Non MKJP Drugs and Devices Contraceptive in Couples of Childbearing Age as Active Family Planning Acceptors in Oesao Health Center
The pattern of use of non-MKJP in the community is higher than MKJP contraception, both at the provincial and district/city levels in Indonesia. The use of non-MKJP contraception is prone to failure to prevent pregnancy and the rate of discontinuation. This study aims to examine the use of non-MKJP contraceptive devices and drugs on active family planning acceptors in the working area of the Oesao Health Center. This type of research is qualitative with a case study design. 10 participants were taken by purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was the researcher assisted by in-depth interview guidelines. The results of the interviews were analyzed using thematic study techniques. The results showed that there was a knowledge gap between MKJP and non-MKJP contraception, resulting in misinformation, and the use of non-MKJP contraception was only seen from a positive impact. Non-MKJP contraception facilities are fully available at Pustu and Oesao Health Center and are easily accessible. The remote location of the Oesao Health Center causes acceptors to choose to get non-MKJP contraception services at the Pustu. The cost of non-MKJP contraception is affordable. The decision that is in the hands of the wife makes them use non-MKJP contraception. The support of health workers has not had an impact because acceptors trust information from colleagues about family planning more. It is recommended that health workers actively provide counseling about family planning and involve role models so that mothers who are >35 years old and have >3 children want to use MKJP contraception.
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