Author Guidelines

    1. Use the JEEBA (Journal Economic Education, Business and Accounting) guide (Template JEEBA) as template.
    2. Ensure that each new paragraph is clearly indicated. Present tables and figure legends on separate pages at the end of the manuscript.
    3. Number all pages consecutively. Manuscripts should also be spellchecked by the facility available in most good word-processing packages, such as Grammarly.
    4. Extensive use of italics and emboldening within the text should be avoided.
    5. Papers should be clear, precise and logical and should not normally exceed 4,000 words.
    6. The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be 100 to 150 words in length. The abstract should be written in the past tense.
    7. The keyword list provides the opportunity to add keywords, used by the indexing and abstracting services, in addition to those already present in the title. Judicious use of keywords may increase the ease with which interested parties can locate our article.
    8. The Introduction should provide a clear background, a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, the proposed approach or solution, and the new value of research which it is innovation. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
    9. Explaining research chronological, including research design and research procedure. The description of the course of research should be supported references, so the explanation can be accepted scientifically.
    10. Tables and Figures are presented center.
    11. In the results and discussion section should be explained the results and at the same time is given the comprehensive discussion.
    12. A good conclusion should provide a statement that what is expected, as stated in the "Introduction" section can ultimately result in "Results and Discussion" section, so there is compatibility. Moreover, it can also be added the prospect of the development of research results and application prospects of further studies into the next (based on the results and discussion).
    13. References should be cited in text. Only references cited in text should be listed at the end of the paper.
    14. Systematic titles are written in capital letters, bold with 12 fonts, bold, Calisto MT, center-aligned, and single-spaced.
    15. The author's identity is placed under the title of the article, without an academic degree, accompanied by the name of the institution of origin, and the author's email is also included
    16. The journal consists of Abstracts (accompanied by Keywords and using 2 languages namely Indonesian and English), Introduction, Methods, Research Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Bibliography.
    17. Articles are written in Indonesian. Spacing between lines 1 space
    18. The start of each paragraph is indented to the right about 5 beats.
    19. Abstract consists of 150-200 words and keywords of at least 3-5 words and typed in 1 space.
    20. The introduction contains the background, research objectives, and literature review.
    21. The introduction is presented in an integrated manner and uses the correct numbering rules.
    22. The method contains research design, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
    23. The results and discussion contain an explanation of the results of the research accompanied by a discussion of the results of the research.
    24. The conclusion contains the research findings in answering the research questions and is made in the form of paragraphs.
    25. The Reference List contains references referenced in the article and is sorted alphabetically.
    26. The library used is the library of the last 10 years.
    27. Writing a bibliography, citations, tables, and images follows the APA Style rules.
    28. Writing a bibliography uses a Reference Manager like Mendeley.
    29. Duplication and plagiarism check Implement plagiarism application (Turnitin).