This research aimed to evaluate the effect of replacing fish meal by moringa leaf meal in the concentrate on blood metabolite of goats fed silage of kume grass-gliriciadia leaf mixture. Four male kacang goats aged 1-1.5 year with average initial body weight of 21.14 ± 1.06 kg and coeficient variation 4.13 % were used in this experiment. The experimental design was a latin square consisting of 4 treatments and 4 periode as replication. The treatments were K0 = silage mixture of kume grass-gliricidia leaf + concentrate with containing 100% of fish meal; K25 = mixture silage of kume grass-gliricidia leaf + concentrate with containing 75% of fish meal and 25% of moringa leaf meal; K50 = mixture silage of kume grass-gliricidia leaf + concentrate with containing 50% of fish meal and 50% of moringa leaf meal; K75 = mixture silage of kume grass-gliricidia leaf + concentrate with containing 75% of fish meal and 25% of moringa leaf meal. Results showed that treatment had no effect (P>0,05) on blood glucose, ureum, cholesterol and total protein plasm. It can be concluded that moringa leaf meal can be used as fish meal replacement up to 75%.
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