Resistensi Larva Strongyle sp. Terhadap Albendazole pada Kambing Kacang (Capra hircus) di Indonesia
Nematodiasis is a disease of livestock which caused by nematode infestation. Nematodes in the digestive tract inhibit livestock productivity and increase mortality in young animal. Generally speaking, control of nematodiasis is done by administering anthelmintic from benzimidazole group. Albendazole is the most commonly used anthelmintic. However, continuous use of albendazole in ruminants leads to the development of resistance. The present study aims to not only investigate and evaluate Strongyle sp. larvae resistance to albendazole in Indonesia but also to determine the incident rate of albendazole resistance. This study and references were obtained through Google Scholar and PubMed then arranged using Mendeley. The references are scientific journals, scientific articles, Ebooks and proceedings with "keywords" resistance of Strongyle sp. larvae to albendazole. All references were analyzed and evaluated systematically. The result show that the resistence of Strongyle larvae against albendazole occurred in West Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta with the results of the resistence test was 67%to 89%; 77% and 83%. This results shows that the ability of the drug to treat nematodiasis is no longer optimal. The risk factors of strongyle larvae resistence to albendazole are administering sntihelmintic from the same group continously with inapropriate dose and the ability of worms to develop resistence genes against albendazole.
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