• Lukas L Daga(1*)
  • (*) Corresponding Author


Abstrak dan kata kunci

Kemajuan teknologi saat ini telah membawa perubahan dalam cara manusia berinteraksi. Komunikasi tatap muka mulai berkurang dengan adanya penerapan teknologi dalam berkomunikasi. Walaupun mengalami perubahan, tetapi dalam prosesnya, penerapan komunikasi berbasis teknologi juga menerapkan sejumlah prinsip yang ada didalam dunia nyata termasuk etika berkomunikasi. Hal ini makin terasa di masa pandemic Covid – 19 yang terjadi saat ini. Atas dasar situasi ini maka tim penulis tertarik untuk melakukan kegiatan PKM bertema etika berkomunikasi melalui video online khususnya bagi mahasiswa. Mahasiswa dipilih sebagai mitra kegiatan ini karena mereka dianggap sebagai pihak yang cukup terkena dampak perubahan mendadak ini, dimana mereka perlu diperkuat secara kapasitas untuk bisa tetap mengikuti proses perkuliahan online dengan tetap memenuhi standar akademik yang ada. Adapun mahasiswa yang menjadi target sekaligus mitra kegiatan PKM ini adalah mahasiswa baru dari prodi ilmu komunikasi dan prodi ilmu politik, Fisip, Undana.

Kata kunci: Etika, Komunikasi, Akademik, Online



Current technological advances have brought changes in the way humans interact. Face-to-face communication began to decrease with the application of technology in communication. Even though it has changed, however in the process, the application of technology-based communication also applies a number of principles that exist in the real world including communication ethics. This is even more pronounced during the Covid - 19 pandemic. Based on this situation, the writers were interested in carrying out PKM activities under the theme of communication ethics through online videos, especially for students. Students were chosen as partners in this activity because they were considered as parties who were quite affected by this sudden change, where their capacity was needed to be strengthened in order to be able on following the online lecture process while still meeting the academic standards. The students who were being the partners of this PKM were new students from the communication science and political science study programs, FISIP, Undana.

 Keywords: Ethics, Communication, Academic, Online


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How to Cite
Daga, L. (2020). ETIKA KOMUNIKASI AKADEMIK MAHASISWA MELALUI VIDEO ONLINE. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Undana, 27-32.

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