• Randi Nikanor Niuflapu(1*)
    Mahasiswa Prodi PLS FKIP Undana
  • Gallex Simbolon(2)
    Dosen PRODI PLS FKIP Undana
  • Frans K Selly(3)
    Dosen PRODI PLS FKIP Undana
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: PAUD, CIPPO, Management



This research is motivated by the problem that good quality PAUD can provide short and long term benefits for the lives of students. Through correct management, educational goals are realized optimally, effectively and efficiently. This research method uses qualitative methods and the research location is PAUD Saijaob. The subjects in this research were Saijaob PAUD Managers, Teachers, Committees and Parents of students. Data collection uses interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that management at PAUD Saijaob classified is quite good and needs to be developed. As for the findings obtained in the Context evaluation, cooperation at the beginning of the Saijaob PAUD development between the management, community and village government. Input evaluation, students come from the program environment, registration announcements are via church and verbally, the quality of educators and education staff still have high school diplomas, the infrastructure used is sourced from nature and the community, PAUD Saijaob has collaboration with the village government and POSYANDU. The learning material evaluation process is adapted from national themes, the methods used during the learning process include demonstrations, questions and answers, field trips and the obstacle during the learning process is that teachers do not have the ability to manage the class. Product evaluation of student development from day to day increases is felt by the students' parents. and the Outcome evaluation found that the Saijaob PAUD program is experiencing development day by day and involves the community in the program management process.


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