The aims of this study were to know the effect of honey bee inclusion on water content, protein, fat, cholesterol and lipid oxidation of smoked chiken broiler. Twelve - 5 months old broiler chicken (average carcass weight 1.319 kg) were used in this study following a Completely randomized design (CRD)) 4 x 3 was used in this experiment. The treatments were P0 = without honey bee inclusion (control), P1 = inclusion of 5% honey bee, P2 = inclusion of 10% honey bee, and P3 = inclusion of 15% honey bee. The data was analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan test to determine the differences among means. There was a highly significantly different (P<0, 01) between treatments on protein, fat and cholesterol content. There was a significant different (P<0, 05) between treatments also recorded for lipid oxidation but not significant (P>0, 05) for water content of smoked broiler chiken. The inclusion of honey bee reduced the protein and cholesterol content and lipid oxidation, but increased the fat content of smoked broiler chicken. Therefore, it can be concluded that inclusion of 10% and 15% honey bee had the best quality of smoked broiler chiken.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan madu dalam pengolahan ayam asap terhadap kadar air, protein, lemak, kolesterol dan laju oksidasi lemak. Sebanyak 12 ekor ayam broiler (umur 5 minggu; berat karkas rata-rata 1.319 g) digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengikuti pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 4 x 3. Adapun perlakuan yang dikenakan adalah: P0 = tanpa pemberian madu (kontrol), P1 = pemberian madu 5%, P2 = pemberian madu 10%, P3 = pemberian madu 15%. Analisa data menggunakan analiys of variance (ANOVA) dilanjut dengan uji Duncan untuk mengetahui perbedaan diantara perlakuan. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kandungan protein, lemak dan kolesterol, berpengaruh nyata (P(<0,05) terhadap oksidasi lemak, tapi tidak berpengaruh (P> 0,05) pada kandungan air ayam broiler asap. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian madu menurunkan kadar protein, kadar kolesterol dan memperlambat laju oksidasi lemak, tapi meningkatkan kadar lemak ayam asap. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kualitas ayam asap terbaik adalah pada pemberian madu 10% dan 15%.
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