Description of Sanitation Implementation at Budget Hotels in Kupang City

  • Yunita Badi Nau(1*)
    Universitas Nusa Cendana
  • Johny A.R. Salmun(2)
  • Soni Doke(3)
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: implementation of sanitation, budget hotels


Hotel sanitation is an effort to monitor the health of the hotel environment which aims to create comfort, security, tranquility, and health for all hotel residents. Jasmine hotel is a type of jasmine hotel that is visited by many consumers because it is affordable to the community, especially the middle class, local or international. In its operational activities, hotel facilities need to be monitored continuously. A decrease in health standards can support disease transmission among hotel residents. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of environmental sanitation and hotel buildings, sanitation of hotel rooms and rooms, the health of hotel sanitation facilities, the health of employees, and a picture of overall hotel sanitation. This type of research is descriptive with a survey approach. This research was conducted in Kupang City from February to March 2022, with a population of 42 hotels in the Kupang city area, while the sample taken was 10 budget hotels. This study uses univariate analysis (percentage analysis) based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. RI. 80 of 1990 concerning Hospitality Health Requirements and Decree of the Director General of PPM and PLP No. 95 of 1991 concerning Hotel Inspection Assessment and presented in the form of tables and narratives. The results showed that in environmental and building sanitation it was found that 8 hotels (80%) met the health requirements, while 2 hotels (20%) did not meet the health requirements; in room and hotel room health sanitation, it was found that all the hotels studied met the health requirements; on the health of sanitation facilities it was found that all hotels met the health requirements; while on the health of employees it was found that 6 hotels (60%) met the requirements and 4 of them did not meet the health requirements. The results of the analysis of all variables showed that all the hotels studied met the health requirements because they had met the minimum standard for jasmine hotel sanitation, namely 75% of the total value of 841. The hotel is advised to further improve the health of hotel sanitation, especially those related to strong hotel fences, area of ​​rooms, employee rest rooms, walls, roofs, ceilings, toilets, warehouses, linen rooms, trash cans, work clothes and employee health certificates.


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How to Cite
Nau, Y., Salmun, J., & Doke, S. (2023). Description of Sanitation Implementation at Budget Hotels in Kupang City. Timorese Journal of Public Health, 5(1), 46-56.

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