Analisis Kekuatan Sambungan Hybrid Komposit Serat Buah Lontar yang Diberi Beban Tarik
Kristomus Boimau, Frits R.A. Pandango, Jefri S. Bale
The use of composite materials in a structure must meet the capability and safety criteria. Included in this case is a fixed connection. The fixed type of connection that is most often used in matrix composite materials is the rivet connection and the adhesive connection. Stages of making specimens Initial treatment using chemical treatment. Then the fiber is cut into a size of 5 cm. then the specimens were formed into hybrid joints (kelling and adhesive) and used single lab joint and double strap butt joint types with a thickness of 4 mm, length 240 mm (single lab joint), 270 mm (double strap butt joint), and width 34 mm. then tensile and bending tests are carried out. From the results of the tensile test, it was found that the hybrid joints of palm leaf fibers with single lab joint joints had the largest tensile stress of 7.36 Mpa, tensile strain 0.42%, tensile elastic modulus of 25.4 Gpa. In the type of double strap butt joint connection the tensile stress is 8.08 MPa, the tensile strain is 0.48%, and the tensile modulus is 18 Gpa. Whereas for bending testing, the single lab joint joint type has a bending stress of 0.050 Mpa, a bending modulus of elasticity of 25.01 Gpa, and a bending moment of 4.8 Nmm. In the type of double strap butt joint connection has a bending voltage of 0.021 Mpa, bending elastic modulus of 12.40 Gpa, and bending moment of 5.85 Nmm. The specimen has a brittle fracture
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