Umur bibit 25 hari dan bibit kultur jaringan jenis Kappaphycus alvarezii terhadap pertumbuhan dan kandungan karaginan
This research was conducted to determine the growth rate and carrageenan content in Kappahycus alvarezii seaweed by comparing the use of 25-day-old selection seeds, unselected seeds and tissue culture seeds. This research was carried out in Oenaek waters for 3 months. observations of growth directly in the cultivation site while for carrageenan content were carried out at the Undana FPKP Laboratory. The results showed that the use of 25-day-old selection seeds can increase the growth rate and carrageenan content in seaweed. The highest absolute growth reached 267.8 grams, while the highest daily growth was 5.146%/gr as well as the carrageenan content which reached 6.32%.
Keywords: Selected seeds aged 25 days, carrageenan content, Kappaphycus alvarezii.