An Analysis of Indonesian and English Slang Expression Used by Teenagers in Ikatan Pemuda Mahasiswa Kisar-Kupang Community
This study analysed slang in types and meanings. This study was conducted to answer the writer's questions, such as: (1) What are the types of slang words used by teenagers in the Ikatan Pemuda Mahasiswa Kisar- Kupang community? (2) What is the meaning of slang words used by ikatan pemuda mahasiswa Kisar- Kupang community? This study aimed to identify the types of slang words used by teenagers in Ikatan Pemuda Mahasiswa Kisar- Kupang community and to describe the meaning of slang used by teenagers in Ikatan Pemuda Mahasiswa Kisar- Kupang community. The type of method used was a qualitative method. The data analyzed the slang words based on Allan et al theory (2006). In this study, the writer selected five people as the informants who come from Ikatan Pemuda Mahasiswa Kisar-Kupang Community. The writer used some techniques like observation, interview and note-taking to collect the data. There were some techniques to analyse, identify and describe. The result shows that (1) there were five types of slang words used by the participants. They were: Flippant, Imitative, Fresh and Creative, Clipping, and Acronym (2) slang usually has meaning, and the meaning is based on the context of the speaker in conveying information to the listener. There are five meanings here, namely conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, and collocative meaning (3) each of the slang words has its own meaning which can be understood constantly and may only be known by the members of the group.