.1. Contact

If there are any problems related to article submission or preparation of articles in differential journals, please contact us via


Manuscript can be written in Indonesian or English. The writing of the paper should be brief, concise and clear using standardized language writing rules in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.  The paper should be submitted in PDF form. When submitting the revised version, the author(s) should submit also the source file/editable files.

2.1. Title

The title should be short and concise and should not exceed 15 words. In addition, authors should also provide a "short title" for the running title of the article later. Title using 17pt font size and Palatino type font.

2.2. Authors and Affiliations

Authors should provide their full name along with their affiliation, city, province and country. Avoid using a mailing address. Corresponding authors must provide an active email address.

2.3. Abstract

The abstract should contain the background, research objectives, methods used, research results and implications of these results. The number of words in the abstract should not exceed 250 words.

2.4. Keywords

Authors need to provide a minimum of four keywords and a maximum of eight keywords. Keywords must be related to the topic of  the submitted article.

 2.5. Main Parts of the Article

The main part of the article consists of  Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. The main part of the paper is divided into sections and sub-sections. In the Methods and results, the author can divide the section according to the way the authors want to present the article. For example, in the method section, the section title does not have to be METHODS but can be divided into "Mathematical Model Formulation", "Stochastic Model", "Sensitivity Analysis" and others. In the results section , the author can also divide it into sections according to the story of the article that the author wants to convey. In other words, this division is not rigid as long as it can convey the purpose of writing the article well.

2.6.  Writing Technique

Some writing techniques that need to be considered by the author are as follows 

  • Make sure to use standar English. The authors should check for spelling and grammar. For the spelling, we use the American English.
  • Jurrnal Diferensial uses Palatino font with size 11 and single spacing.

2.7. Table and Figures

Table numbering follows the subsection in which the table is discussed. For example, in results, the table number starts with 3.1, 3.2, and so on. The same applies to figures. Table captions are placed above the table while figure captions are placed below the figure.

2.8. Mathematical Equation

The numbering of mathematical equations corresponds to the sub-section in which the equation is discussed. This is similar to the numbering of tables and figures. For example, equation 3.1 means the first equation (1) in sub-section 3.

 2.9. References

References is written using IEEE style [1–4]. Author is expected to use reference managers such as Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley or BibTex for articles written using Latex. Writing books can be like how to write references [5-6]. How to write references from chapter books like [4] in the reference section. How to refer to articles like [1-2]. How to write references from websites such as [7]..If the doi of the cited article is available, the author is expected to write the DOI of the article in the reference. The references used are current references. Older references are allowed for references that discuss key theories used in the analysis in the paper.    


Acknowledgments are written at the end of the article. Acknowledgments can be given to individuals or institutions that contributed to the writing of this article but cannot be used as authors.


 [1]   M. Z. Ndii, R. I. Hickson, and G. N. Mercer, “Modelling the introduction of Wolbachia into Aedes aegypti to            reduce dengue transmission,” The ANZIAM Journal, vol. 53, no. 03, pp. 213–227, 2012.

[2]   M. Z. Ndii, R. I. Hickson, D. Allingham, and G. N. Mercer, “Modelling the transmission dynamics of               dengue          in the presence of Wolbachia,” Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 262, pp. 157–166, 2015.

[3]    P. J. Neumann, G. D. Sanders, L. B. Russell, J. E. Siegel, and T. G. Ganiats, Cost-Effectiveness in Health and              Medicine. Oxford University Press, 2016.

[4]    S. J. Boccuzzi, “Indirect Health Care Costs,” in Cardiovascular Health Care Economics, W. S. Weintraub, Ed.            Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2003, pp. 63–79.

[5]     Baiduri, Persamaan Diferensial dan Model Matematika. Malang: UMM Press, 2002.

[6]   M. J. Keeling and P. Rohani, Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals. Princeton University                  Press, 2008.

[7]    World Health Organisation, “Dengue,” 2022. teams/health-product-policy-and-                standards/standards-and-specifications/ vaccines-quality/dengue, Last accessed on 2022-12-30.


When revising a manuscript, the authors are encouraged to prepare the revision by answering the concern of reviewers one by one. The template for answering the comments of reviewers can be found here. Furthermore, please the revised part in the manuscript is written with different color.