Peer Review Process

Submitted articles to the editorial board of the Lontar Journal of Community Health will be reviewed, beginning with an initial review by the editor to adjust the focus and scope. Articles that are not in accordance with the focus and scope will be rejected immediately, while articles that are in accordance with the focus and scope will be checked by the editorial team to adjust to the journal template. Furthermore, the article will be sent to reviewers, 2 reviewers who are competent in their respective fields. To maintain the quality and objectivity of the results of the review, the study was conducted by a double-blind peer review. If the results conflict, the editorial board will appoint a third reviewer to review.

Based on the results of the review, the reviewer will give a decision to accept or reject the article with the following conditions:

1). Accept submission;

2). Revisions required;

3). Decline submission.

Articles received with revisions will be returned to the authors for correction. After being corrected in accordance with the input from the reviewer, the article will be published in the Lontar Journal of Community Health.

Lontar : Journal of Community Health