PETITUM LAW JOURNAL (PELANA) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an international academic platform for cross-border legal research in multiple governance policies and civil rights law, particularly in developing and emerging countries. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as civil law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, air and space law, customary institution law, religious jurisprudence law, international regime law, legal pluralism governance, and another section related to contemporary issues in legal scholarship. 

 Manuscripts that fit the parameters of the PETITUM LAW JOURNAL (PELANA) are invited for submission. Kindly check the details of the peer-review procedure. The peer-review process for articles published in PELANA is double-blind. Therefore, based on the recommendations of the peer reviewers, the Editorial Board will have the last say over whether or not the scientific publication is accepted.

Kindly review and comprehend the author's instructions on the draft manuscript. When submitting a manuscript to the editors, authors are expected to adhere to the author's guidelines and template. The editorial board will reject a submission before it is examined if it follows the standards incorrectly or is formatted differently. A paper can only be accepted by the editorial committee if it satisfies