Mapping The Spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Cases with Geographical Information System (GIS) Methods in Waingapu City Sub-District
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by the dengue virus that belongs to group B Arthropod-Borne Virus or known as genus Flavivirus. There was an increase in cases for the last four years. In 2017, the cases reached 57 with the number of deaths of 1 person, 70 cases in 2018, and 228 cases in 2019 claiming the lives of 8 people. In January-May 2020, 58 cases were reported. Disease mapping is necessary to help health workers design disease prevention and solutions to health problems. This study aims to find out dengue cases based on age, gender, a pattern of spread of dengue cases, and mapping the distribution of DHF cases based on population density and the larvae free rate in Waingapu City Subdistrict in 2020. This study was descriptive. The population consisted of all 58 dengue patients in Waingapu City Subdistrict. The sample used a total sampling technique of 58 cases of dengue. The research instrument used plotting observation tables and GPS Essential. The results showed that the distribution of dengue cases was mostly in women and the age group of 0-4 years. The pattern of spread of dengue cases was clustered with an NNI value of 0.35<1. The population density was very dense in all villages in Waingapu City Subdistrict and the number of free larvae was <95% in Kambajawa, Kamalaputi, Hambala, and Mbatakapidu villages. Intervention programs such as eradicating 3M plus mosquito nets should be promoted around the area of dengue incident sites to prevent outbreaks, particularly in the areas with the highest cases.
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