The Relationship of The College Admissions Selection System With The Grade Point Average of Graduates of The Bachelor of Medicine
Background: The Grade Point Average (GPA) is an essential factor in medical
education, since it is used to evaluate the quality of graduates, with a correlation
between a higher GPA and higher-quality doctors. College admission selection
system, which is aimed at identifying prospective students who are most likely to
succeed in completing education at Faculty of Medicine and has Predictive
Validity for undergraduate GPA, is one of factors that can influence GPA.
Objective: Knowing the connection between college admissions selection system
and grade point average for medical graduates.
Methods: This research is an analytic observational study using a Cross
Sectional design conducting to utilize a questionnaire on medical graduates for
2020 and 2021 periods. Total Sampling was utilized with a total sample size of
125 people (57 medical graduates for 2020 period and 68 medical graduates for
2021 period) who matched the research criteria. The research was evaluated
univariately and bivariately using Somers'd correlation and One Way ANOVA
tests, respectively.
Result: The bivariate analysis for medical graduates for 2020 period produced a
p value = 0.349. For medical graduates, a value p = 0.001 and r = 0.280 were
obtained for 2021 period. The value of p = 0.010 was achieved in the One Way
ANOVA test.
Conclusion: For 2020 period, there is no relationship to college admission
selection system and GPA of medical graduates. However, for 2021 period, there
is a significant relationship between college admission selection system and GPA
of medical graduates, and relationship is included in a weakly positive
correlation. In addition, the average GPA of medical graduates varies according
on college admission selection system. Graduates who enter tertiary institutions
by SNMPTN route have the highest average GPA, followed by those who enter
through SBMPTN and SMMU.
Keywords: College Admissions Selection System, GPA, Medical Graduate
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