PENGARUH WAKTU EKUILIBRASI TERHADAP KUALITAS SEMEN BEKU BABI LANDRACE DALAM PENGENCER DURASPERM TERMODIFIKASI (Effect of equilibration time on the quality of landrace boar frozen semen in modified durasperm extender)
This study aims to determine the effect of equilibration time on the quality of landrace spermatozoa both pre- and post-freezing and to find the best equilibration time. The materials used is fresh semen collected from a 2,5 years old landrace boar. Collecting was carried out twice per week using the glove hand method. Semen of good quality (sperm motility ≥70%, sperm concentration ≥200 x 106 cells/ml, and percentage of sperm abnormalities ≤15%) was diluted with durasperm that had been modified with lontar fruit juice, while the cryoprotectants used glycerol and sucrose. Holding time was carried out for 2 hour at 27-28°C, centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 15 minutes, and the sperm sediment was diluted with the same diluent. After that, the liquid semen was packed in a 0.5 mL straw and equilibrated at 3-5°C for 1 (P1), 2 (P2), or 3 hours (P3). The freezing of semen was carried out on the surface of liquid nitrogen at a distance of 5 cm for 10 minutes, and then stored in a liquid nitrogen container. Thawing is done by placing the frozen semen straws in warm water (37°C) for 30 seconds. The research data were analyzed with analysis of variance and continued with the Duncan test. The results showed that the equilibration time at 2 hours (P2) gave the best results (P<0,05) with the mean percentage of motility, viability, abnormality, intact plasma membrane and recovery rate respectively were 30,62%, 58,21%, 4,68%, 58,94% and 43,74%. It was concluded that the equilibration time did not affect the quality of pre-freezing spermatozoa, but it did affect the quality of post-freezing spermatozoa with the best equilibration time to maintain the quality of frozen semen of landrace boar was 2 hours.
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