Correlation Between Duration And Frequency Online Lecture With Conference Fatigue At Medical Faculty University Nusa Cendana
Background : The learning process during the pandemic outbreak in various
educational institutions is very diverse. The online learning system is implemented
using various types of videoconferencing applications. It is known that there are
still many students who does not know the impact of conference fatigue when
carrying out the online learning process.
Objective: To analyze the correlation between the duration and frequency of online
lectures with the incidence of conference fatigue among medical students at the
University Nusa Cendana.
Method : The research process is an observational analytic with a cross sectional
design carried out on students of the Faculty of Medicine, University Nusa Cendana
batch 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. Sampling was carried out using the simple
random method and obtained as many as 137 respondents. Data were taken using
an online lecture duration and frequency questionnaire and Zoom Exhaustion and
Fatigue Scale (ZEF Scale) questionnaire which had been translated. Data were
analyzed univariately and bivariately using the Pearson Correlation Test.
Result : From 137 respondents, it was found that 51.8% of respondents experienced
moderate level of conference fatigue, followed by 40.9% of respondents
experienced low level of conference fatigue, the remaining 7.3% experienced high
level of conference fatigue. Based on the results of the bivariate test, it was found
that there was a significant relationship between the duration and frequency of
online lectures on conference fatigue.
Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between the duration and frequency
of online lectures on conference fatigue among students of the Faculty of Medicine,
University Nusa Cendana.
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