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Kelimutu Journal of Community Service (KJCS) is a scientific research journal based on community service. This journal is devoted to community service, especially in the field of education, which includes curriculum development, learning evaluation, learning innovation, teacher professionalism development, classroom action research, various other educational topics, as well as non-educational fields such as Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, language, and engineering. This journal is managed and published by the University of Nusa Cendana, Kupang, NTT. KJCS publishes articles twice a year, in May and November. Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. The author must ensure that the manuscript has been prepared using the KJCS template and of course in accordance with the Author Guidelines. Any manuscript that does not meet the writing rules as specified in the KJCS format will be immediately rejected. Only manuscripts that meet KJCS standards will be further processed.