This study was aimed to determining the effect of complete feed with a ratio of different rice straw and concentrate on rumen fermentation parameters female kacang goat, has been carried out at Large Hall Training Farm Noelbaki, Regency of Kupang, from 19th March until 28th May 2015. This experiment used 12 females kacang goat with experimental method a Randomized Block Design. There were three kind of treatments ((R1= rice straw 80% + concentrate 20%, R2= rice straw 70% + concentrate 30%., R3= rice straw 60% + concentrate 40%) and four replications. The result showed the treatment had not significant effect on pH (R1= 6,20, R2= 6,22 dan R3= 6,08), NH3 (R1= 5,16, R2= 4,95 dan R3= 5,37). While the effect on the treatment of partial VFA : acetic acid (R1= 17,16 R2= 9,62 dan R3= 14.09), propionic acid (R1= 4,31 R2= 2,99 dan R3= 4,97) and butyric acid has no effect (R1= 3,25 R2= 2,44 dan R3= 2,97). It treatment was concluded that ratio rice straw and concentrate was influenced to the acetic acid and propionic acid, but there were no influenced to the pH, NH3 and butyric acid.
Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pakan komplit dengan rasio jerami padi dan konsentrat yang berbeda terhadap parameter fermentasi rumen kambing kacang betina, telah dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Pelatihan Peternakan (BBPP) Noelbaki, Kabupaten Kupang dari tanggal 19 Maret sampai 28 Mei 2015. Penelitian menggunakan kambing kacang betina sebanyak 12 ekor dengan metode eksperimental Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Terdapat tiga jenis perlakuan (R1= jerami padi 80% + Konsentrat 20%, R2= jerami padi 70% + Konsentrat 30%., R = jerami padi 60% + Konsentrat 40%) dengan empat ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pH (R1= 6,20, R2= 6,22 dan R3= 6,08), NH3 (R1= 5,16, R2= 4,95 dan R3= 5,37). Sedangkan VFA Parsial perlakuan berpengaruh terhadap Asam asetat (R1= 17,16 R2= 9,62 dan R3= 14.09), Asam Propionat (R1= 4,31 R2= 2,99 dan R3= 4,97) dan asam Butirat tidak berpengaruh (R1= 3,25 R2= 2,44 dan R3= 2,97). Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian jerami padi dan konsentrat berpengaruh terhadap asam asetat dan propionat, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap pH, NH3 dan asam butirat.
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