The aims of this study were to determine the best level of additional extracts Noni juice in the egg yolk citrate diluent on motility and viability of spermatozoa of landrace pig. The study was conducted following a completely randomized design with 5 treatments (P0 = 0%; P1 = 1%; P2 = 2%; P3 = 3%; P4 = 4%) and 4 times of ejaculated from two different landrace pigs. The treatments were placed on a cool box at a temperature of 17-19oC for further obserrvation of the motility and viability in every 4 hour intervals until the spermatozoa landrace pigs was<40%. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 17. Additional of extracts noni juice in the egg yolk citrates diluent at level of 3% was significantly different for the average volume (212.50 ± 47.87 ml), motility (78.75 ± 4.79) and viability (84.23 ± 3.90) compared with the other treatments. In addition, a significant different between treatments were also observed for the concentration of spermatozoa (29.44 ± 250) and abnormality (14.99 ± 3.25). Motility of spermatozoa was observed after 32 hours of storage at the level of 3% of additional extracts noni juice in the egg yolk citrate diluent. However, there was no different between treatments on pH values.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui level terbaik dari penambahan sari buah mengkudu dalam pengencer sitrat kuning telur terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa babi landrace. Penelitian mengunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dengan 4 kali ejakulat dari 2 ekor babi landrace yang berbeda. Perbedaan perlakuan dari pengencer sari buah mengkudu antara lain P0 (0%), P1 (1%), P2 (2%), P3 (3%), P4 (4%). Simpan perlakuan pada coolboox dengan suhu 17-19oC selanjutnya diamati setiap 4 jam sampai motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa babi landrace < 40%. Data dianalisis menggunakan software SPSS versi 17. Hasil penelitian semen segar yang diperoleh menunjukan volume rata-rata 212,50±47,87 ml pH 7,28±0,15 motilitas 78,75±4,79 viabilitas 84,23±3,90 konsentrasi 250±29,44 abnormalitas 14,99±3,25 yang digunakan, pengaruh penambahan sari buah mengkudu terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas nyata berbeda dengan perlakuan lainnya, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata terhadap nilai pH. Pada penelitian level terbaik dengan penambahan sari buah mengkudu 3% dalam pengencer sitrat kuning telur dan motilitas dicapai pada jam ke 32 penyimpanan.
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