Keragaman Jenis Lalat Penghisap Darah Pada Kuda Sumba (Equus caballus) Di Kabupaten Sumba Timur

  • Rambu Ery Tunggu Djama(1*)
    Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Hewan, Program Studi Kedokteran Hewan
  • Julianty Almet(2)
  • Aji Winarso(3)
  • Dewi F.L Djungu(4)
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Bloodsucking flies, Horses


Flies are a type of ectoparasites that can interfere with the
comfortable life of livestock and act as disease vectors. There
are two types of flies, namely sucking flies and non-bloodsucking flies. Types of bloodsucking flies are Tabanus,
Haematopota, Chrysops, Stomoxys, and Haematobia, while
non-bloodsucking flies are Musca and Hydrotae. The purpose
of this study was to determine the species diversity and
abundance of blood-sucking flies on the Sumba Horse (Equus
caballus) located at Paulangga Farms and Paurat Farms,
Kombapari Village, Katala Hamu Lingu District, East Sumba
Regency. Samples of flies were collected using an insect
tweezers. The flies that were caught were put into an insect
killer bottle, then identified under a microscope according to the
species with the identification key Hadi and Soviana (2010).
Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively using the
relative abundance formula. The identification results showed
that there were 2 (two) types of blood-sucking flies namely
Tabanus sp. on Paulangga farm (38.19%) and Paurat farm (0%)
and Hippobosca sp. on Paulangga farm (61.81%) and Paurat
Farm (100%). Factors that influence to support the diversity of sucking flies are temperature, humidity, food, and breeding


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How to Cite
Tunggu Djama, R., Almet, J., Winarso, A., & Djungu, D. (2023). Keragaman Jenis Lalat Penghisap Darah Pada Kuda Sumba (Equus caballus) Di Kabupaten Sumba Timur. Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara, 6(2), 327-335.

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