Author Fees and Waiver Policy

Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article submission: free of charge

Article-processing charges: 250,000 IDR (or 20 USD). The author must pay the fee once the article has been accepted. Author(s) can pay the fee by Bank Wire Transfer. 

Note: Fees for the article that have been withdrawn will not be refunded


Waiver Policy

As a journal with academic goals in developing countries, we admit that a writer with a student background at the University of Nusa Cendana may have limited funds for his research activities. Therefore, we have implemented a generous waiver system that can offset the payment of manuscript handling fees when their researchers choose to publish their manuscripts in our journal. Our main objective as stated in our mission is to accelerate the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of free and quality research articles. We continue to pursue this goal, without burdening researchers or their institutions financially. Therefore, we have implemented the following waiver policies.

Authors from the University of Nusa Cendana Students: IDR 150,000
Authors from Low/Middle Income Countries Students: up to 40% waiver

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