Author Guidelines
Submission of a manuscript to Jurnal Communio must meet the following requirements:
- The manuscript to be published in the Jurnal Communio must be based on real research results and have never been published in any other media or are not being edited in periodical journals elsewhere.
- The manuscript is typed in Bahasa Indonesia or English between 3,000 and 5,000 words in length, using Times New Roman, 12 pts, double-spaced, margin 2.5 cm, and put page number at the bottom right.
- Writing Format and systematics as follows: article title, author's name, abstract, introduction, research method, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography.
- Title, written in Bahasa Indonesia or English and does not exceed 2 (two) lines containing a maximum of 15 words that describe the essence of the whole article. The title is typed using Times New Roman, 14 pts, single-space, bold, and center.
- Name of author(s) and institution. The names of the authors (maximum 4 people) are written without any academic degree, religious title, or position and status, and then followed by the name and address of the institution of origin of the authors and the email and telephone number of the corresponding author. This section is typed using Times New Roman, 10 pts, single-space, and center.
- Abstract. Articles must include abstracts both in Bahasa Indonesia and English with a length of 150-200 words, typed using Times New Roman, 10 pts, single-space, and justify. The abstract should contain background, problem statement, objectives, method, research findings, and conclusion.
- Keywords. Written in Bahasa Indonesia (for Indonesian language manuscript) and English (for English article). It consists of 3 to 5 relevant words.
- Introduction. Begin with subtitle INTRODUCTION, in capital letter, 12 pts, bold. It contains a research background, literature review, research questions, and or research objectives with a length between 300 to 1,000 words. This section is may not use another subtitle.
- Method. Begin with the subtitle METHOD, in capital letter, 12 pts, bold. It consists of research methods, procedures or data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques, with a length of 100 to 500 words. This section is may not use another subtitle.
- Research Findings. Begin with subtitle RESEARCH FINDINGS, in capital letter, 12 pts, bold. The research findings contain a description of the research results based on the research objectives. It can be supported with relevant tables, figures, graphics, and or photographs.
- After the research results, it’s followed by a discussion section that begins with the subtitle "DISCUSSION", in capital letter, 12 pts, bold. This part should interpret and describe in academic elaboration such as comparing the findings of the results with relevant theories as well as previous studies. The length of the research findings and discussion section is 1,500 to 3,000 words. The research and discussion section is not recommended using another subtitle.
- Conclusions. It starts with the subtitle CONCLUSIONS, in capital letter, 12 pts, bold. The conclusions should reflect key statements in response to questions and or research objectives. Length: 150-500 words. This section may not use another subtitle.
- Bibliography. It starts with the subtitle BIBLIOGRAPHY, in capital letter, 12 pts, bold.
- The list of references must contain the sources referred to in the article, and all of them must be listed in the list of references. Reference at least 25 sources of literature and it is recommended that 80% come from journal articles published in no more than 10 years.
- The citation uses parenthesis referral style (last name, year), for example: (Liliweri, 2016). The bibliography is sorted alphabetically and only includes the source of the literature stated in the article. The writing technique follows the APA 7 style which uses single-space, sorted alphabetically, like the example below:
Liliweri, A. (2016). Konfigurasi Dasar Teori-teori Komunikasi Antar Budaya. Bandung: Nusamedia
Book compiled by several authors:
Morley, D., & Silverstone, R. (2005). Domestic Communication: Technologies and Meanings. In David Morley (ed), Television, Audiences and Cultural Studies (h. 191–202). London and New York: Routledge.
Perry, D.K. (2001). Theory and Research in Mass Communication: Contexts and Consequences. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. Retrieved from <>
Sulaiman, A. I., Sugito, T., & Sabiq, A. (2016). Komunikasi pembangunan partisipatif untuk pemberdayaan buruh migran. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 13(2), 233-252.
Setianto, Y.P. (2011). Berita Konflik: Suatu Kritik Peran Media sebagai Ruang Publik dan Pilar Demokrasi. <>
Newspaper or Magazine Article:
Pariangu, U.T.W. (2019, Oktober 31). Masa depan suram demokrasi kita. Koran Tempo, h.4.
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003.tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. (2003). Jakarta: Depdiknas.
Unpublished Scientific Work (Thesis, Dissertation, and Research Report)
Robot, M. (2010). Strategi Komunikasi Masyarakat Perbatasan WNI-Indonesia dan Oecusse Timor Leste. Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Nusa Cendana. Kupang, Indonesia.
Articles can be uploaded via the OJS system:
The author(s) will get free 2 exemplars of hard copies of the journal. For ordering additional hard copies, it will be charged Rp.50.000/exemplar (excluding shipping costs). For orders from abroad, it will only be served if the minimum order is 10 copies.
For more detailed information, please contact the principal or support contact.
- Journal templates can be accessed here.